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EXTRA : March 6, 2024 Floor 56: Pani (0:00:00.60)
Asuna Yuuki : We'll lure the field boss into the village. (0:00:14.49)
Kirito : W-Wait a second. (0:00:18.87)
Kirito : If you do that, the villagers... (0:00:20.77)
Asuna Yuuki : That's the idea. (0:00:22.71)
Asuna Yuuki : While the boss is killing NPCs, (0:00:24.19)
Asuna Yuuki : we'll attack and destroy it. (0:00:26.75)
Kirito : NPCs aren't just 3-D objects
like trees or rocks.
Kirito : They're... (0:00:33.29)
Asuna Yuuki : Alive? Is that it? (0:00:34.14)
Asuna Yuuki : They're only objects. (0:00:37.94)
Asuna Yuuki : Even if they're killed, they'll just respawn. (0:00:40.20)
Kirito : I can't go along with this. (0:00:44.56)
Asuna Yuuki : I, Asuna, Vice Commander of the
Knights of the Blood Oath,
Asuna Yuuki : will oversee this operation. (0:00:52.10)
Asuna Yuuki : You will obey my orders. (0:00:55.71)
Agil : Hey. (0:01:07.00)
Agil : Another fight, huh? (0:01:08.20)
Kirito : Egil? (0:01:09.71)
Agil : Why are you and the
second-in-command always that way?
Kirito : I guess we just don't get along. (0:01:15.21)
Kirito : You'll be really strong. (0:01:18.29)
Kirito : So if someone you trust ever
invites you to join a guild,
Kirito : don't turn them down. (0:01:24.64)
Kirito : That's what I said,
but I never expected her
Kirito : to start clearing floors with a top guild. (0:01:29.59)
EXTRA : A Crime Within the Walls (0:03:02.99)
EXTRA : April 11, 2024 Floor 59: Danac (0:03:11.12)
Asuna Yuuki : What are you doing? (0:03:19.43)
Kirito : What? (0:03:26.94)
Kirito : It's you. (0:03:27.93)
Asuna Yuuki : The other lead group members are all
working hard to clear the dungeon.
Asuna Yuuki : Why are you out here taking a nap? (0:03:32.85)
Asuna Yuuki : Even if you're a solo player,
you need to be serious-
Kirito : It's Aincrad's nicest season, (0:03:38.85)
Kirito : and today is its nicest weather setting. (0:03:41.65)
Kirito : Entering the dungeon on a
day like this is a waste.
Asuna Yuuki : Do you not understand? (0:03:48.32)
Asuna Yuuki : Every day we spend here is one
we've lost in the real world.
Kirito : But right now,
we're alive here, in Aincrad.
Kirito : See? (0:04:04.31)
Kirito : The wind and sunlight feel so good. (0:04:05.46)
Asuna Yuuki : Do they? (0:04:08.86)
Asuna Yuuki : There's nothing special about this weather. (0:04:10.42)
Kirito : If you'd lie down for a bit,
you'd understand.
EXTRA : Hey, look. (0:04:58.24)
EXTRA : Asleep already? (0:05:00.40)
EXTRA : Some people don't work too hard. (0:05:01.97)
EXTRA : Who are they? Jeez... (0:05:03.76)
Kirito : I didn't think she'd really fall asleep. (0:05:07.82)
Asuna Yuuki : What... (0:05:39.08)
Kirito : Morning. (0:05:41.77)
Kirito : Sleep well? (0:05:42.76)
Asuna Yuuki : One meal... (0:05:54.53)
Asuna Yuuki : One meal! (0:05:57.58)
Asuna Yuuki : I'll buy you one meal of any kind. (0:05:59.02)
Asuna Yuuki : Then we'll be even, okay? (0:06:01.24)
EXTRA : Floor 57: Martin (0:06:05.69)
EXTRA : That's Asuna from the
Knights of the Blood Oath.
