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Albertina : The Wolf patriarch is over there, right? (0:00:04.26)
Christina : Yes... (0:00:07.68)
Albertina : What's wrong, Chris? Do you have a cold? (0:00:09.67)
Christina : No, Big Sis Al. (0:00:12.23)
Christina : Come here. (0:00:13.67)
Albertina : Why did you just hug me all of a sudden? (0:00:20.37)
Albertina : You're such a little kid, Chris. (0:00:23.62)
Christina : They say the quickest way to recover from
a cold is to pass it off to someone else.
Albertina : Oh yeah, I've heard that a lot! (0:00:29.90)
Albertina : Wait, do you want me to get it? (0:00:33.26)
Albertina : Stop it! (0:00:38.05)
Albertina : I'll catch your cold! Stop! (0:00:39.39)
Christina : Oh dear, Big Sis Al! (0:00:42.22)
Christina : Your darling little sister
is suffering from a cold,
Christina : and you're not willing to help her
get better as quickly as possible?
Christina : You're so cold! (0:00:50.55)
Christina : So mean... (0:00:54.25)
Albertina : Fine! (0:00:55.99)
Albertina : I'll do my best! (0:00:56.93)
Albertina : How's this? (0:01:01.17)
Christina : You really are so cute, Big Sis Al... (0:01:03.88)
Yuuto Suou : "Twin Runes and Twin Sisters" (0:02:39.01)
EXTRA : "Twin Runes and Twin Sisters." (0:02:40.07)
Yuuto Suou : Whew, we're done. (0:03:15.09)
Linnea : Good work at the victory ritual, Big Brother. (0:03:17.67)
Yuuto Suou : Oh, thanks. (0:03:21.15)
Linnea : B-Big Brother... please... (0:03:28.28)
Linnea : Please marry me! (0:03:31.54)
Yuuto Suou : Th-This is so awkward... (0:03:34.82)
Linnea : That stuff's really good! (0:03:38.04)
Linnea : I love it! (0:03:39.96)
Linnea : Please give it a try. (0:03:41.81)
Yuuto Suou : S-Sure. (0:03:44.62)
Linnea : H-How is it? (0:03:48.02)
Yuuto Suou : It's good, I think. (0:03:49.94)
Yuuto Suou : Probably... (0:03:52.27)
Linnea : I'm so glad! (0:03:54.09)
Linnea : It's a relief to know that
you enjoy the Horn Clan's cuisine.
Linnea : Th-Then... (0:04:00.39)
Linnea : Um, well... (0:04:02.74)
Linnea : A-Aah... (0:04:07.00)
Yuuto Suou : "A-Aah"?! (0:04:08.55)
Rasmus : Oh, I see you two are
getting along splendidly.
Rasmus : Like husband and wife. (0:04:13.42)
Yuuto Suou : Husband and wife?! (0:04:15.78)
Linnea : Y-You shouldn't tease us like that, child! (0:04:17.03)
Linnea : Th-This was your idea, Rasmus! (0:04:19.68)
Yuuto Suou : It was? (0:04:23.39)
Felicia : Big Brother... (0:04:24.60)
Felicia : There are women in the Wolf Clan, too. (0:04:27.53)
Felicia : Big Brother, put your arm
around my shoulders, please.
Felicia : Oh, Big Sister Linnea, (0:04:45.01)
Felicia : you're not jealous, are you? (0:04:47.99)
Linnea : O-Of course not. (0:04:52.21)
Linnea : That would be silly. (0:04:53.65)
Felicia : Of course! (0:04:55.03)
Linnea : W-Well, with a man as impressive
as Big Brother as my husband,
Linnea : I suppose it would be my duty as legal wife
to let him have his fun with other women.
Yuuto Suou : Who's that guy? (0:05:13.14)
Siegrune : Steinþór? (0:05:16.09)
Siegrune : What's he doing here? (0:05:17.58)
Yuuto Suou : Steinþór? (0:05:19.43)
Felicia : The Patriarch of the Lightning Clan
that rules over northern Vanaheimr.
Yuuto Suou : So he's the one I've heard about. (0:05:28.39)
Yuuto Suou : The King with the Heart of a Tiger, (0:05:30.69)
Yuuto Suou : the Dólgþrasir of Vanaheimr. (0:05:32.96)
Rasmus : Alexis-sama! Why would you
bring someone like that here?
