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Kokoro Katsura : Hello? (0:00:04.44)
Makoto Itou : Ah, Katsura? (0:00:05.71)
Makoto Itou : About tomorrow... after all, I'll head over there, so let's-- (0:00:07.65)
Kokoro Katsura : Katsura... you mean Oneechan? (0:00:11.64)
Makoto Itou : Huh...? (0:00:14.04)
Kokoro Katsura : By any chance, are you Oneechan's boyfriend? (0:00:14.96)
Kokoro Katsura : Tomorrow, you have a date? (0:00:17.92)
Makoto Itou : Huh... eh?! (0:00:19.86)
Kokoro Katsura : Oneechan is preparing for tomorrow by taking a bath~! (0:00:21.19)
Kotonoha Katsura : Kokoro! (0:00:25.28)
Kokoro Katsura : Ah! Oneechan! (0:00:27.09)
Kokoro Katsura : Hey, Oneechan! (0:02:05.04)
Kokoro Katsura : I want to talk too! (0:02:07.46)
Kotonoha Katsura : Enough! Just go away! (0:02:09.67)
Kokoro Katsura : Hey, he's the no-good-at-waiting guy, right? {‘Ò‚¿Žó‚¯ƒ_ƒ‚Ȑl‚¾‚æ‚Ë guy that is no good at waitingp} (0:02:12.09)
Kokoro Katsura : Itou-kun, right? (0:02:15.01)
Kokoro Katsura : Ah! (0:02:17.17)
Makoto Itou : Katsura? (0:02:30.52)
Kotonoha Katsura : Yes. (0:02:31.31)
Makoto Itou : Ah, thank goodness! (0:02:32.02)
Makoto Itou : That surprised me! (0:02:33.65)
Kotonoha Katsura : I'm sorry... my sister was... (0:02:35.53)
Makoto Itou : Ah! So she's your sister! (0:02:37.86)
Kotonoha Katsura : Yes. Her name is Kokoro... (0:02:39.78)
Makoto Itou : Eh? You two have pretty unusual names. (0:02:42.70)
Kotonoha Katsura : Yes, we do. We're often told that. (0:02:45.62)
Makoto Itou : So then, should I call your sister Kokoro-chan? (0:02:48.58)
Kotonoha Katsura : Yes... (0:02:53.29)
Makoto Itou : You're the same too. There are a lot of rare names, aren't there? {** [Shin wasn't sure if he was referring to "katsura" as in the last name or her first name "kotonoha"]} (0:02:54.42)
Kotonoha Katsura : I guess so... (0:02:58.05)
Kotonoha Katsura : Itou-kun? (0:03:24.70)
Makoto Itou : Wh-What? (0:03:27.08)
Kotonoha Katsura : Umm... about before with my sister... (0:03:28.25)
Makoto Itou : You mean when Kokoro-chan answered? (0:03:32.08)
Makoto Itou : It doesn't bother me at all! (0:03:34.04)
Kotonoha Katsura : Yes... (0:03:35.92)
Kotonoha Katsura : Umm, the truth is... (0:03:39.30)
Makoto Itou : Hmm? (0:03:41.13)
Kotonoha Katsura : that girl is saying that she wants to meet you. (0:03:42.80)
Makoto Itou : Does that mean that I can go to your house? (0:03:46.26)
Kotonoha Katsura : Eh...? (0:03:49.56)
Sekai Saionji : Makoto, you're jumping too far ahead. (0:03:50.98)
Makoto Itou : Really? (0:03:55.11)
Kotonoha Katsura : Umm... I don't really mind, but... (0:03:56.31)
Makoto Itou : See, Sekai! Katsura says it's fine! (0:04:00.78)
Sekai Saionji : Katsura-san, you shouldn't spoil him! (0:04:06.62)
Kotonoha Katsura : No, but... (0:04:09.08)
Sekai Saionji : This guy is already thick-headed as it is. (0:04:10.95)
Sekai Saionji : When you can't make up your mind, just straight-out refuse! (0:04:14.04)
Makoto Itou : Umm, Sekai-san... (0:04:16.71)
Makoto Itou : Could you stop disturbing our
conversation when it's going so well?