EXTRA : That's the Lightning Flash... (0:06:18.35)
EXTRA : Who's the guy in black? (0:06:20.10)
Asuna Yuuki : Well, anyway... (0:06:23.31)
Asuna Yuuki : Thanks for today. (0:06:26.07)
Asuna Yuuki : For watching over me. (0:06:29.39)
Kirito : Ah, no problem... (0:06:30.97)
Asuna Yuuki : The towns are safe areas,
so no one can attack
Asuna Yuuki : or player-kill you. (0:06:37.33)
Asuna Yuuki : But it's different when you're asleep. (0:06:40.51)
Kirito : Yeah. (0:06:42.75)
Kirito : Sleep-PKs, dirty tricks that
use the duel system.
Kirito : Normally, duels are just
tests of strength.
Kirito : But during a duel, (0:06:51.47)
Kirito : HP can go down, even in a safe zone. (0:06:52.74)
Asuna Yuuki : So you can challenge a sleeping person, (0:06:58.15)
Asuna Yuuki : using their own finger to
press the OK button.
Asuna Yuuki : Then you just keep attacking. (0:07:05.26)
Asuna Yuuki : It's happened before. (0:07:08.01)
Asuna Yuuki : So, well... (0:07:11.44)
Asuna Yuuki : Thank you. (0:07:13.71)
Kirito : W-Well... (0:07:15.26)
Kirito : Y-You're welcome. (0:07:17.01)
Kirito : Hurry and pull it out! (0:07:39.61)
Asuna Yuuki : You stay down here and catch him. (0:07:48.98)
Kirito : Got it. (0:07:50.79)
Kirito : Hang on! (0:07:52.76)
Kirito : Damn it... (0:07:56.97)
Kirito : A duel is the only way to kill
someone inside a safe zone.
Kirito : That means... (0:08:18.19)
Kirito : Everyone! (0:08:19.55)
Kirito : Look for the "Duel Winner" notification! (0:08:20.41)
Asuna Yuuki : There's no one inside. (0:08:24.51)
Kirito : Just what (0:08:40.37)
Kirito : is this? (0:08:41.70)
Asuna Yuuki : The obvious conclusion (0:08:43.15)
Asuna Yuuki : is that the challenger
impaled the victim with that spear,
Asuna Yuuki : put a noose around his neck,
and pushed him out this window.
Asuna Yuuki : Wouldn't you say? (0:08:52.70)
Kirito : But no one had the Winner message. (0:08:54.09)
Asuna Yuuki : That's impossible. (0:08:57.49)
Asuna Yuuki : The only way to hurt someone
in a safe area is via duel.
Asuna Yuuki : Either way, we can't ignore this. (0:09:08.43)
Kirito : Yeah. (0:09:12.19)
Asuna Yuuki : If someone's found a way to
PK within safe areas,
Asuna Yuuki : it will be dangerous inside towns as well as outside. (0:09:17.63)
Kirito : You're right. (0:09:22.09)
Asuna Yuuki : We'll have to leave the front lines
for now, but we have no choice.
Asuna Yuuki : I'll need you to help me until we solve this. (0:09:30.54)
Asuna Yuuki : Just so we're completely clear,
there won't be any time for napping.
Kirito : You're the one who was napping. (0:09:37.62)
Kirito : Excuse me. (0:09:53.27)
Kirito : Did anyone see the whole thing? (0:09:54.42)
Kirito : If you did, please speak up. (0:09:57.13)
EXTRA : By the time I got here... (0:10:02.48)
Asuna Yuuki : Sorry, I know you've just had
a frightening experience.
Asuna Yuuki : What's your name? (0:10:09.31)
Yoruko : My name is Yoruko... (0:10:11.88)
Kirito : Was that first scream yours? (0:10:15.01)
Yoruko : Y-Yes. (0:10:18.12)
Yoruko : I just came here to eat dinner (0:10:19.42)
Yoruko : with the man who was killed. (0:10:22.41)
Yoruko : His name is Kains. (0:10:25.28)
Yoruko : We used to be in the same guild. (0:10:28.24)
Yoruko : But we got separated in the plaza. (0:10:31.27)
Yoruko : I looked around, (0:10:34.17)
Yoruko : and I saw him hanging from
the church window...
