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ID 89483
Name Yuuri Kamiyama
Other Names 神山 優理 (かみやま ゆうり)
Role Unsorted
Primary Assignment Mesu Kyoushi 4: Kegasareta Kyoudan
Media Type h-game
Voiced By Yuri Himuro, 氷室 百合, ひむろ ゆり
Height 163cm
Bust 92cm
Waist 59cm
Hip 89cm

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Anime girl Yuuri Kamiyama is a character from Mesu Kyoushi 4: Kegasareta Kyoudan.

They have been indexed as Female Adult with Blue eyes and Purple hair that is Hip / Past Hip length.


A woman born in the nation's most prominent family of educators as the only daughter, from a very young age she was raised with gifted education in order to be in a position to instruct people.
While still young she acquired knowledge in leading people, and while maintaining a kind manner she has dignified, calm solemnity.
In addition to the talent she was born with, her diligent personality makes her learning ability exceptionally high, and no matter what she does she ends up absorbing the skill right away.
Demonstrating this ability, she's earned many excellent grades, and right away took on the burden of her family's expectations.
Still in her youth she was entrusted with Seishuu Academy's opening project, which she accomplished and then took up the position of principal.
She's proud of her family lineage's calling of teaching people, and also has made it her life's goal to fulfill her duty as a worthy teacher, like her respected predecessors.
When it comes to education she gets fired up with extraordinary enthusiasm, and if she can make others happy, she's the type to do whatever she can.
For the sake of her students she's willing to put her life on the line, as principal, firmly opposing anything that threatens them.
Trait Appears as Official
Gender Female
Eye Color Blue
Hair Color Purple
Hair Length Hip / Past Hip
Apparent Age Adult
Animal Ears No


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