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Taizou Masaki : Yuto, let's go to the beach! (0:00:06.94)
Yuuto Amakawa : What's up with you, Taizo? (0:00:09.40)
Rinko Kuzaki : What's gotten into you all of a sudden? (0:00:10.86)
Himari Noihara : The beach? (0:00:14.24)
Taizou Masaki : Yes! In other words you go there to relax! (0:00:15.24)
Taizou Masaki : Relieving your body and mind simultaneously, the intimate communication will- (0:00:18.95)
Yu Shimamura : Calm down. (0:00:22.71)
Taizou Masaki : Wha- Class Rep. (0:00:23.87)
Yu Shimamura : Well as a gesture of friendship, why don't we all go to the beach, (0:00:25.71)
Yu Shimamura : to welcome our new transfer student Noihara-san? (0:00:29.38)
Rinko Kuzaki : I see. (0:00:33.59)
Himari Noihara : I don't mind going as long as the Young Master goes. (0:00:34.59)
Taizou Masaki : Idiot Lord, you'll come, right? (0:00:38.68)
Yuuto Amakawa : S-Sure. (0:00:40.18)
Taizou Masaki : All right, it's settled then. (0:00:41.52)
Yuuto Amakawa : What? Why do I have to go? (0:00:44.81)
Himari Noihara : Isn't taking a woman shopping a gentleman's duty? (0:00:47.11)
Yuuto Amakawa : But swimsuit shopping? (0:00:51.03)
Himari Noihara : I don't have any. (0:00:53.84)
Himari Noihara : Or do you prefer to see me swim naked? (0:00:55.82)
Yuuto Amakawa : Himari! (0:01:02.08)
Himari Noihara : Don't worry, you just need to choose. (0:01:04.46)
Himari Noihara : Well then, thanks in advance! (0:01:07.46)
Yuuto Amakawa : Himari! (0:01:10.59)
Yuuto Amakawa : I don't know anything about swimsuits. (0:01:12.34)
Yuuto Amakawa : Oh right, I'll invite Rinko. (0:01:15.84)
Yuuto Amakawa : What's with the sudden rain? (0:01:27.69)
Shizuku : Forget it, Demon Slayer. (0:01:30.19)
Yuuto Amakawa : What was that? (0:01:33.19)
Shizuku : Forget everything. (0:01:35.33)
Yuuto Amakawa : Forget? (0:01:38.80)
Shizuku : If you don't, you will... (0:01:40.49)
Shizuku : Die! (0:01:43.11)
EXTRA : Seagull Scramble (0:03:31.35)
Yuuto Amakawa : And I didn't hear that voice since then. (0:03:37.15)
Himari Noihara : I see. What a pity. (0:03:40.82)
Himari Noihara : If I had been there, I would've cut down that mysterious fellow in one blow. (0:03:43.49)
Rinko Kuzaki : Do you really have to carry that thing around with you? (0:03:48.91)
Himari Noihara : I'm the Young Master's bodyguard. (0:03:53.37)
Himari Noihara : I always have to carry this Yasutsuna with me. (0:03:56.13)
Himari Noihara : The Young Lord was indeed assaulted by an Ayakashi... (0:03:59.92)
Himari Noihara : the moment I took my eyes off him. (0:04:02.51)
Yuuto Amakawa : I wasn't really attacked. (0:04:05.76)
Yuuto Amakawa : I didn't really understand what happened. (0:04:07.89)
Himari Noihara : Master, you shouldn't listen to them. (0:04:10.64)
Himari Noihara : Next time, before they have a chance to speak... (0:04:14.19)
Himari Noihara : I'll kill them. (0:04:17.32)
Rinko Kuzaki : I still can't believe monsters like that actually exist. (0:04:19.65)
Himari Noihara : Have you forgotten, Rinko? (0:04:25.57)