Asuna Yuuki : Did you see anyone else? (0:10:41.88)
Yoruko : It was just for a second, (0:10:45.25)
Yoruko : but I thought I saw someone behind Kains. (0:10:47.04)
Asuna Yuuki : Did that person look familiar? (0:10:52.70)
Yoruko : No... (0:10:56.77)
Kirito : I hate to ask this... (0:10:58.68)
Kirito : But do you know why anyone
would've wanted to kill Kains?
Yoruko : Thank you (0:11:19.59)
Yoruko : for walking me here. (0:11:21.03)
Asuna Yuuki : Don't worry about it. (0:11:23.01)
Asuna Yuuki : We can talk more tomorrow. (0:11:24.13)
Yoruko : Okay... (0:11:27.58)
Kirito : So, now what? (0:11:33.76)
Asuna Yuuki : Let's review what we know. (0:11:36.13)
Asuna Yuuki : If we learn where that spear came from, (0:11:39.42)
Asuna Yuuki : it might lead us to the perpetrator. (0:11:41.84)
Kirito : Then we'll need someone
with an appraisal skill.
Kirito : You don't... (0:11:47.39)
Kirito : have one, obviously. (0:11:49.02)
Asuna Yuuki : Of course not. (0:11:50.39)
Asuna Yuuki : Nor do you. (0:11:51.41)
Asuna Yuuki : Also, (0:11:52.83)
Asuna Yuuki : must you address me so curtly? (0:11:54.19)
Kirito : U-Um... (0:11:56.50)
Kirito : Well, maybe... (0:11:58.08)
Kirito : "Miss," then? (0:11:59.76)
Kirito : Or, "Vice Commander-sama"? (0:12:02.29)
Kirito : "Lightning Flash-sama"? (0:12:04.82)
Asuna Yuuki : Just call me Asuna. (0:12:08.82)
Kirito : R-Roger. (0:12:11.25)
Kirito : Anyway, do you have any friends
with an appraisal skill?
Asuna Yuuki : A weapons merchant friend has it... (0:12:18.00)
Asuna Yuuki : But this is their busiest time, (0:12:20.66)
Asuna Yuuki : so it may take a while. (0:12:22.86)
Kirito : I see. (0:12:25.13)
Kirito : Then let's ask an item merchant I know. (0:12:26.17)
EXTRA : Floor 50: Arcade (0:12:29.77)
Agil : Thank you! Come again. (0:12:36.64)
Kirito : Seems you're (0:12:41.19)
Kirito : just as greedy as ever. (0:12:42.64)
Agil : Hey, Kirito. (0:12:45.28)
Agil : Buy cheap and sell cheap.
That's my motto.
Kirito : I don't know about that second part. (0:12:52.08)
Agil : Don't go slandering my good name. (0:12:54.29)
Agil : Wh-What's happened, Kirito? (0:12:59.73)
Agil : You're a solo player, so what're
you doing here with Asuna?
Agil : Didn't you two not get along? (0:13:05.06)
Agil : Someone's HP dropped to
zero within a safe area?
Agil : And it wasn't a duel? (0:13:12.86)
Kirito : No one saw a Winner message. (0:13:14.27)
Asuna Yuuki : If he was walking with
Yoruko-san right before,
Asuna Yuuki : then it's not a sleep-PK. (0:13:19.92)
Kirito : The method is too involved
for some random duel.
Kirito : We can assume it was
a premeditated PK.
Kirito : And so, we come to this. (0:13:29.80)
Agil : It's a player-made weapon. (0:13:41.09)
Kirito : Really? (0:13:42.69)
Asuna Yuuki : Who made it? (0:13:43.40)
Agil : Grimrock. (0:13:45.59)
Agil : Never heard of them... (0:13:47.03)
Agil : Not any top-ranked bladesmith,
I can tell you that.
Agil : And there's nothing particularly
unusual about the weapon.
