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ID 60984
Name Arashi Shinozuka
Other Names 嵐篠塚
Role Unsorted
Primary Assignment Gad Guard
Media Type anime
Voiced By Fumiko Orikasa, 折笠富美子, おりかさ ふみこ
Voiced By Kari Wahlgren, ,
Age 16

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Anime girl Arashi Shinozuka is a character from Gad Guard.

They have been indexed as Female Teen with Blue eyes and Black hair that is To Chest length.


The daughter of a great martial-artist, Arashi left her home in Day Town to live on her own in Night Town, going to the same neighborhood catholic school as Hajiki and his friends. She ran away from home feeling she would never be good enough for her father, who expected before her birth to have a son, only to be disappointed with a daughter instead. She was given a boy's name because he had so dearly wanted a son, and instead had to settle with her. She never felt as if she were good enough for him, no matter how she excelled in the martial arts, so she left to claim her freedom perhaps far sooner than she should have.
Trait Appears as Official
Gender Female
Eye Color Blue
Hair Color Black
Hair Length To Chest
Apparent Age Teen
Animal Ears No

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