Himari Noihara : The monster you're referring to is right in front of you. (0:04:30.29)
Himari Noihara : Master, which one should I try on? (0:04:53.94)
Himari Noihara : Something with lot of fabric or with little fabric? (0:04:56.81)
Himari Noihara : Or maybe one with strings? (0:04:59.15)
Yuuto Amakawa : I-Idiot! Don't be so loud! (0:05:00.36)
Himari Noihara : Honestly... (0:05:07.49)
Himari Noihara : Why did we come here together if you aren't even gonna choose? (0:05:09.33)
Rinko Kuzaki : This feeling! (0:05:13.91)
Rinko Kuzaki : 87? Or even 88? (0:05:15.21)
Himari Noihara : W-What are you doing? (0:05:18.17)
Rinko Kuzaki : I'm sure you've never measured them properly. (0:05:20.84)
Rinko Kuzaki : And can't you at least wear a bra? (0:05:23.30)
Himari Noihara : Who wears it under a kimono? (0:05:25.93)
Rinko Kuzaki : How come your breasts are this big, anyway? (0:05:28.51)
Rinko Kuzaki : What does a cat have to eat to have breasts that big? (0:05:31.97)
Himari Noihara : Stop! (0:05:36.35)
Yuuto Amakawa : Will you cut it out already? (0:05:38.65)
Himari Noihara : What do you think? (0:05:54.41)
Himari Noihara : What about this? (0:05:58.92)
Himari Noihara : How about this one? (0:06:03.55)
Rinko Kuzaki : I see, the sexy ones look better on you. (0:06:07.43)
Himari Noihara : In that case... (0:06:12.35)
Himari Noihara : Is this the one? (0:06:16.10)
Himari Noihara : Should I take this one? (0:06:22.36)
Himari Noihara : I'll take it to the counter. (0:06:24.36)
Yuuto Amakawa : D-Did she find out? (0:06:27.53)
EXTRA : Ma'am? (0:06:39.79)
Himari Noihara : Crowds make me feel exhausted. (0:06:55.08)
Himari Noihara : Maybe this isn't right. (0:07:09.95)
Yuuto Amakawa : Sorry for making you wait, Himari. (0:07:12.41)
Yuuto Amakawa : What's wrong? (0:07:15.95)
Himari Noihara : Young Master, do you like traditional Japanese clothes? (0:07:21.54)
Himari Noihara : I-In my personal opinion, (0:07:26.50)
Himari Noihara : I think I look quite good in this outfit. (0:07:29.26)
Himari Noihara : It creates certain image of the surroundings. (0:07:33.01)
Himari Noihara : However, perhaps I ought to... (0:07:38.35)
Yuuto Amakawa : Not good. (0:07:46.32)
Yuuto Amakawa : We forgot to get something. (0:07:48.07)
Himari Noihara : This place... (0:07:52.24)
Yuuto Amakawa : I think Japanese clothes suit you, (0:07:54.24)
Yuuto Amakawa : but it won't hurt to wear some cute clothes sometimes. (0:07:58.49)
Yuuto Amakawa : At the very least, I should be able to choose some clothes for her. (0:08:02.37)
Yuuto Amakawa : Maybe I should go with a clean white one. (0:08:06.25)
Himari Noihara : Master... (0:08:11.42)
Yuuto Amakawa : I think you'll look great in these clothes. (0:08:14.76)
Himari Noihara : Yes. (0:08:18.68)
Yuuto Amakawa : W-Why don't you try them on? (0:08:19.31)
Himari Noihara : Of course. (0:08:21.52)
Yuuto Amakawa : W-What are you doing? (0:08:25.35)
Himari Noihara : Quiet! (0:08:27.57)
Rinko Kuzaki : Damn it! Where are they? (0:08:28.32)