Asuna Yuuki : But it should still be a clue. (0:13:54.48)
Kirito : Tell us its item name, too. (0:13:57.94)
Agil : Let's see... (0:14:00.23)
Agil : Guilty Thorn is its listed name. (0:14:01.35)
Kirito : Guilty Thorn... (0:14:08.08)
Kirito : Okay... (0:14:20.37)
Asuna Yuuki : Wait! (0:14:24.51)
Kirito : Why? (0:14:28.59)
Asuna Yuuki : Why do you think? (0:14:29.59)
Asuna Yuuki : Are you stupid?! (0:14:31.39)
Asuna Yuuki : That weapon's already killed someone! (0:14:32.44)
Kirito : But we won't be sure unless we try. (0:14:34.94)
Asuna Yuuki : That's crazy! Don't do it! (0:14:38.63)
Asuna Yuuki : Egil-san can hold onto it! (0:14:41.06)
Agil : Huh? Sure... (0:14:44.57)
EXTRA : The Next Day (0:14:48.49)
Asuna Yuuki : Hey, Yoruko-san, (0:14:57.42)
Asuna Yuuki : have you ever heard
the name "Grimrock"?
Yoruko : Yes. (0:15:05.19)
Yoruko : He was a member of the guild that (0:15:06.25)
Yoruko : Kains and I were once in. (0:15:09.49)
Kirito : When we had the spear stuck in
Kains-san's chest appraised,
Kirito : we found out that it was
made by Grimrock-san.
Kirito : Can you think of any reason
why that would be?
Yoruko : Yes, I can. (0:15:27.20)
Yoruko : I'm sorry I wasn't able to
tell you yesterday.
Yoruko : I wanted to forget. (0:15:34.18)
Yoruko : It's something I don't really
want to remember.
Yoruko : However, I'll tell you. (0:15:39.77)
Yoruko : What destroyed our guild... (0:15:43.65)
Yoruko : Our guild's name was Golden Apple. (0:15:51.40)
Yoruko : Six months ago, (0:15:56.18)
Yoruko : a rare monster we defeated (0:15:57.97)
Yoruko : dropped a powerful ring
that raised agility by 20.
Yoruko : We were divided on whether
to use it for the guild,
Yoruko : or sell it and split the earnings. (0:16:07.42)
Yoruko : But in the end, we put it by vote. (0:16:11.27)
Yoruko : The vote went 5-3 in favor of selling it. (0:16:15.61)
Yoruko : Our leader, Griselda-san,
was going to stay overnight
Yoruko : at a large town on the front lines,
to give it to a broker.
Yoruko : However, she never came back. (0:16:28.79)
Yoruko : Later, (0:16:36.16)
Yoruko : we learned that she'd died. (0:16:37.84)
Yoruko : I still don't know why. (0:16:42.13)
Kirito : No one would leave a safe zone
with that kind of rare item.
Kirito : Which means a sleep-PK? (0:16:50.65)
Asuna Yuuki : Six months ago would have been just
before the method really spread.
Kirito : But it's hard to think it's a coincidence. (0:16:57.64)
Kirito : Whoever attacked her must have been
a player who knew about the ring.
Kirito : In other words... (0:17:05.76)
Yoruko : One of the other seven
members of Golden Apple...
Kirito : The most suspicious ones would be
those who opposed selling it.
Asuna Yuuki : You mean they attacked Griselda-san (0:17:16.92)
Asuna Yuuki : to get the ring before it was sold? (0:17:19.86)
Kirito : Probably. (0:17:22.76)
Kirito : Who's Grimrock-san? (0:17:24.66)
Yoruko : He was Griselda-san's husband. (0:17:26.59)
Yoruko : Just within the game, naturally. (0:17:29.92)
Yoruko : Griselda-san was a powerful swordsman. (0:17:33.81)
Yoruko : Pretty. (0:17:36.85)
Yoruko : And smart. (0:17:37.86)
Yoruko : Grimrock-san was a kind man
who was always smiling.
Yoruko : They made a great couple,
and they got along well.
Yoruko : If he was the one responsible
for yesterday's murder,
Yoruko : he must be after the three
who opposed selling the ring.
Yoruko : Two of the three were myself and Kains. (0:18:00.02)
Kirito : Then who's the other? (0:18:05.98)
Yoruko : A tank named Schmidt. (0:18:07.80)
Yoruko : I've heard he's on the front lines now,
with the Holy Dragon Alliance.
