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Kirito : Ready? (0:00:03.32)
Kirito : I'm going to open it. (0:00:04.32)
Kirito : There's nothing in here... (0:00:16.59)
Asuna Yuuki : Wait. (0:00:19.69)
Kirito : It's okay. (0:00:21.12)
Kirito : I won't go in too far. (0:00:22.27)
Kirito : And we need to at least see the boss, (0:00:23.86)
Kirito : or we won't know how to beat it. (0:00:26.92)
Asuna Yuuki : Yeah, but... (0:00:28.99)
EXTRA : The Blue-Eyed Demon (0:02:23.03)
Asuna Yuuki : That one's gonna be tough. (0:02:33.42)
Kirito : Yeah... (0:02:35.34)
Kirito : The only weapon I saw
was that big sword,
Kirito : but I'm sure it has special attacks. (0:02:39.68)
Asuna Yuuki : We'll have to put tanks in the front row (0:02:41.72)
Asuna Yuuki : and keep switching. (0:02:44.05)
Kirito : Around ten shield users, I'd say. (0:02:46.18)
Asuna Yuuki : Shield users, huh? (0:02:49.52)
Kirito : Wh-What? (0:02:51.65)
Asuna Yuuki : You're hiding something, aren't you? (0:02:53.31)
Kirito : What are you talking about? (0:02:56.07)
Asuna Yuuki : It makes no sense. (0:02:57.61)
Asuna Yuuki : The biggest advantage of
a one-handed sword
Asuna Yuuki : is that you can use a shield. (0:03:02.16)
Asuna Yuuki : But I've never seen you with one. (0:03:03.95)
Asuna Yuuki : I don't use them because
they slow my rapier.
Asuna Yuuki : And others don't because they
dislike how they look.
Asuna Yuuki : You aren't using the sword you
commissioned from Liz, either.
Asuna Yuuki : It's suspicious... (0:03:19.84)
Asuna Yuuki : Well, it doesn't matter! (0:03:29.68)
Asuna Yuuki : It's impolite to ask about people's skills. (0:03:31.81)
Asuna Yuuki : Anyway, it's later than
I'd hoped, but let's eat.
Kirito : What? (0:03:39.53)
Kirito : D-Did you make it yourself? (0:03:40.74)
Asuna Yuuki : Yes. (0:03:42.99)
Asuna Yuuki : Remove your gloves before you eat. (0:03:44.20)
Kirito : R-Right. (0:03:46.28)
Asuna Yuuki : Here you go! (0:03:48.91)
Kirito : This is good! (0:03:56.63)
Kirito : But how did you get this taste? (0:03:59.55)
Asuna Yuuki : A year of training and study. (0:04:02.67)
Asuna Yuuki : Aincrad has around one
hundred seasonings.
Asuna Yuuki : To make it, (0:04:07.85)
Asuna Yuuki : I calculated all the parameters the
flavor-recreation engine uses.
Asuna Yuuki : This uses grogua seed, shugra leaf, (0:04:14.85)
Asuna Yuuki : and calim water. (0:04:17.40)
Kirito : It's mayonnaise... (0:04:20.15)
Asuna Yuuki : This uses abilba seed,
sag leaves, and ulafish bone.
Kirito : I-I know this taste... (0:04:28.37)
Kirito : It's soy sauce! (0:04:31.91)
Asuna Yuuki : I made the sauce for the
sandwich with these.
Kirito : Wow. (0:04:38.29)
Kirito : It's perfect! (0:04:39.50)
Kirito : If you sold these, you'd make a fortune. (0:04:40.71)
Asuna Yuuki : W-Would I? (0:04:43.42)
Kirito : N-No, you can't. (0:04:45.13)
Asuna Yuuki : Wh-Why? (0:04:48.72)
Kirito : I want to keep this all for myself. (0:04:51.10)
Asuna Yuuki : You're so greedy... (0:04:56.48)
Asuna Yuuki : If I ever feel like it,
I'll make you another one.
Klein : Oh, Kirito! (0:05:14.71)
Klein : It's been a while! (0:05:16.29)
Kirito : You're still alive, Klein. (0:05:20.25)
Klein : You're always such a downer! (0:05:22.46)
Klein : Wait... (0:05:26.38)
Klein : Aren't you always solo? (0:05:27.76)
Klein : Why do you have a girl with you? (0:05:29.30)
Kirito : Um... (0:05:33.22)
Kirito : I'm sure you've met him
during boss fights.