Sekai Saionji : You...! Take that and that and that and that! (0:04:23.05)
Makoto Itou : Sekai, I said it hurts! (0:04:26.30)
Sekai Saionji : No use complaining! (0:04:30.56)
Otome Katou : Katsura, where did you go during lunch break? (0:04:34.27)
Kotonoha Katsura : Eh...? (0:04:37.02)
Otome Katou : Since you weren't here, I had this pushed onto me. (0:04:38.77)
Otome Katou : Jeez. Since you're the
festival committee member,
Otome Katou : stuff like this is a bother. (0:04:48.78)
Kotonoha Katsura : I-I'm sorry. (0:04:50.87)
Minami Obuchi : Could it be that you were
meeting with your boyfriend?
Kotonoha Katsura : Huh? Uh, no... umm... (0:04:56.71)
Kumi Mori : So it is about a boy! (0:05:01.71)
Natsumi Koizumi : Figures, since she disappeared so suddenly. (0:05:04.01)
Minami Obuchi : Hey-hey, what kind of guy is he? Your boyfriend. (0:05:06.97)
Kotonoha Katsura : That is... umm... (0:05:11.56)
Natsumi Koizumi : No point in asking about him. (0:05:13.77)
Minami Obuchi : Yeah, but... (0:05:16.98)
Otome Katou : What? Rather than your job as a committee member, your boyfriend is more important? (0:05:18.40)
Kotonoha Katsura : Eh? That's not... it. (0:05:22.69)
Otome Katou : Then pull yourself together. (0:05:25.45)
Kotonoha Katsura : Yes... (0:05:27.49)
Otome Katou : So that's it... make sure you do it later. (0:05:37.37)
Kotonoha Katsura : Yes. (0:05:40.17)
Otome Katou : Let's go! (0:05:40.96)
Natsumi Koizumi : Speaking of the school festival,
Otome, have you already decided?
Otome Katou : Ah, yeah... (0:05:55.18)
Otome Katou : But he hasn't made me his partner yet. (0:05:57.52)
Otome Katou : It's actually pretty hopeless. (0:06:00.23)
Kumi Mori : Ah! How pure~ (0:06:02.23)
Makoto Itou : Katsura! (0:06:27.51)
Makoto Itou : Did something happen? (0:06:43.27)
Makoto Itou : You don't look so well. (0:06:46.32)
Kotonoha Katsura : I'm fine. (0:06:48.65)
Makoto Itou : Then it's okay... (0:06:50.24)
Makoto Itou : Katsura... if something happens, don't hesitate to tell me. (0:06:59.04)
Makoto Itou : Since we're lovers. (0:07:03.04)
Kotonoha Katsura : Umm... (0:07:05.50)
Makoto Itou : Hmm? (0:07:06.17)
Kotonoha Katsura : We're... lovers, right? (0:07:08.30)
Makoto Itou : That's right. (0:07:11.84)
Makoto Itou : Katsura... (0:07:26.82)
Sekai Saionji : Well then! I'll be excusing myself first~! (0:08:02.27)
Makoto Itou : Hello? (0:08:29.09)
Sekai Saionji : MA-KO-TO! (0:08:30.17)
Makoto Itou : What is it all of a sudden? (0:08:32.30)
Sekai Saionji : You did something to trouble Katsura again, didn't you? (0:08:34.09)
Makoto Itou : Huh?! What? (0:08:37.18)
Sekai Saionji : It isn't "what"! (0:08:38.72)
Sekai Saionji : In a place where people are, to lay your hands on her... (0:08:40.60)
Sekai Saionji : You're the worst! (0:08:42.35)
Makoto Itou : That's not it! I only embraced her... (0:08:43.56)
Sekai Saionji : Think of the location! (0:08:45.98)