Kirito : Schmidt? (0:18:14.78)
Kirito : I've heard that name... (0:18:16.20)
Asuna Yuuki : He leads the Holy Dragon
Alliance's defense forces.
Asuna Yuuki : He's a big lance-user. (0:18:21.18)
Kirito : Oh, him. (0:18:24.16)
Yoruko : You know Schmidt? (0:18:25.91)
Kirito : I've only seen him a few times
while clearing bosses.
Yoruko : Could you let me talk to him? (0:18:31.44)
Yoruko : He probably hasn't heard
about what occurred.
Yoruko : And what happened to Kains
could happen to him...
Asuna Yuuki : Let's call Schmidt-san. (0:18:44.65)
Asuna Yuuki : I know someone at the
Holy Dragon Alliance.
Asuna Yuuki : If we go to their HQ,
perhaps we can talk to him.
Kirito : Then first, we should get
Yoruko-san to an inn.
Kirito : Yoruko-san, (0:18:55.62)
Kirito : don't leave the inn until we return. (0:18:56.78)
Yoruko : All right. (0:19:01.10)
Asuna Yuuki : How do you think the
murder was carried out?
Kirito : I see basically three possibilities... (0:19:12.38)
Kirito : The first is a fair duel. (0:19:14.57)
Kirito : The second is through an exploit
that combines known methods.
Asuna Yuuki : Yeah, I can see that. (0:19:23.05)
Asuna Yuuki : And the third? (0:19:24.83)
Kirito : Some skill we don't know about,
which bypasses safe areas.
Kirito : Or possibly an item. (0:19:30.20)
Kirito : No, the third is impossible. (0:19:32.99)
Asuna Yuuki : Why? (0:19:36.31)
Kirito : It's unfair. (0:19:37.32)
Kirito : I kind of hate to admit it, (0:19:39.12)
Kirito : but SAO's rules are essentially fair. (0:19:41.53)
Kirito : I can't imagine this game
allowing murders in safe areas.
Schmitt : Is it true that Kains was killed
with Grimrock's weapon?
Yoruko : It is. (0:20:06.06)
Schmitt : Why would Kains be killed
after all this time?!
Schmitt : He... (0:20:10.97)
Schmitt : Did he steal the ring? (0:20:12.03)
Schmitt : Was he the one who killed Griselda? (0:20:14.27)
Schmitt : Does Grimrock plan to kill the three of us (0:20:18.11)
Schmitt : who opposed selling the ring? (0:20:20.53)
Schmitt : Is he after you and me, too?! (0:20:22.40)
Yoruko : It could be another member, (0:20:24.62)
Yoruko : and Grimrock-san just made them the spear. (0:20:27.28)
Yoruko : Or perhaps (0:20:30.19)
Yoruko : it may be Griselda-san's revenge... (0:20:31.29)
Yoruko : Only a ghost could kill someone (0:20:35.68)
Yoruko : inside a safe zone. (0:20:38.76)
Yoruko : I stayed awake (0:20:44.08)
Yoruko : all last night, thinking... (0:20:45.65)
Yoruko : In the end, all of us were
the ones who killed her!
Yoruko : When that ring dropped,
we shouldn't have ever voted...
Yoruko : We should've just done what she wanted! (0:20:58.73)
Yoruko : Grimrock-san was the only one (0:21:05.48)
Yoruko : who said we should simply
let Griselda-san decide.
Yoruko : So he has the right to take revenge (0:21:12.87)
Yoruko : for Griselda-san on the rest of us. (0:21:17.16)
Schmitt : You're kidding me. (0:21:21.58)
Schmitt : You're kidding me... (0:21:23.15)
Schmitt : After all this time, (0:21:24.92)
Schmitt : six whole months... (0:21:26.08)
Schmitt : Why now? (0:21:27.95)
Schmitt : You're okay with this, Yoruko? (0:21:29.76)
Schmitt : You're okay with being killed like this? (0:21:32.10)
Kirito : Yoruko-san! (0:21:56.41)
EXTRA : Next Time:
Illusionary Avenger

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