Kirito : But I'll introduce you anyway. (0:05:36.94)
Kirito : This is Klein, of the guild FurinKazan. (0:05:38.69)
Kirito : And this is Asuna, of the
Knights of the Blood Oath.
Kirito : Say something... (0:05:46.95)
Kirito : You lagging? (0:05:48.49)
Klein : H-Hello, my name is K-Klein! (0:05:53.91)
Klein : I'm 24, single, and looking for a girlfr— (0:05:55.50)
EXTRA : Leader! (0:06:02.04)
EXTRA : Th-That's Asuna-san! (0:06:10.26)
Kirito : W-Well, they're not really bad... (0:06:16.27)
Kirito : The leader's face aside. (0:06:19.81)
Kirito : Hey! (0:06:23.77)
Klein : Got you back. (0:06:25.69)
Kirito : K-Klein! (0:06:27.15)
Klein : What are you doing here with a girl? (0:06:28.24)
Klein : What's going on, Kirito? (0:06:34.41)
Kirito : Uh, well... (0:06:36.12)
Asuna Yuuki : Hello, there. (0:06:38.25)
Asuna Yuuki : I'll be partying with him for a while. (0:06:39.41)
Asuna Yuuki : Nice to meet you. (0:06:41.50)
Klein : Kirito! Why, you... (0:06:43.92)
Kirito : Wait! (0:06:45.50)
Asuna Yuuki : Kirito-kun! (0:06:49.42)
Kirito : Is that... (0:06:53.22)
Kirito : the Army? (0:06:54.89)
Klein : That's the big guild that
runs the first floor.
Klein : What are they doing up here? (0:06:59.94)
Asuna Yuuki : They took heavy damage clearing the
25th floor, so they've been focused
Asuna Yuuki : on strengthening their guild
rather than clearing levels.
Asuna Yuuki : They stopped showing up
on the front lines.
EXTRA : At ease! (0:07:13.87)
EXTRA : I am Lieutenant Colonel Corvatz
of the Aincrad Liberation Army.
Kirito : Kirito. I'm solo. (0:07:26.00)
EXTRA : Have you cleared the area up ahead? (0:07:28.42)
Kirito : Yes. (0:07:31.80)
Kirito : We have a map up to the boss room. (0:07:32.93)
EXTRA : Then I'd like you to give us that map data. (0:07:36.93)
Klein : For free? (0:07:41.69)
Klein : Do know how much of a
pain in the ass mapping is?
EXTRA : We share information and resources equally (0:07:47.23)
EXTRA : with civilian players! (0:07:51.32)
EXTRA : And we maintain order in battle (0:07:53.99)
EXTRA : to liberate all players from this
game as quickly as possible!
EXTRA : Thus, you have a duty to help us! (0:08:00.54)
Asuna Yuuki : Listen... (0:08:06.71)
Klein : You little... (0:08:07.50)
Kirito : Stop it. (0:08:08.80)
Kirito : I planned on sharing the data with
everyone when I returned to town.
Kirito : I don't mind. (0:08:13.51)
Klein : Come on... (0:08:14.51)
Klein : That's being way too nice, Kirito. (0:08:15.72)
Kirito : I won't make money off map data. (0:08:18.35)
EXTRA : Thank you for your cooperation. (0:08:25.31)
Kirito : If you plan to pick a fight with the
boss, I'd recommend against it.
EXTRA : That is my decision to make. (0:08:33.15)
Kirito : I just looked in the room. (0:08:36.70)
Kirito : You won't get anywhere
with only a few people!
Kirito : And your party's exhausted... (0:08:42.58)
EXTRA : My men aren't so weak as
to give in this easily!
EXTRA : Stand up, men! (0:08:50.80)
Klein : Are they gonna be okay? (0:09:00.64)
Asuna Yuuki : I don't think they'd be foolish
enough to rush the boss.
Kirito : Still, let's at least go and
keep an eye on them.
