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C.C. : Lelouch, a Britannian boy, (0:00:04.00)
C.C. : has been given a special power
by the mysterious girl C.C.
C.C. : Geass. (0:00:10.67)
C.C. : The absolute power to compel
anyone to follow any order.
C.C. : For the sake of his younger sister, Nunnally, (0:00:16.84)
C.C. : Lelouch schemes to destroy
the Holy Britannian Empire.
C.C. : Meanwhile, his best friend,
Suzaku Kururugi,
C.C. : has established himself
within the Empire.
C.C. : At this point, their respective destinies
may already be irrevocably set.
Shirley Fenette : This is the first time
I've ever left the Tokyo settlement!
Milly Ashford : You wish Lelouch could
have come with us, don't you?
Shirley Fenette : Wha?! (0:02:34.68)
Milly Ashford : Don't be shy! (0:02:35.25)
Milly Ashford : Let's stay up all night talking!
We can tell each other which boys we like!
Shirley Fenette : Do you have someone
like that, Ms. President?
Milly Ashford : Hm... Who can say? (0:02:43.29)
Milly Ashford : It's all right. (0:02:50.06)
Milly Ashford : Lots of Britannian tourists go to Lake
Kawaguchi, so security there is fine.
Milly Ashford : You don't have to be
scared of it, like the ghettos.
Nina Einstein : But... (0:02:57.37)
Milly Ashford : For this, we'll stay right with you and
won't leave you alone for a second.
Nina Einstein : R- Right... (0:03:02.98)
Zero : What's wrong? Hurry inside! (0:03:14.72)
Zero : As of now, this will be our hideout. (0:03:18.26)
Kaname Ohgi : So, you think it's a good idea for you to join up with us? (0:03:20.80)
Zero : Yes. We're comrades, after all. (0:03:24.40)
Kaname Ohgi : Holy cow! (0:03:26.63)
Shinichiro Tamaki : What is this? (0:03:28.30)
Kaname Ohgi : How did you manage to get this? (0:03:31.27)
Zero : I asked to a rather licentious
nobleman to let me have it for free.
Kaname Ohgi : You asked for it? Just like that? (0:03:36.74)
Zero : It's all right. No strings attached. (0:03:39.11)
Shinichiro Tamaki : Hey, it's got a second floor!
Don't you think this is a little too big for a car?
Kallen Stadtfeld : On the other hand, they wouldn't be
expecting us in something like this.
Yoshitaka Minami : It's even got a TV! (0:03:48.56)
EXTRA : So, how do things look at the scene? (0:03:50.99)
EXTRA : Right. I'm standing in front of the Lake
Kawaguchi convention center hotel.
EXTRA : What's up?
Right. I'm standing in front of the Lake
Kawaguchi convention center hotel.
EXTRA : Right. I'm standing in front of the Lake
Kawaguchi convention center hotel.
EXTRA : The hoteljackers have identified
themselves as the Japan Liberation Front...
EXTRA : and have taken hostage members of
the Sakuradite allocation meeting,
EXTRA : notable among which is Chairman James, (0:04:03.97)
EXTRA : as well as several tourists who
happened to be there as well.
EXTRA : This is footage which was taken by the perpetrators. (0:04:08.38)
EXTRA : You can clearly see Chairman
James, as well as several students.
Kallen Stadtfeld : From the student council! (0:04:14.85)
EXTRA : The leader of the
criminal group claims to be...
EXTRA : Lt. Col. Kusakabe,
formerly of the old Japanese military.
Kyoshiro Tohdoh : That idiot! (0:04:21.26)
EXTRA : Sakuradite, without which high temperature
superconductors cannot be made,
EXTRA : is a vital strategic resource which
directly affects world security.
EXTRA : Area 11 is the world's
largest producer of Sakuradite,
EXTRA : providing 70% of the total supply. (0:04:34.57)
EXTRA : Here, at the yearly international
meeting of Sakuradite producers,
EXTRA : the allocation of Sakuradite
among nations is decided.