Makoto Itou : Since we're lovers, it's fine... {**o‚¢‚¢‚¶‚á‚È‚¢‚© "so it's okay"?p} (0:08:48.31)
Sekai Saionji : Hah... Listen here, girls have things called modesty and mood! (0:08:51.78)
Sekai Saionji : It doesn't mean that anytime, anywhere, anything is okay! (0:08:59.58)
Sekai Saionji : Even if you are lovers! (0:09:02.87)
Makoto Itou : Eh? (0:09:05.21)
Sekai Saionji : It's not "eh"! If you keep pushing what you want to do onto her, (0:09:06.50)
Sekai Saionji : she'll get angry again. (0:09:10.17)
Sekai Saionji : Okay? (0:09:14.47)
Sekai Saionji : For stuff like that, think about the other person's feelings when you do it! (0:09:16.18)
Makoto Itou : How troublesome... (0:09:20.47)
Sekai Saionji : Even if it's troublesome, do it! (0:09:22.93)
Sekai Saionji : Everyone's doing it! (0:09:24.89)
Sekai Saionji : When you don't understand the other person's feelings, it's overcoming these frustrating times (0:09:26.81)
Sekai Saionji : that makes you feel better when you do understand them. {‘ŠŽè‚Ì‹CŽ‚¿‚ª•ª‚©‚ç‚È‚¢A‚à‚Ç‚©‚µ‚¢ŽžŠÔ‚ðæ‚è‰z‚¦‚½‚±‚»A‚¢‚´‹CŽ‚¿‚ª’Ê‚¶‡‚Á‚½‚Æ‚«‚É—]ŒvŠð‚µ‚­Š´‚¶‚é‚Ì} (0:09:30.61)
Sekai Saionji : That's what you call "lovers". (0:09:34.57)
Makoto Itou : Is that really how it is? (0:09:36.82)
Sekai Saionji : THAT'S HOW IT IS! (0:09:38.82)
Sekai Saionji : Anyway, make sure you properly apologize for today. (0:09:40.53)
Sekai Saionji : Understand? (0:09:43.20)
Sekai Saionji : Un-der-stand? (0:09:45.83)
Makoto Itou : I understand! Later. (0:09:47.29)
Sekai Saionji : Ah, wait! (0:09:49.38)
Sekai Saionji : Jeez! (0:09:53.84)
Makoto Itou : Anyway, tomorrow is "go apologize", huh. (0:10:00.60)
Sekai Saionji : Morning, Makoto! (0:10:58.53)
Makoto Itou : Morning... (0:10:59.99)
Sekai Saionji : And about Katsura? (0:11:01.28)
Makoto Itou : That is... we didn't ride the train together... (0:11:03.78)
Sekai Saionji : What are you doing?! (0:11:06.74)
Sekai Saionji : Even now, you should be going to class four-- (0:11:08.62)
Sekai Saionji : It's because you're taking it easy! (0:11:13.92)
Makoto Itou : Eh?! (0:11:15.71)
Taisuke Sawanaga : Jeez. The Husband-and-Wife act in the morning too, huh. (0:11:17.21)
Sekai Saionji : Understand? Properly apologize. (0:12:06.05)
Makoto Itou : Hey, Sekai, come with me... (0:12:09.77)
Sekai Saionji : If I come, it'll have the opposite effect, won't it? (0:12:12.52)
Makoto Itou : Is that so? (0:12:15.81)
Sekai Saionji : You're lovers, right? (0:12:17.32)
Setsuna Kiyoura : Sekai, for today's lunch, (0:12:22.65)
Setsuna Kiyoura : Hikari and the others say that they want to eat together. (0:12:24.82)
Sekai Saionji : You're right. I need to go sometimes. (0:12:27.24)
Sekai Saionji : Well, that's how it is. { o‚»‚¤‚¢‚¤‚킯‚¾‚©‚ç "for that reason, I'll be going"p} (0:12:31.08)
Sekai Saionji : Good luck~ (0:12:33.04)
Otome Katou : What are you grinning about? (0:12:42.72)
