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Alice Cartelet Kiniro Mosaic

Alice Cartelet from Kiniro Mosaic | CV: Manami Tanaka | INFO

Quotes from Alice Cartelet Come on, Shino!
― Alice Cartelet
CV: Manami Tanaka
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Quotes from Alice Cartelet Why?!
― Alice Cartelet
CV: Manami Tanaka
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Quotes from Alice Cartelet Her name's Karen.
― Alice Cartelet
CV: Manami Tanaka
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Quotes from Alice Cartelet Her dad's Japanese, and he's the one who taught me Japanese.
― Alice Cartelet
CV: Manami Tanaka
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Quotes from Alice Cartelet I'm sure you'd get along with her, Shino.
― Alice Cartelet
CV: Manami Tanaka
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Quotes from Alice Cartelet Houon Shatoku.
― Alice Cartelet
CV: Manami Tanaka
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Quotes from Alice Cartelet Could I see your albums next time?
― Alice Cartelet
CV: Manami Tanaka
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Quotes from Alice Cartelet It stopped raining!
― Alice Cartelet
CV: Manami Tanaka
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Quotes from Alice Cartelet That could be it.
― Alice Cartelet
CV: Manami Tanaka
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Quotes from Alice Cartelet Look!
― Alice Cartelet
CV: Manami Tanaka
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