EXTRA : It would not be exaggerating
to say that the outcome...
EXTRA : determines the balance of power between
Britannia and the other nations of the world.
EXTRA : It's believed the terrorists
are taking advantage...
EXTRA : of world interest in this meeting by
carrying out this violent hotel jacking.
Lt. Col. Kusakabe : I am Kusakabe of the
Japan Liberation Front.
Lt. Col. Kusakabe : We are taking this stand
for the liberation of Japan!
Lt. Col. Kusakabe : You may not be soldiers,
but you are still Britannians!
Lt. Col. Kusakabe : You are the ones ruling us! (0:05:09.50)
Lt. Col. Kusakabe : If you keep quiet,
you'll be fine. If you don't!
Shirley Fenette : Lulu... (0:05:15.04)
Shinichiro Tamaki : So, they've made their move. (0:05:16.04)
Kaname Ohgi : They're the biggest anti-Britannian force
in Japan, and they take pride in that.
Yoshitaka Minami : Compared to us? (0:05:22.15)
Kaname Ohgi : Maybe. (0:05:23.22)
Shinichiro Tamaki : I don't know whether to be
happy or sad about that.
Shinichiro Tamaki : They're all going
to end up getting killed.
Zero : Rivalz? (0:05:29.36)
Rivalz Cardemonde : Lelouch! (0:05:30.83)
Lelouch Lamperouge : This is Lelouch.
Leave a message after the beep.
Rivalz Cardemonde : What's he doing at a time like this?! (0:05:36.20)
Lelouch Lamperouge : I know. But! (0:05:39.10)
EXTRA : All bridges connecting to the hotel except
the main one have been destroyed.
EXTRA : Approaches from the air
or water have failed.
EXTRA : There's only one route left from which
to develop a hostage rescue plan.
EXTRA : The main utilities tunnel running right
under the convention center hotel.
EXTRA : If we use this and then, following the
plan, destroy the foundation block,
EXTRA : we can submerge the hotel. (0:06:03.79)
EXTRA : Since this tunnel was built
to take in supplies as well,
EXTRA : a Sutherland should
be able to get inside it.
EXTRA : Even if the enemy has taken precautions,
it should be no problem.
EXTRA : Go! (0:06:16.50)
EXTRA : Considering the level of weapons
they've been using till now,
EXTRA : we'll have no problem avoiding them. (0:06:19.44)
EXTRA : Enemies detected, moving through the
underground passage, as expected.
EXTRA : Roger that! Raikou, secondary startup!
Left and right quad-linkage legs, locked!
EXTRA : Super electromagnetic shrapnel
cannon voltage, confirmed!
EXTRA : I think they've got anti-Knightmare rifles.
Spread out and break through them!
EXTRA : Super electromagnetic shrapnel cannon, FIRE! (0:06:39.96)
EXTRA : CHARGING (0:06:41.83)
EXTRA : FIRE (0:06:42.10)
EXTRA : What?! (0:06:45.50)
EXTRA : It works! (0:06:49.57)
EXTRA : One shot! (0:06:50.30)
EXTRA : The Raikou works! (0:06:51.41)
Lt. Col. Kusakabe : Did you see that, Britannian pigs?! (0:06:53.31)
Andreas Darlton : Wiped out?! (0:06:55.68)
EXTRA : It looks like they've modified
a Glasgow into a linear cannon!
EXTRA : So, there's no way
we can break through it?
EXTRA : What do we do? If we release the
political prisoners like they demand...
Cornelia li Britannia : We can't show weakness
to these terrorists!
Gilbert G.P. Guilford : But Princess Euphemia is... (0:07:08.16)
Cornelia li Britannia : I know! (0:07:10.79)
Andreas Darlton : They shouldn't have
figured it out yet.
Andreas Darlton : If they knew that Princess Euphemia
is among the hostages,
Andreas Darlton : they'd be sure to use her
as a bargaining chip.