Steinthor : Well, who cares about the details? (0:05:41.59)
Steinthor : I'm here to offer my congratulations
as the ruler of a neighboring kingdom.
Rasmus : You slew our last patriarch! (0:05:48.77)
Rasmus : How dare you show yourself here?! (0:05:50.92)
Steinthor : Who cares about the dead? (0:05:52.73)
Rasmus : Damn you... (0:05:56.76)
Rasmus : Do you insist on mocking us? (0:05:57.82)
Rasmus : Don't think you can just waltz
in here alone and leave alive!
Alexis : Now, now, Rasmus-dono. (0:06:04.31)
Alexis : He is here as my guest. (0:06:06.34)
Alexis : I hope, for my sake, that you can find
it in your heart to forgive him.
Rasmus : You are a priest of the Ásgarðr Empire
that rules over Yggdrasil.
Rasmus : If you say so, then I have no
choice but to retract my words.
Steinthor : Looks like you get to live
another day, old man.
Rasmus : Curse you, Steinþór... (0:06:27.83)
Rasmus : You would still mock us? (0:06:30.16)
Steinthor : I'm not here to talk to you, old man. (0:06:39.35)
Yuuto Suou : You're... kidding me... (0:06:49.29)
Linnea : That's Mjölnir. (0:06:51.72)
Linnea : A unique rune that transforms all its
divine power into destructive energy.
Yuuto Suou : But the way he moved was barely human! (0:06:58.23)
Linnea : Yes. His arms and legs
are exceptionally strong...
Linnea : because of his Megingjörð rune. (0:07:06.42)
Yuuto Suou : Impossible... (0:07:12.76)
Yuuto Suou : He's got two runes? (0:07:14.87)
Linnea : That's right. (0:07:18.20)
Linnea : He's a twin-runed Einherjar, one of perhaps
three at most in all of Yggdrasil.
Yuuto Suou : That's taking cheating too far! (0:07:28.49)
Steinthor : Now then... (0:07:30.13)
Steinthor : Ah, there you are! (0:07:33.64)
Siegrune : Stop. (0:07:36.79)
Siegrune : I won't let you get any closer to my father. (0:07:39.85)
Steinthor : That silver hair... (0:07:45.54)
Steinthor : You're the Wolves' greatest
champion, Sieg-whatsits, right?
Siegrune : Siegrune. (0:07:52.38)
Steinthor : Well, the details don't matter. (0:07:53.49)
Steinthor : I like your fighting spirit. (0:07:57.48)
Steinthor : Though you're no match for me. (0:07:59.27)
Linnea : You've certainly made a mess
of everything, Steinþór-dono.
Linnea : I guess a beast can't understand
the hearts of men.
Steinthor : You're the new Horn patriarch, huh? (0:08:20.84)
Steinthor : Your name's... (0:08:23.83)
Steinthor : Um... (0:08:25.41)
Steinthor : What was it? (0:08:27.97)
Linnea : My name is... (0:08:29.93)
Steinthor : I know! Borgbuild! (0:08:30.67)
Linnea : You bastard...! (0:08:34.36)
Yuuto Suou : You're here for me, right? (0:08:46.10)
Yuuto Suou : Stop harassing the others. (0:08:49.50)
Steinthor : Oh, you can make that face too, huh? (0:08:59.69)
Steinthor : It's been a long time since
I've felt such a shiver!
Steinthor : I think I like you. Honestly. (0:09:14.90)
Yuuto Suou : Being liked by you doesn't
make me happy at all.
Steinthor : So cold! (0:09:21.52)
Steinthor : Hey, Wolf patriarch. (0:09:24.81)
Steinthor : What's your name? (0:09:26.83)
Yuuto Suou : Yuuto. (0:09:29.46)
Yuuto Suou : Suou Yuuto. (0:09:31.30)
Steinthor : Suou Yuuto, huh? (0:09:33.67)
Steinthor : I won't forget it. (0:09:35.57)
Felicia : My mouth is completely dry! (0:09:57.81)
Yuuto Suou : He's an odd one, (0:10:01.24)
Yuuto Suou : but he seems really strong. (0:10:02.51)
Alexis : So, what did you think? (0:10:14.76)
Alexis : You put yourself in great danger
coming here to meet him.