Yuuto Amakawa : Why are we hiding in here? (0:08:32.99)
Himari Noihara : Young Master... (0:08:35.32)
Yuuto Amakawa : W-What are you doing, Himari? (0:08:38.51)
Himari Noihara : Young Master, I've never worn anything but kimonos. (0:08:41.14)
Himari Noihara : I don't know how to put on these Western clothes. (0:08:45.08)
Himari Noihara : Will you dress me up? (0:08:47.59)
Yuuto Amakawa : I can't do something as embarrassing as that. (0:08:49.92)
Himari Noihara : I don't mind being seen by you. (0:08:53.19)
Yuuto Amakawa : Y-You should. (0:08:56.39)
Himari Noihara : If you don't dress me up, I'll expose my ears and tail and I'll "meow". (0:08:58.57)
Yuuto Amakawa : Seriously, please don't do that. (0:09:02.64)
Himari Noihara : Well, then. (0:09:05.73)
Yuuto Amakawa : W-Wait a second. (0:09:07.15)
Yuuto Amakawa : H-Himari! (0:09:08.98)
Himari Noihara : Now then, Young Master... (0:09:11.36)
Himari Noihara : Help me change. (0:09:13.74)
Yuuto Amakawa : Your uniform! (0:09:19.74)
Yuuto Amakawa : That's right, you always wear your school uniform! (0:09:21.33)
Himari Noihara : He noticed. (0:09:25.19)
Himari Noihara : Ta-da! (0:09:27.92)
Himari Noihara : What do you think? (0:09:29.17)
Himari Noihara : Young Master? (0:09:33.71)
Himari Noihara : I'll get this. (0:09:38.68)
Yuuto Amakawa : That was a quick decision! (0:09:39.55)
Himari Noihara : You're easy to read, Young Master. (0:09:42.39)
Yuuto Amakawa : Are you sure? (0:09:45.85)
Yuuto Amakawa : I thought girls like to choose between all kinds of outfits. (0:09:47.14)
Himari Noihara : That doesn't suit me. (0:09:51.23)
Himari Noihara : I choose this. (0:09:53.23)
Yuuto Amakawa : I see. Well, let's get another. (0:09:54.28)
Himari Noihara : That won't be necessary. (0:09:56.95)
Himari Noihara : This is the first outfit you've chosen for me. (0:09:59.54)
Himari Noihara : I won't find anything better than this today. (0:10:03.58)
Yuuto Amakawa : Oh, no. That was a total strike. (0:10:07.50)
Yuuto Amakawa : H-Himari... (0:10:13.05)
Himari Noihara : I'll wear this at home today. (0:10:14.46)
Yuuto Amakawa : H-Hey! (0:10:16.47)
Taizou Masaki : And here we are at the beach! (0:10:22.39)
Taizou Masaki : Look at them. (0:10:24.72)
Taizou Masaki : White beaches and big waves! (0:10:26.02)
Taizou Masaki : Big busts in swimsuits! (0:10:28.31)
Taizou Masaki : And now that they're all here, you know what we're gonna do, Yuto-kun?! (0:10:30.44)
Yuuto Amakawa : Huh? Uh, swim? (0:10:33.98)
Taizou Masaki : Wrong! (0:10:36.90)
Taizou Masaki : Sexier! (0:10:38.82)
Taizou Masaki : More sexy! Sexy! (0:10:39.91)
Taizou Masaki : Where's your positive sexy thinking? (0:10:42.12)
Yuuto Amakawa : I don't know how I feel about jumping straight to the climax... (0:10:44.58)
Taizou Masaki : And you call yourself a man? (0:10:48.71)
Taizou Masaki : Doesn't seeing those full things make you feel anything at all? (0:10:51.21)
Rinko Kuzaki : Try not to say anything that'll get us into trouble in a public place. (0:10:55.00)
Yu Shimamura : Other people. O-T-H-E-R. (0:10:59.47)