Andreas Darlton : She was just there as an observer,
so her name wasn't on the member list.
C.C. : Yes, I understand.
It'll work this time.
C.C. : However, I'm not his guardian. (0:07:34.01)
Suzaku Kururugi : Can't A.S.E.E.C. help out
with the rescue operation?
Lloyd Asplund : I asked them, (0:07:42.69)
Lloyd Asplund : but we're an irregular unit with a
different chain of command. Besides...
Suzaku Kururugi : They can't entrust the
operation to an Eleven, right?
Lloyd Asplund : Princess Cornelia is very discriminating
about Britannians and Numbers.
Suzaku Kururugi : We're still not accepted enough. (0:07:58.37)
Cecile Croomy : But then what's the point of even
having the honorary Britannian system?
Yoshitaka Minami : Where does this go? (0:08:07.08)
Kaname Ohgi : Over there, near the driver's seat. (0:08:08.12)
EXTRA : Hey! What about the boxes
I brought over here?
EXTRA : She was just sightseeing! (0:08:12.05)
EXTRA : She's still a student! But do these
terrorists care?! I won't forgive them!
EXTRA : Is Shirley...
Is my daughter all right?!
EXTRA : She hasn't done anything wrong! (0:08:22.33)
Lelouch Lamperouge : We need organization
if we're to fight Britannia.
Lelouch Lamperouge : But this is too soon! (0:08:28.40)
Lelouch Lamperouge : Still, we can't just do nothing, either. (0:08:30.57)
Lelouch Lamperouge : Knowing Cornelia,
she'll just sacrifice the hostages!
Lelouch Lamperouge : Then why doesn't she move?
Is it possible?
Kallen Stadtfeld : Zero. (0:08:40.01)
Kallen Stadtfeld : What will happen to the hostages? (0:08:41.35)
Zero : Eventually, there'll be no reason
to keep the Britannians alive.
Kallen Stadtfeld : Yeah. Yeah, you're right. (0:08:48.86)
Kaname Ohgi : Hey Zero, should I hand
these out to everyone?
Kaname Ohgi : I mean, they look cool and all,
but we're just a resistance group, so...
Zero : Wrong! (0:08:59.83)
Zero : We're not a resistance group! (0:09:01.30)
Kaname Ohgi : Then what are we? (0:09:03.67)
Zero : What we are trying to be...
are knights of justice!
EXTRA : To all special sniper teams.
Situation is hold. All team commanders...
Cecile Croomy : Those student hostages are in
the student council, aren't they?
Cecile Croomy : They'll keep the negotiations up for them. (0:09:18.75)
Suzaku Kururugi : I believe in the system. (0:09:20.92)
Suzaku Kururugi : I prefer the logic of systems
to personal emotions.
Suzaku Kururugi : Miss Cécile, look! (0:09:28.23)
Cecile Croomy : What? (0:09:29.96)
Suzaku Kururugi : That's... (0:09:31.00)
Cecile Croomy : Are they going to?! (0:09:31.83)
Suzaku Kururugi : Don't... (0:09:33.13)
Suzaku Kururugi : Don't do it! (0:09:34.60)
Suzaku Kururugi : NO-O-O-O!!! (0:09:36.90)
Lt. Col. Kusakabe : So long as we receive
no answer to our demands,
Lt. Col. Kusakabe : we will throw one hostage
off the roof every 30 minutes!
Lt. Col. Kusakabe : For the hostages' sake,
negotiations had better be in good faith!
Andreas Darlton : That's their idea of a warning?
Gilbert G.P. Guilford : We could negotiate to just get the
women and children released first...
Cornelia li Britannia : Forget it! Negotiate even once
and you just legitimize terrorism!
Andreas Darlton : Then we use force? (0:10:01.56)
Gilbert G.P. Guilford : That would have to come after securing
Princess Euphemia's safety, wouldn't it?