Steinthor : The man who'll destroy the world, huh? (0:10:22.57)
Steinthor : He was even more than I expected. (0:10:25.66)
Alexis : So will you grant our request, Steinþór-dono? (0:10:30.42)
Steinthor : Yeah. (0:10:42.81)
Steinthor : I'll have a grand old time fighting him. (0:10:45.69)
EXTRA : Moniker: Hildisvíni, the Crimson Lady Tiger

Rune: None

Skills: Deals with her subjects in earnest,
understands what people really want,
and is very efficient at planning and implementation.

Member of the Horn Clan

Relationship to Yuuto: Sworn Sister from another clan

A hereditary patriarch, an outlier in Yggdrasil.
Since she freely interacts with her subjects,
listens to their worries, and works harder than anyone else,
the people of the Horn Clan love her like she's family.
She is ut
EXTRA : Carrier pigeons have a long and storied history, with references
going as far back as Sumerian clay tablets from around 5000 BC,
but the earliest confirmed record of them is from around
3000 BC, when Ancient Egyptian fishermen are said to have
used them to send word of their status back home. Reportedly,
the Egyptians tried using several birds to communicate, and in
the end, it was the rock pigeons that won out due to being
friendly and easy to domesticate with superior flight and homing
Mitsuki Shimoya : Don't you understand how worried I was? (0:11:03.30)
Mitsuki Shimoya : How could you say you were going off to war
and then not contact me for three weeks?!
Yuuto Suou : I-I'm sorry! (0:11:10.85)
Mitsuki Shimoya : I understand that you're dealing
with all kinds of problems
Mitsuki Shimoya : that somebody like me could never understand. (0:11:16.69)
Yuuto Suou : Y-Yeah. (0:11:20.29)
Mitsuki Shimoya : But you're managing a whole clan now,
so I'm sure you know how important
Mitsuki Shimoya : the three Cs are. (0:11:28.32)
Yuuto Suou : Y-Yeah, uh... Contact, communicate, and c... (0:11:30.57)
Yuuto Suou : Consult? (0:11:35.94)
Mitsuki Shimoya : You have most certainly not
done any of those for me!
Mitsuki Shimoya : You could've at least texted me, right? (0:11:41.19)
Yuuto Suou : Yeah. (0:11:44.73)
Mitsuki Shimoya : I'm so glad... you're alive... (0:11:54.53)
Yuuto Suou : Mitsuki, I'm still alive. (0:12:07.59)
Yuuto Suou : I'm sorry I couldn't call you earlier. (0:12:12.34)
Yuuto Suou : I'm really sorry for worrying you. (0:12:16.15)
Mitsuki Shimoya : Will things be peaceful for a while now? (0:12:19.64)
Yuuto Suou : Yeah. (0:12:24.52)
Yuuto Suou : They will. (0:12:28.14)
Felicia : Things seem to be going great here. (0:12:44.20)
Yuuto Suou : Every once in a while, I need to act like
a patriarch and tour my city.
EXTRA : These books of poetry were
imported from the Claw!
Felicia : This prosperity is only possible
because of the "paper" you invented.
Felicia : It is because our merchants
are selling it in other countries
Felicia : that our economy is doing so much better now. (0:13:04.68)
Yuuto Suou : I didn't invent it, though. I just cheated. (0:13:07.54)
EXTRA : This mother and child are
my top items for today!
EXTRA : Look at their snow-white skin,
unique to the people of the north!
EXTRA : The girl will grow up to be
as pretty as her mother, I'm sure!
EXTRA : Mom... (0:13:28.24)
Felicia : A slave trader... (0:13:31.06)
Yuuto Suou : A little girl like that? (0:13:34.01)
EXTRA : Any takers? (0:13:36.71)
Yuuto Suou : I'll buy them. (0:13:38.86)
EXTRA : Oh, Patriarch. (0:13:39.61)
EXTRA : Thank you. (0:13:42.65)
EXTRA : Now... (0:13:44.73)
Yuuto Suou : Felicia. (0:13:46.12)
Felicia : Of course. (0:13:46.92)
Felicia : Will this do? (0:13:49.43)
EXTRA : Thank you! (0:13:51.60)
Yuuto Suou : It's okay now. (0:14:02.09)
Yuuto Suou : You. Guard. (0:14:10.01)
Yuuto Suou : Take them to my grand chamberlain. (0:14:11.90)
Yuuto Suou : See that they're well taken care of. (0:14:14.70)
Yuuto Suou : I'm probably only doing this
to make myself feel better.