Natsumi Koizumi : We're thinking about discussing the school festival. (0:12:45.18)
Minami Obuchi : About Otome's romantic affair! (0:12:48.10)
Otome Katou : Stop with that already... (0:12:50.31)
Kumi Mori : Otome-chan, so cute! (0:12:51.81)
Makoto Itou : Katsura... (0:13:09.99)
Kotonoha Katsura : Sorry... I'm late. (0:13:30.89)
Hikari Kuroda : I'm telling you, it's totally wrong! (0:13:34.68)
Sekai Saionji : Even if you say that... (0:13:36.81)
Hikari Kuroda : If you date someone like that, you'll definitely become miserable! (0:13:40.02)
Sekai Saionji : Like I said, you're misunderstanding! (0:13:42.73)
Nanami Kanroji : What? The reason you haven't been hanging out with us recently is... Itou, right? (0:13:44.69)
Sekai Saionji : Ah, no... Makoto has nothing to do with it, really. (0:13:50.16)
Hikari Kuroda : "Makoto", she says. (0:13:53.45)
Nanami Kanroji : You feel the intimacy, don't you? (0:13:54.91)
Sekai Saionji : That's because, you see, we're seated next to each other. (0:13:57.33)
Hikari Kuroda : So it is him! This punishment was triggered by the seating change! {Shin "Punishment through seating change!" ‚â‚Á‚Ï‚è‚ ‚¢‚B‚ ‚̐ȑւ¦‚ð‚«‚Á‚©‚¯‚É’¦‰úo‚µ‚Ä‚«‚½‚ñ‚¾Ip} (0:14:00.04)
Sekai Saionji : That's not it! (0:14:05.09)
Nanami Kanroji : Since the school festival is close, (0:14:07.05)
Nanami Kanroji : chats like this are everywhere. (0:14:08.63)
Sekai Saionji : Is that so? (0:14:11.05)
Nanami Kanroji : You see, "during the festival, whoever goes around together is an official couple"... that. (0:14:11.93)
Nanami Kanroji : All of the hasty girls have already been marked as taken.{Lit : They have been drooled over." ‹C‚Ì‘‚¢Žq‚Í‚à‚¤‚‚΂‚¯‚¢‚é}{"Have already marked their man" would be a better way to put it} (0:14:16.77)
Hikari Kuroda : Huh? I see. (0:14:19.40)
Sekai Saionji : School festival, huh. (0:14:21.40)
Hikari Kuroda : The preparations are progressing, president. (0:14:23.07)
Setsuna Kiyoura : I'll have our class decide what we're doing soon. (0:14:26.94)
Hikari Kuroda : I see. (0:14:30.07)
Nanami Kanroji : And... I wonder what we're going to do. (0:14:31.82)
Hikari Kuroda : It's going to be majority rules anyway. (0:14:34.29)
Hikari Kuroda : Something easy would be nice~ (0:14:36.50)
Nanami Kanroji : Normally, it'd be café or haunted house. (0:14:38.92)
Hikari Kuroda : Both seem like hard work, though. (0:14:44.00)
Makoto Itou : Hey... umm... Katsura, are you still angry? (0:15:00.10)
Kotonoha Katsura : Eh? (0:15:06.57)
Makoto Itou : Well... yesterday on the train... (0:15:07.32)
Kotonoha Katsura : No, it doesn't bother me. (0:15:19.00)
Makoto Itou : Oh, is that so? (0:15:21.21)
Makoto Itou : That's right, what I said about Kokoro-chan before... (0:15:29.55)
Kotonoha Katsura : Uh... yes? (0:15:33.01)
Makoto Itou : I'm fine with even today. (0:15:34.97)