Cornelia li Britannia : Euphy... I! (0:10:08.50)
EXTRA : Viceroy! It's Zero! (0:10:11.61)
EXTRA : We've just received
a message from Zero!
Diethard Ried : What? Car three was stolen by Zero?! (0:10:15.38)
Diethard Ried : What was Gibson doing?! (0:10:18.85)
EXTRA : He says when he came to,
it had been taken.
Diethard Ried : Huh? Then where's car 3 now? (0:10:23.42)
EXTRA : Heading straight into the military. (0:10:26.05)
EXTRA : We confirm. It's Zero!
Should we open fire?
EXTRA : Just stand by. We'll capture him
after he's surrounded.
Kaname Ohgi : So... What do you think
he meant by justice before?
Kallen Stadtfeld : I dunno, but we may die
before we find out.
Kallen Stadtfeld : All our escape routes
have been cut off.
EXTRA : Why didn't we use that trailer? (0:10:47.24)
EXTRA : Oh, so you want everyone
to see our hideout?!
EXTRA : Good point. (0:10:51.95)
EXTRA : You sure we should
trust this Zero guy?
Shinichiro Tamaki : That's why I said
he looked shifty to me!
Shinichiro Tamaki : Still, if anything happens,
I'll do something.
Lelouch Lamperouge : Cornelia, much as I'd like
to pay you back right here,
Lelouch Lamperouge : you're more useful to me alive. (0:11:09.76)
Lelouch Lamperouge : If you do what I predict,
won't need to use my Geass.
Cornelia li Britannia : We meet again, Zero. (0:11:16.44)
Cornelia li Britannia : Are you a member of
the Japan Liberation Front?
Cornelia li Britannia : Or perhaps you intend to help us? (0:11:21.81)
Cornelia li Britannia : However, our concerns
take priority over yours.
Cornelia li Britannia : And so, for the death
of my half-brother Clovis...
Cornelia li Britannia : I shall take my
vengeance right here!
Zero : Cornelia, which would you choose? (0:11:32.15)
Zero : Clovis, who is dead,
or Euphemia, who is alive?
Lelouch Lamperouge : All right, now I'm sure. (0:11:38.93)
Lelouch Lamperouge : The first condition is now cleared. (0:11:40.93)
Lelouch Lamperouge : You haven't changed, Cornelia. (0:11:43.26)
Lelouch Lamperouge : You've always doted on Euphemia. (0:11:45.77)
Lelouch Lamperouge : That's why you won't act.
Your emotions are getting in the way.
Zero : I'm going to save Euphemia for you. (0:11:54.07)
Cornelia li Britannia : Zero, I have no idea
what you're talking about.
Zero : I said I'd be able to save her! (0:12:01.72)
Lt. Col. Kusakabe : Zero, you say? (0:12:05.15)
EXTRA : Yes, sir. We got word
from the Britannian forces!
EXTRA : To all forces! Let Zero pass!
I repeat, let Zero pass!
Zero : Either the Japan Liberation Front
will either accept me as an ally...
Zero : or they're going
to see me as an obstacle.
Zero : In either case,
I don't think they can resist...
Zero : the temptation of meeting Zero.
And so...
Zero : Good. (0:12:36.92)
Zero : All the operation's preliminary
conditions have been cleared.
EXTRA : What are we doing, Viceroy? (0:12:42.02)
Cornelia li Britannia : I thought that by letting Zero go, (0:12:43.82)
Cornelia li Britannia : we could buy some time before
the next hostage is executed.
Cornelia li Britannia : So... This is our chance!
We can hit Zero at the same time!
Lloyd Asplund : Ah, thanks so much
for that lovely order!
Lloyd Asplund : They said you can
go for it, Lancelot!
Lloyd Asplund : They said to go after that
linear cannon in the tunnel!
Cecile Croomy : Lloyd! You mean they're using him as
a decoy to make an opening for them?!