Yuuto Suou : I need to do the best with
the things I can do, don't I?
Yuuto Suou : As patriarch. (0:14:42.61)
Felicia : Yes. (0:14:45.59)
Christina : I see. (0:14:50.76)
Yuuto Suou : It's piled up this much? (0:14:55.94)
Felicia : Well, we ignored dealing with the aftermath
of the fight with the Horn Clan
Felicia : and immediately ran off
to fight the Hoof Clan.
Felicia : So it all needs to be done now. (0:15:06.50)
Yuuto Suou : Sorry about this, Felicia. (0:15:08.31)
Yuuto Suou : I'm sure you're tired, too. (0:15:10.33)
Felicia : Not at all. (0:15:12.79)
Felicia : This means I get you all to myself. (0:15:14.39)
Yuuto Suou : I hope you do. (0:15:25.00)
Yuuto Suou : You're... my... (0:15:29.53)
Yuuto Suou : Well, um... (0:15:32.52)
Yuuto Suou : My most trusted friend. (0:15:35.56)
Siegrune : Excuse me, Father. (0:15:45.33)
Siegrune : Envoys from the Claw are here,
and they request an audience with you.
Yuuto Suou : In the audience chamber, then? (0:15:52.96)
Siegrune : Yes. I've had one of the
servants show them there.
Yuuto Suou : Twins? (0:15:59.81)
Yuuto Suou : Kids aren't allowed in here. (0:16:03.59)
Siegrune : Albertina-dono, (0:16:06.09)
Siegrune : Christina-dono, (0:16:07.41)
Siegrune : I asked you to wait in the audience chamber. (0:16:09.11)
Albertina : I just couldn't wait to see my husband's face. (0:16:13.81)
Christina : I'm sorry. (0:16:16.55)
Christina : I tried to stop her, but Big Sis Al insisted. (0:16:18.41)
Albertina : You were the one who said
we should sneak after her!
Christina : Don't try to blame me for this. (0:16:27.42)
Christina : You were the one who said,
"I want to see him! I want to see him,"
Christina : and pitched a fit. (0:16:33.02)
Albertina : I did not! (0:16:34.67)
Albertina : I mean, I did say that, but... (0:16:35.96)
Albertina : You were the one
who brought it up first, Chris.
Christina : You just slipped up right there. (0:16:41.29)
Christina : You admitted you did say it, Big Sis Al. (0:16:43.43)
Albertina : I-I did, but... (0:16:46.78)
Albertina : But, but, but...! (0:16:48.80)
Christina : Come on, Big Sis Al. (0:16:50.06)
Christina : Apologize. (0:16:51.36)
Christina : You're talking to the Wolf patriarch. (0:16:52.69)
Christina : Don't you care what happens
to the Claw Clan's people?
Albertina : I-I'm sorry! (0:17:00.55)
Christina : I'm really sorry my sister
is such a screw-up.
Albertina : Huh? (0:17:08.20)
Albertina : It feels like it's turning
out to just be my fault.
Christina : Big Sis Al, you really are a screw-up. (0:17:14.09)
Christina : Let's start over. (0:17:26.14)
Christina : I am the Claw patriarch's daughter by blood. (0:17:28.44)
Christina : My name is Christina. (0:17:32.20)
Albertina : I'm Albertina, her big sister! (0:17:34.84)
Christina : At the order of our patriarch, Botvid, (0:17:37.36)
Christina : we have come to become your wives. (0:17:39.93)
Christina : I look forward to our lives together. (0:17:43.88)
Yuuto Suou : Wives?! (0:17:51.09)
Yuuto Suou : Well, I never agreed to marry you, (0:17:56.60)
Yuuto Suou : so you can't just show up at my doorstep. (0:18:00.08)
Yuuto Suou : I'll have to ask you to leave. (0:18:02.71)
Albertina : You can't do that after
we've come all this way!
Christina : The whole way here,
she was saying things like,
Christina : "I guess he's really amazing!
They say he's kind of scary, though."
Christina : Or, "I hope he's cool!" (0:18:17.01)
Christina : Or even acting out her own plays, like... (0:18:19.81)
Christina : "Albertina, I love you. Now, be mine!" (0:18:21.59)
Christina : "Oh, Yuuto-sama!" (0:18:25.16)
Christina : Given how much she embarrassed herself
talking about you, I'd hoped you'd be kinder.