Kotonoha Katsura : Umm... so suddenly is a bit... {RtS: Needs to be timed to "ettou... ikinari wa chotto..."} (0:15:37.56)
Makoto Itou : You're right... sorry. {RtS: All of those prior lines that need re-timing are timed to this line. ≺_≺;} (0:15:40.77)
Kotonoha Katsura : Umm... (0:15:48.03)
Makoto Itou : Ah, what? (0:15:48.78)
Kotonoha Katsura : If Sunday is fine with you... (0:15:50.95)
Makoto Itou : Eh? Really?! (0:15:52.66)
Kotonoha Katsura : Y-Yes. (0:15:53.95)
Makoto Itou : I'll certainly come over! (0:15:57.62)
Makoto Itou : Your house, from the station, how far is it? (0:15:59.50)
Kotonoha Katsura : Umm... If you walk, well... (0:16:01.96)
Makoto Itou : I'm looking forward to it! (0:16:04.96)
Makoto Itou : I wonder what should I wear? (0:16:06.34)
Makoto Itou : Ah! Maybe I should go all out and buy new clothes! {RtS: Needs to be timed to the last line of the scene - starts with "a! oi..."} (0:16:08.30)
Makoto Itou : What do you think? (0:16:11.26)
Sekai Saionji : Welcome! (0:16:23.48)
Sekai Saionji : Huh? (0:16:26.06)
Sekai Saionji : How rare for you to come here. {’¿‚µ‚¢‚ˁA™‹“ß‚ª‚±‚±‚É—ˆ‚é‚È‚ñ‚āp} (0:16:31.49)
Setsuna Kiyoura : Did I cause you trouble? (0:16:34.95)
Sekai Saionji : Not at all. I was just free. (0:16:36.49)
Setsuna Kiyoura : I see. (0:16:39.29)
Sekai Saionji : What? (0:16:41.16)
Setsuna Kiyoura : I just came to see you. (0:16:43.00)
Sekai Saionji : Out of your way? (0:16:45.04)
Setsuna Kiyoura : There are also days like that. (0:16:46.21)
Sekai Saionji : You're strange Setsuna. (0:16:48.21)
Sekai Saionji : I'll be finished in an hour, so if you'd like, let's go home together. (0:16:51.46)
Sekai Saionji : So what will you be having, customer? {‰½‚É‚È‚³‚¢‚Ü‚·‚©A‚¨‹q—l(waitress speech)} (0:16:56.55)
Setsuna Kiyoura : Seasonal special - green tea dumpling anmitsu. {TL note: Anmitsu is bean jam covered in syrup, usually served with ice cream, jelly and fruit} (0:17:06.19)
Setsuna Kiyoura : Drink will be an ice coffee, no sugar. (0:17:09.40)
Sekai Saionji : Sorry to make you wait. (0:17:17.82)
Setsuna Kiyoura : It's fine. (0:17:20.20)
Sekai Saionji : So then, what did you really come for? {RtS: Needs to be timed to: "sore de... hontou wa nan no yo?"} (0:17:21.37)
Sekai Saionji : Come, how many years do you think we've been together? {RtS: Needs to be timed to: "maa nan nen tsukiateru to omou no?"} (0:17:26.54)
Setsuna Kiyoura : Then I'll ask. (0:17:33.55)
Setsuna Kiyoura : Are you and Itou really not dating? (0:17:36.01)
Sekai Saionji : We're not. (0:17:38.30)
Setsuna Kiyoura : Really? (0:17:39.26)
Sekai Saionji : I'm telling the truth. (0:17:40.30)
Sekai Saionji : Jeez. Even you misunderstand? (0:17:44.56)
Setsuna Kiyoura : That's not it but... (0:17:47.73)
Sekai Saionji : There is really nothing with Makoto. (0:17:49.31)
Setsuna Kiyoura : I understand. (0:18:03.04)
Kokoro Katsura : Wah! It's the real thing! (0:18:46.70)
Kotonoha Katsura : Hey, Kokoro! (0:18:48.87)