Lloyd Asplund : Yup! Looks like they'll use the
confusion to send in the royal guard!
Cecile Croomy : What do you mean, looks like?! (0:13:11.25)
Suzaku Kururugi : Miss Cécile. (0:13:12.35)
Suzaku Kururugi : I'll do it!
Please let me go!
Suzaku Kururugi : If they need me and Lancelot to
give them a chance to be saved,
Suzaku Kururugi : then I'll do it!
Even if it means being a decoy!
Lelouch of the Rebellion
Cecile Croomy : Warrant Officer Kururugi,
here is the outline of your mission.
Cecile Croomy : According to prime search, the hostages
are located on the hotel's middle floor.
Cecile Croomy : It's believed they're locked
inside a food storage room.
Cecile Croomy : Advanced prototype weapon Z-01 Lancelot... (0:13:45.49)
Cecile Croomy : will use the utilities tunnel
to move under the hotel.
Cecile Croomy : Once on site, you will destroy the
foundation block and submerge the hotel.
Cecile Croomy : The floor with the hostages
should hold out for 8 minutes.
Cecile Croomy : Hostage rescue and mop-up of the
terrorists will be handled by other units.
Cecile Croomy : You will be using the V.A.R.I.S.
to destroy the foundation.
Cecile Croomy : Set the impact rail
to anti-material level 3.
Lloyd Asplund : So, the only question in this is that linear
cannon waiting for you in the tunnel.
Lloyd Asplund : Space is limited in there, so even the Lancelot
will only have an evasion rate of 47.8%
Cecile Croomy : Can he really do this? (0:14:17.85)
Lloyd Asplund : Sure, just bring it back
if things get too rough.
Lloyd Asplund : You mustn't wreck the Lancelot! (0:14:22.36)
Suzaku Kururugi : Too rough? (0:14:25.03)
Lloyd Asplund : Yup! (0:14:26.23)
Suzaku Kururugi : Understood. (0:14:28.70)
Shirley Fenette : Suzaku, the president and Nina and I... (0:14:30.43)
Shirley Fenette : are going to Lake Kawaguchi
on Sunday. Wanna join us?
Suzaku Kururugi : Sorry. I have to work that day. (0:14:35.90)
Shirley Fenette : Really...
Well, I guess that can't be helped.
Suzaku Kururugi : Still, thank you. (0:14:42.01)
Suzaku Kururugi : I really appreciate your inviting me. (0:14:43.94)
Cecile Croomy : 12 minutes to operation start.
Starting countdown.
Nina Einstein : E- Eleven! (0:14:54.32)
EXTRA : What did you just say?! (0:14:56.12)
EXTRA : Eleven?! We're Japanese, dammit! (0:14:58.09)
Milly Ashford : We know! Just lay off her! (0:15:00.59)
EXTRA : Then correct her! We're not Elevens! (0:15:02.93)
Shirley Fenette : Fine, we'll correct her! (0:15:05.43)
EXTRA : How dare you speak like that to me! (0:15:07.03)
EXTRA : You three come with me to the next
room and I'll teach you a real lesson!
Nina Einstein : No! NO!!! (0:15:12.31)
EXTRA : I said get up! (0:15:17.08)
Nina Einstein : No! NO!!!! (0:15:19.08)
Euphemia li Britannia : Stop that this instant! (0:15:21.92)
EXTRA : Who the hell are you?! (0:15:22.98)
Euphemia li Britannia : I demand that you
take me to your leader!
EXTRA : What?! (0:15:28.29)
EXTRA : Sub-Viceroy, no! (0:15:28.89)
Euphemia li Britannia : I am Euphemia li Britannia,
third princess of the Empire!
Euphemia li Britannia : Are you all right?
You're not hurt, are you?
Nina Einstein : No... (0:15:41.17)
Zero : You have no intention
of joining me?
Lt. Col. Kusakabe : Then show us your real face, Zero.
It's rude not to.