Albertina : N-Now that I've had all of that revealed,
please be kind to me!
Christina : Big Sis Al, you really are a screw-up. (0:18:39.46)
Christina : But don't worry. (0:18:42.10)
Christina : I'll never abandon you. (0:18:43.68)
Siegrune : There they go again... (0:18:47.01)
Albertina : Chris... Thank you! (0:18:49.45)
Albertina : I'm sorry your sister's such a screw-up! (0:18:52.47)
Albertina : Please don't ever abandon me! (0:18:54.53)
Christina : You're so cute, Big Sis Al... (0:18:57.18)
Yuuto Suou : These two are some real weirdos... (0:18:59.33)
Felicia : You'd almost suspect they were sent here
simply to get rid of them.
Yuuto Suou : Agreed. (0:19:07.50)
Christina : "To get rid of us"? That's not very nice. (0:19:08.78)
Albertina : Not at all. (0:19:11.83)
Yuuto Suou : You heard that? (0:19:13.69)
Albertina : We are Einherjar, you know! (0:19:15.97)
Felicia : If they are Einherjar,
we can't just ask them to leave...
Yuuto Suou : But just like I said at the start, (0:19:25.62)
Yuuto Suou : I never agreed to marry you two. (0:19:27.89)
Christina : Because you're preparing to
marry the Patriarch of the Horn?
Yuuto Suou : I guess you really do hear everything. (0:19:38.55)
Christina : Indeed. (0:19:42.04)
Christina : We also know the truth
about the massacre at Van,
Christina : which you so often use in your negotiations. (0:19:45.53)
Christina : Of course, we haven't told anybody about it. (0:19:50.95)
Yuuto Suou : Your information-gathering abilities
really are impressive.
Yuuto Suou : Frankly, I'd love to have you as children. (0:19:59.13)
Christina : What a coincidence. (0:20:01.97)
Christina : Honestly, I wasn't interested in all this
talk of wives and concubines, either.
Christina : Nor did I have any intention
of letting anyone touch her.
Yuuto Suou : Then why did you come? (0:20:12.00)
Christina : We wanted to test you, I'm afraid. (0:20:14.36)
Siegrune : How dare you, child! (0:20:18.96)
Siegrune : I held my tongue because you
were princesses of the Claw Clan,
Siegrune : but it's incredibly rude
to try and test my father!
Yuuto Suou : Wait, Rune. (0:20:27.27)
Yuuto Suou : If you're bringing this up,
it's because you're satisfied.
Yuuto Suou : Right? (0:20:33.35)
Christina : Yes. (0:20:34.47)
Christina : Patriarch of the Wolf Clan, (0:20:39.48)
Christina : Yuuto-sama, (0:20:41.29)
Christina : we sisters do not yet
have a father by the Oath.
Christina : We have but one life to give, (0:20:48.05)
Christina : and would give it to the
greatest chalice in Yggdrasil.
Yuuto Suou : I'm happy I impressed you, (0:20:58.55)
Yuuto Suou : but there's no need for compliments now. (0:21:01.04)
Christina : We're speaking from the heart. (0:21:03.09)
Christina : Please, allow us to join you. (0:21:05.31)
Albertina : Please. (0:21:09.52)
Yuuto Suou : These two still seem to be hiding something. (0:21:13.93)
Yuuto Suou : But like Felicia said, (0:21:18.71)
Yuuto Suou : when I think about that
idiot named Steinþór...
Yuuto Suou : Okay. (0:21:27.37)
Yuuto Suou : Then bring me something to prove yourselves. (0:21:28.25)
Christina : Prove ourselves? (0:21:32.50)
Yuuto Suou : Good luck. (0:21:41.21)
Yuuto Suou : The chalice of the Wolf patriarch
isn't an easy thing to earn.
Albertina : I want boobs like Felicia-san's! (0:23:25.80)
Christina : I hear they grow if
someone fondles them.
Albertina : R-Really? Then, Chris... (0:23:30.06)
Christina : No. (0:23:32.11)
Albertina : What?! That's not like you!
Are you an impostor?!
Christina : No. I just want to watch you
fret over your small breasts.
Albertina : It's the real Chris. (0:23:38.04)

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