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Shin Megami Tensei (Series)
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Persona 5 is a fantasy based on reality which follows a group of troubled high school students: the protagonist and a collection of compatriots he meets. These disturbed and troubled teenagers gradually realize that they are living in a toxic and dangerous world resembling a prison full of slavery, oppression and injustice, ruled by corrupted and twisted adults. They can't live with the system and can't live without it, and simply existing means they are at risk of being doomed and condemned to a life of slavery.


Series ID 104864
Media Type Video Game
Title Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 5
English Title Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 5
Romaji Title Perusona 5
Furigana Title ペルソナ5
Japanese Title ペルソナ5
Japanese Studio Name アトラス
English Studio Name Atlus
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Content Rating M - Mature
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Character Popularity * 642
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