Zero : I understand. But before I do,
I'd like to ask you something.
Zero : What do you hope to
accomplish by this action?
Lt. Col. Kusakabe : You need to ask?!
For this country and the world...
Lt. Col. Kusakabe : to know that the
Japanese aren't dead yet!
Zero : How stale. (0:16:01.59)
Zero : You people are obsolete.
There's no saving you.
EXTRA : Why... Why you! (0:16:07.19)
Lt. Col. Kusakabe : What do you mean, Zero? (0:16:09.33)
Suzaku Kururugi : M.E. boost. (0:16:12.83)
Cecile Croomy : Lancelot, launch! (0:16:14.07)
EXTRA : Reaction, confirmed! 1 enemy Knightmare! (0:16:18.47)
EXTRA : It's twice as fast as the others! (0:16:20.64)
EXTRA : Who cares?
It'll end up like the rest!
EXTRA : Super electromagnetic shrapnel heavy cannon, FIRE! (0:16:24.28)
EXTRA : CHARGING (0:16:26.41)
EXTRA : FIRE (0:16:26.78)
Cecile Croomy : I warned you about this! (0:16:36.36)
Lloyd Asplund : Right! He's running this for real
and not as a decoy!
EXTRA : I've brought the hostage I radioed in
about before for the lieutenant colonel.
EXTRA : She claims to be Euphemia. (0:16:49.00)
Lt. Col. Kusakabe : There's no point in talking anymore! (0:16:51.44)
Zero : Die. (0:16:54.94)
EXTRA : FIRE! (0:16:57.88)
EXTRA : Lt. Colonel! (0:17:05.15)
Zero : Calm yourselves! (0:17:07.62)
Euphemia li Britannia : Zero! (0:17:09.96)
Zero : The colonel and the others
committed suicide.
Zero : They realized the pointlessness
of this operation.
Zero : Euphemia... You gave yourself up
for the sake of the commoners?
Zero : You haven't changed. (0:17:21.37)
Cornelia li Britannia : What? A.S.E.E.C.'s
Knightmare is succeeding?
Andreas Darlton : Yes. At the rate he's going,
he'll break through soon.
Cornelia li Britannia : Dare we hope? (0:17:29.34)
Suzaku Kururugi : All right! This level of
destructive power it can take!
EXTRA : It's broken through salvo number 5!
I don't believe it!
EXTRA : Don't panic! (0:17:39.69)
EXTRA : Deploy the quad-linkage free-fire
arm gun batteries as well!
EXTRA : This is the final defense line!
We'll defend it with our lives!
Suzaku Kururugi : Miss Cécile, I'm going to use the V.A.R.I.S! (0:17:46.43)
Cecile Croomy : What? Wait, that's dangerous! (0:17:48.36)
Suzaku Kururugi : There's almost no room for me to move!
I'm prepared to take the blast!
EXTRA : You! (0:18:02.54)
Zero : I heard you're the sub-viceroy now,
Princess Euphemia.
Euphemia li Britannia : It's not something I'm happy about. (0:18:09.98)
Zero : Yes, because Clovis was killed.
That was my doing.
Zero : To the very end,
he begged for his life.
Zero : With the same mouth which
ordered the deaths of Elevens!
Euphemia li Britannia : Is that why you
killed my brother?
Zero : No. (0:18:26.73)
Euphemia li Britannia : Then why? (0:18:27.40)
Zero : Because he was a child
of the Britannian emperor.
Zero : That reminds me...
You're also one of his children, aren't you?
EXTRA : Maximum output!
I don't care if you wreck the guns!
EXTRA : Be ready to die
defending this spot!