Himari Noihara : The ocean sure is vast. (0:11:02.64)
Taizou Masaki : What do you think, Yuto? (0:11:04.64)
Yuuto Amakawa : Uh, right. (0:11:06.27)
Taizou Masaki : Noihara-san's breasts are of particular interest. (0:11:07.64)
Taizou Masaki : That enormous shapely swell. (0:11:10.39)
Taizou Masaki : That bounce is what every student is envious about! (0:11:12.61)
Yuuto Amakawa : They were pretty soft... (0:11:16.07)
Taizou Masaki : W-What did you say, bastard?! (0:11:18.49)
Yuuto Amakawa : You're just hearing things, please don't mind me. (0:11:22.20)
Taizou Masaki : Seeing her in a swimsuit is a special privilege granted to her classmates! (0:11:25.45)
Taizou Masaki : My brain is about to explode! (0:11:28.83)
Taizou Masaki : My primal libido is about to- (0:11:31.42)
Rinko Kuzaki : If you show any more lust, I'll drown you in the ocean. (0:11:35.42)
Taizou Masaki : Yes, ma'am. (0:11:39.76)
Shizuku : They have a lot of nerve coming to a place with so much water. ~Nano. (0:11:44.59)
Shizuku : Your corpses will rot at the bottom of the sea. ~Nano. (0:11:49.98)
Shizuku : One more please. (0:11:59.15)
EXTRA : Wow... (0:12:00.28)
Yuuto Amakawa : Himari! (0:12:22.93)
Yuuto Amakawa : Let's swim together. (0:12:24.59)
Himari Noihara : I'll just wait here. (0:12:26.55)
Himari Noihara : Don't mind me, go enjoy yourselves. (0:12:28.56)
Rinko Kuzaki : Ah, the kitty-cat can't handle water after all? (0:12:30.27)
Yuuto Amakawa : Huh, really? (0:12:35.56)
Himari Noihara : F-Fool! Don't be ridiculous. (0:12:37.27)
Himari Noihara : I have no problems with bathing and getting wet. (0:12:40.37)
Rinko Kuzaki : So your feet have to touch the ground, eh? (0:12:43.99)
Himari Noihara : No... (0:12:47.78)
Rinko Kuzaki : How cute. (0:12:48.62)
Rinko Kuzaki : Here. (0:12:49.99)
Rinko Kuzaki : How pathetic. (0:12:52.29)
Rinko Kuzaki : Cats like fish, right? (0:12:55.00)
Rinko Kuzaki : I'm lending you that. (0:12:56.54)
Yu Shimamura : Rinko! (0:12:58.21)
Rinko Kuzaki : Well, as long as we're here, try to have fun. (0:12:59.87)
Himari Noihara : Thank you. (0:13:02.76)
Rinko Kuzaki : Yuto, let's go. (0:13:04.09)
Himari Noihara : By the way, killer whales aren't fish, Rinko. (0:13:08.93)
Yuuto Amakawa : Do you think she'll be okay? (0:13:13.56)
Rinko Kuzaki : She'll be fine. (0:13:14.69)
Rinko Kuzaki : Putting that aside. (0:13:15.89)
Rinko Kuzaki : I just got this swimsuit. (0:13:18.23)
Rinko Kuzaki : What do you think? (0:13:21.73)
Yuuto Amakawa : Yeah, it's cute and looks good on you. (0:13:23.75)
Yuuto Amakawa : It's cute. (0:13:26.70)
Yuuto Amakawa : It's cute. (0:13:28.16)
Yu Shimamura : There! (0:13:34.58)
Yuuto Amakawa : Are you okay, Rinko? (0:13:39.25)
Rinko Kuzaki : Oh no, I ran into you! (0:13:41.39)
Yu Shimamura : Oh, come on, what are you trying to hide? (0:13:43.84)
Taizou Masaki : This is too good. (0:13:53.27)
Taizou Masaki : Paradise! (0:13:57.02)
Yu Shimamura : If you like Heaven that much... (0:13:58.44)
Rinko Kuzaki : Why don't you go there yourself? (0:14:00.36)