Kokoro Katsura : Nice to meet you! Oniichan! (0:18:51.29)
Makoto Itou : O-Oniichan?! (0:18:53.42)
Makoto Itou : Kokoro-chan, you have no mercy. (0:19:28.41)
Kotonoha Katsura : Itou-kun, lemon or milk, which would you like? (0:19:31.12)
Makoto Itou : Ah... milk. (0:19:34.88)
Kotonoha Katsura : Sorry, Kokoro's so playful... (0:19:37.92)
Makoto Itou : It's fine! Thanks, Katsura. (0:19:40.93)
Kokoro Katsura : Hey-hey, Oniichan! (0:19:45.18)
Makoto Itou : What is it? (0:19:47.06)
Kokoro Katsura : Why does Oniichan call Oneechan "Katsura"? {RtS: Needs to be timed to "doushite oniichan wa oneechan no koto wo katsura tte iu n deru no?"} (0:19:47.93)
Kotonoha Katsura : I'm sorry. Kokoro said something strange... {RtS: Needs to be timed to "gomen nasai kokoro ga hen na koto wo itte"} (0:20:13.71)
Makoto Itou : Sorry, I didn't think you were thinking something like that. (0:20:17.34)
Makoto Itou : Is it that important? How I call you? (0:20:32.18)
Kotonoha Katsura : It's important! (0:20:34.94)
Makoto Itou : Umm... Katsura? (0:20:38.69)
Kotonoha Katsura : I-I'm sorry. Please don't worry about it. (0:20:40.48)
Makoto Itou : No... then... Kotonoha. (0:20:44.32)
Makoto Itou : This is somewhat embarrassing. (0:20:53.16)
Kotonoha Katsura : I'm happy... (0:20:55.96)
Makoto Itou : R-Really? (0:20:57.29)
Kotonoha Katsura : Umm... (0:21:00.42)
Makoto Itou : Ah? (0:21:01.96)
Kotonoha Katsura : Makoto... kun. (0:21:05.97)
Makoto Itou : Ah! My name. (0:21:07.51)
Makoto Itou : Finally, the true feeling of "lovers" has come out... hasn't it? {‚â‚Á‚ƁA—öl‚Æ‚¢‚¤ŽÀŠ´‚ª•¦‚¢‚Ä‚«‚½c‚©‚ȁHv} (0:21:13.52)
Kotonoha Katsura : Yes! (0:21:18.06)
Makoto Itou : Yeah, I'm glad. (0:21:18.98)
Makoto Itou : So then... (0:21:34.16)
Kotonoha Katsura : Y-Yes... (0:21:35.25)
Kotonoha Katsura : Makoto-kun... (0:21:41.80)
Makoto Itou : Huh? What? (0:21:42.63)
Kotonoha Katsura : Just for a bit, can I have you close your eyes? (0:21:46.72)
Makoto Itou : Ah? Like this? (0:21:49.64)
Kotonoha Katsura : G-Goodnight! (0:22:17.87)
Sekai Saionji : Then... it went well, right? (0:22:34.01)
Makoto Itou : Well yeah. (0:22:36.56)
Makoto Itou : It wasn't anything crazy. (0:22:37.56)
Sekai Saionji : What are you saying? (0:22:39.81)
Sekai Saionji : You were about to cry. (0:22:41.23)
Sekai Saionji : But it feels like it's finally the beginning. (0:22:44.44)
Sekai Saionji : Good luck. (0:22:48.28)
Makoto Itou : The beginning, huh... (0:22:51.16)
Sekai Saionji : Yes, the beginning. (0:22:52.62)
Makoto Itou : Hey, Sekai... (0:22:55.29)
Sekai Saionji : Yeah? (0:22:56.91)
Makoto Itou : Having Kotonoha as a partner is kind of... (0:22:57.87)
Makoto Itou : ...tiring. (0:23:03.46)

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[size=15][color=hotpink]Look! It's Paris Hilton or.. just a rat![/color][/size] - NatsumiSawada


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