EXTRA : SMASH HIM! (0:18:43.22)
EXTRA : CHARGING (0:18:43.48)
EXTRA : FIRE (0:18:43.85)
Cornelia li Britannia : That Eleven... (0:18:59.53)
Cornelia li Britannia : He did it! Guilford! (0:19:12.81)
Gilbert G.P. Guilford : Right! (0:19:15.02)
Suzaku Kururugi : It can't be! (0:19:18.92)
Zero : The white-helmeted one from before! (0:19:23.02)
Cornelia li Britannia : EUPHY! (0:19:29.43)
Suzaku Kururugi : Guys! (0:19:31.13)
Lloyd Asplund : Warrant Officer Kururugi, no! (0:19:32.83)
Diethard Ried : What about the cameras in car 3? (0:19:38.67)
EXTRA : Zero took them, so... (0:19:40.51)
Diethard Ried : So, let's hope we get a signal! (0:19:41.58)
Diethard Ried : What's wrong, Zero? (0:19:44.48)
Diethard Ried : Wasn't that your plan?
To use this?
Cecile Croomy : Suzaku! (0:19:58.79)
Suzaku Kururugi : I couldn't save them! (0:20:07.27)
Suzaku Kururugi : I... I... Again! (0:20:10.17)
Diethard Ried : Got it! (0:20:20.01)
EXTRA : Huh? What's that? It's Zero! (0:20:20.91)
Zero : No need to fear, my dear Britannians. (0:20:23.78)
Zero : All of the hostages from
the hotel have been saved.
Zero : I return them to you. (0:20:31.39)
Suzaku Kururugi : Guys! (0:20:35.10)
Rivalz Cardemonde : Thank God! (0:20:35.70)
Cornelia li Britannia : Of all the impudence! (0:20:37.56)
Cornelia li Britannia : If we had attacked you, they just would have
become your hostages, wouldn't they?!
Zero : People!
Fear us or seek us, as you please!
Zero : We are the Black Knights! (0:20:50.74)
Cecile Croomy : Knights? (0:20:54.05)
Lloyd Asplund : Ironic, isn't it?
Terrorists calling themselves knights.
Zero : We Black Knights stand with all
those who do not have any weapons!
Zero : Whether they be Elevens or Britannians! (0:21:04.49)
Zero : The Japan Liberation Front cowardly
took Britannian civilians hostage...
Zero : and then cruelly executed them. (0:21:13.30)
Zero : It was a meaningless act,
and so we have punished them!
Diethard Ried : You heard me right!
Let it run!
Diethard Ried : Responsibility?!
I'LL take responsibility!
Zero : Just as I punished
former viceroy Clovis.
Zero : He ordered the slaughter
of unarmed Elevens.
Zero : We could not stand by and allow
this cruel action to take place.
Zero : And so, we mete out punishment. (0:21:35.32)
Zero : I will not repudiate fighting. (0:21:38.16)
Zero : But neither will I stand for a one-sided
slaughter of the weak by the strong!
Zero : The only people who should kill are
those prepared to die themselves!
Zero : Where those with power attack those
without, we shall appear again!
Zero : No matter how great a power
our enemy may possess!
Kallen Stadtfeld : Knights of justice... (0:22:00.65)
Zero : Those of you with power, fear me! (0:22:04.58)
Zero : Those who have none, seek me! (0:22:08.62)
Zero : For we, the Black Knights,
shall judge this world!
Lelouch Lamperouge : I was lucky.
Heaven must truly be on my side.
Lelouch Lamperouge : I never expected Cornelia's weakness
would be among the hostages.
Lelouch Lamperouge : A weakness named Euphemia. (0:23:55.13)
Lelouch Lamperouge : From now on. the Black Knights
shall become my counterattack.
Lelouch Lamperouge : On the world I'm trapped in... (0:24:01.43)
Lelouch Lamperouge : as well as on my own unmoving heart. (0:24:03.27)
EXTRA : REFRAIN (0:24:04.42)

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Caris al Britannia

nice - Anonymous


I believe you're also called
the Knight of the Bridge.
- Guts

The story goes that an injured old man
was standing on a narrow bridge.
- Guts

The Knight of the Bridge was a curious guy, - Guts

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