Yuuto Amakawa : Where's Himari? (0:14:10.99)
Himari Noihara : Pathetic. (0:14:17.58)
Himari Noihara : I'm just like a child afraid of water. (0:14:18.96)
Himari Noihara : Looks like I've drifted out quite a bit. (0:14:25.55)
Yuuto Amakawa : Are you okay, Himari? (0:14:34.56)
Himari Noihara : Y-Young Master? (0:14:36.35)
Himari Noihara : D-Don't startle me like that, you idiot! (0:14:38.34)
Yuuto Amakawa : What's wrong with you? (0:14:41.15)
Yuuto Amakawa : I just came to make sure that you were okay. (0:14:42.28)
Himari Noihara : Quiet, you! (0:14:44.98)
Himari Noihara : I don't need you to look after me. (0:14:46.24)
Yuuto Amakawa : L-Let go of me. (0:15:02.33)
Yuuto Amakawa : Himari, your breasts! (0:15:04.09)
Himari Noihara : No! (0:15:05.71)
Himari Noihara : If I let you go now, I'll drown! (0:15:06.80)
Yuuto Amakawa : It's okay, I'll support you. (0:15:09.80)
Yuuto Amakawa : Himari, please let go. (0:15:12.51)
Himari Noihara : I won't let go no matter what! (0:15:14.63)
Yuuto Amakawa : What's that? (0:15:17.27)
Himari Noihara : Young Master! (0:15:29.49)
Yuuto Amakawa : Himari? (0:15:47.25)
Shizuku : Descendant of the Amakawa family... (0:15:49.22)
Yuuto Amakawa : You're that girl from the other day. (0:15:52.09)
Shizuku : I'm Shizuku. ~Nano. (0:15:54.89)
Yuuto Amakawa : Shizuku? (0:15:57.14)
Shizuku : The awakening of the Demon Slayer, (0:15:59.52)
Shizuku : will destroy the balance between humans and Ayakashi. (0:16:01.56)
Shizuku : If I let you live, you'll come after us for the sake of humankind again. (0:16:05.11)
Shizuku : One hundred years ago, my family... (0:16:10.78)
Shizuku : was wiped out by the Jibashiri family, one of the twelve Demon Slayer families. ~Nano. (0:16:13.91)
Shizuku : We were just living peacefully. (0:16:19.83)
Shizuku : The Demon Slayers are evil. ~Nano. (0:16:25.67)
Shizuku : Die! (0:16:29.55)
Himari Noihara : Master! (0:16:31.22)
Himari Noihara : It's futile. (0:16:41.85)
Himari Noihara : I won't let you lay a finger on the Young Master. (0:16:43.10)
Yuuto Amakawa : Himari! (0:16:45.56)
Shizuku : You damn obstinate cat. ~Nano. (0:16:46.61)
Himari Noihara : Needles of ice... You must be a Mizuchi. (0:16:49.44)
Shizuku : The Sword of Noihara... (0:16:52.65)
Shizuku : You're still siding with the Amakawa in this era? (0:16:54.40)
Shizuku : Traitor. (0:16:58.33)
Himari Noihara : Two of them? (0:17:04.67)
Shizuku : Whatever it takes to kill you. (0:17:06.21)
Himari Noihara : Quiet! (0:17:08.25)
Himari Noihara : Is this all you've got? (0:17:21.10)
Himari Noihara : Persistent fool! (0:17:29.90)
Yuuto Amakawa : Himari! (0:17:34.57)
Himari Noihara : Don't worry! (0:17:35.90)
Himari Noihara : This is nothing! (0:17:36.95)
Yuuto Amakawa : Stop! (0:17:43.91)
Yuuto Amakawa : Please stop! (0:17:44.91)
Yuuto Amakawa : Himari! (0:17:49.67)
Himari Noihara : Stay away! (0:17:51.19)
Shizuku : He's charging himself towards his death. (0:17:57.55)
Shizuku : Foolish Demon Slayer. (0:17:59.93)
Shizuku : Now you won't be able to leave. ~Nano. (0:18:02.60)
Shizuku : That saves a lot of trouble. (0:18:06.27)
Shizuku : I'll kill both of them at once. (0:18:08.44)
Shizuku : It's pointless. ~Nano. (0:18:24.29)
Shizuku : The shaved ice increased my power threefold. (0:18:25.79)
Shizuku : I can even drown a fish. (0:18:29.08)
Shizuku : Die! ~Nano. (0:18:43.68)
Shizuku : What did you do, Cat? ~Nano. (0:18:56.11)
Yuuto Amakawa : Himari... (0:19:14.84)
Shizuku : I can't believe she did that. ~Nano. (0:19:18.22)
Himari Noihara : You can only control normal water. (0:19:21.47)
Himari Noihara : You can't control water mixed with the blood of another Ayakashi. (0:19:24.51)
Shizuku : What of it? (0:19:27.97)
Shizuku : There's plenty of water here. ~Nano. (0:19:35.94)
Himari Noihara : It looks like it. (0:19:44.95)
Yuuto Amakawa : Himari! (0:19:47.16)
Himari Noihara : Run, Master. (0:19:48.33)
Himari Noihara : I'll hold her off while you escape. (0:19:50.25)
Himari Noihara : I'm your bodyguard. (0:19:54.84)
Himari Noihara : Protecting you is my duty. (0:19:57.42)
Himari Noihara : Hurry! (0:19:59.46)
Yuuto Amakawa : No... (0:20:00.55)
Yuuto Amakawa : How can you expect me to leave you here?! (0:20:02.49)
Yuuto Amakawa : You've suffered a serious injury while trying to protect me. (0:20:07.01)
Yuuto Amakawa : If something happens to you, I can never be happy even if I escaped! (0:20:10.27)
Himari Noihara : Y-Young Master? (0:20:15.11)
Yuuto Amakawa : Don't sacrifice yourself for my sake. (0:20:16.69)
Yuuto Amakawa : That's not what I want! (0:20:20.86)
Shizuku : Demon Slayer of Amakawa... (0:20:29.37)
Shizuku : This cat and this man... (0:20:32.25)
Shizuku : There's something wrong with them. ~Nano. (0:20:36.29)
Shizuku : In compliance with the simpleton Demon Slayer's request, I'll withdraw myself for today. (0:20:46.80)
Shizuku : But next time, I'll kill you. (0:20:52.64)
EXTRA : You had the chance to kill the fledging Demon Slayer, but you let him go. (0:21:09.20)
EXTRA : What's the meaning of this, Shizuku? (0:21:15.33)
Shizuku : There's something I must confirm. ~Nano. (0:21:18.79)
EXTRA : What is so important to be confirmed? (0:21:22.46)
EXTRA : If we don't act quickly, we'll be destroyed. (0:21:24.17)
EXTRA : Shall we send another assassin? (0:21:27.14)
EXTRA : The Demon Slayer must be destroyed! (0:21:29.99)
EXTRA : We must stop the Sword of Noihara! (0:21:32.93)
EXTRA : They must be destroyed! (0:21:36.60)
Lizlet L Chelsie : Welcome. (0:21:51.99)
Shizuku : Amakawa Yuto is a strange fellow. (0:23:27.59)
Shizuku : I'll dissect him. (0:23:30.68)
Lizlet L Chelsie : Now, now. You mustn't fight. (0:23:32.39)
Lizlet L Chelsie : Have some delicious tea. (0:23:35.39)
Rinko Kuzaki : Another busty girl?! (0:23:36.93)
EXTRA : Maid in Cat (0:23:37.72)

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Momiji, my beloved. - Anaxistratus


--too. - Shigure Sohma

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--That really hurt!
- Shigure Sohma

--S-Soma-kun! Good morning!
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