Kirito : I don't know who's being nicer. (0:09:18.66)
Klein : Um, well, Asuna-san... (0:09:26.62)
Klein : You see... (0:09:30.79)
Klein : He's a gloomy fool, (0:09:33.00)
Klein : unsociable, and he's addicted to combat. (0:09:34.84)
Klein : But take care of Kirito for me! (0:09:38.05)
Asuna Yuuki : Okay! (0:09:46.02)
Asuna Yuuki : I will. (0:09:48.40)
Klein : The only thing ahead is the boss room... (0:10:00.62)
Klein : Maybe they used an item to go back? (0:10:03.95)
Kirito : Asuna! (0:10:12.29)
Asuna Yuuki : Right! (0:10:13.17)
Klein : Hey! (0:10:14.63)
Asuna Yuuki : Idiots. (0:10:21.26)
Kirito : Hey, are you okay?! (0:10:25.97)
Kirito : What are you doing? (0:10:39.07)
Kirito : Use your teleport crystals! (0:10:40.20)
EXTRA : We can't... (0:10:42.03)
EXTRA : The c-crystals won't work! (0:10:43.03)
Asuna Yuuki : There hasn't been a boss room
with a trap like this before.
EXTRA : The Liberation Army never retreats! (0:10:53.42)
EXTRA : Fight! Fight! (0:10:56.96)
Kirito : You fools... (0:10:59.42)
Klein : What's going on? (0:11:01.05)
Kirito : They can't use teleportation crystals here. (0:11:03.72)
Kirito : If we go in, (0:11:06.01)
Kirito : we might be able to get them out, but... (0:11:07.47)
Klein : Can't we do anything? (0:11:10.27)
EXTRA : Charge! (0:11:18.94)
Kirito : Don't! (0:11:22.66)
Kirito : Hey... (0:11:43.30)
Kirito : Hang on! (0:11:44.76)
EXTRA : Impossible. (0:11:54.77)
Asuna Yuuki : No... (0:12:01.49)
Asuna Yuuki : No. (0:12:12.87)
Asuna Yuuki : I can't... (0:12:14.37)
Asuna Yuuki : No! (0:12:21.01)
Kirito : Asuna! (0:12:24.63)
Klein : Guess I have no choice! (0:12:27.22)
Kirito : Get back! (0:12:51.08)
Klein : You okay? (0:12:54.66)
EXTRA : Thanks. (0:12:56.00)
Kirito : At this rate... (0:13:12.72)
Asuna Yuuki : Kirito-kun! (0:13:19.27)
Klein : Kirito! (0:13:20.15)
Kirito : Do I absolutely have to use it? (0:13:27.45)
Kirito : But... (0:13:30.28)
Kirito : Damn it, this isn't the
time for uncertainty!
Kirito : Asuna, Klein... (0:13:53.43)
Kirito : I need you to hold him
off for ten seconds!
Klein : Got it! (0:13:59.06)
Kirito : Okay, ready! (0:14:12.20)
Kirito : Switch! (0:14:15.37)
Kirito : Starburst Stream! (0:14:41.35)
Klein : Wh-What is that skill? (0:14:52.49)
Kirito : Faster... (0:14:55.91)
Kirito : Even Faster! (0:15:06.59)
Kirito : Is it... (0:15:35.53)
Kirito : over? (0:15:38.41)
Asuna Yuuki : Kirito-kun! (0:16:07.11)
Asuna Yuuki : Kirito-kun! (0:16:08.44)
Kirito : Ow... (0:16:19.54)
Kirito : How long was I out? (0:16:27.75)
Asuna Yuuki : Just a few seconds. (0:16:30.76)
Asuna Yuuki : Dummy! (0:16:33.30)
Asuna Yuuki : That was crazy. (0:16:34.13)
Kirito : Hold me too tightly, (0:16:38.05)
Kirito : and I'll lose my last few HP. (0:16:40.18)
Klein : Corvatz and two others died. (0:16:45.14)
Kirito : We haven't lost anyone to a
boss fight since floor 67.
Klein : Corvatz was a dumbass, (0:16:55.78)
Klein : thinking he could take that thing. (0:16:58.74)
Klein : There's no point if you die. (0:17:01.83)
Klein : Anyway, what was that? (0:17:10.21)
Kirito : Do I have to say? (0:17:14.59)
Klein : Of course! (0:17:16.80)
Klein : I've never seen that before. (0:17:18.09)
Kirito : An extra skill. (0:17:21.81)
Kirito : Dual-wielding. (0:17:24.14)
Klein : Wh-What's the prerequisite? (0:17:26.77)
Kirito : If I knew, I'd have shared it. (0:17:28.69)
Klein : It isn't on the information broker's skill list. (0:17:31.65)
Klein : So you're the only one who has it. (0:17:34.78)
Klein : It's a unique skill? (0:17:36.53)
Klein : I can't believe you never told me (0:17:38.66)
Klein : you had a skill like that. (0:17:41.03)
EXTRA : One-handed Sword
Thrown Sword
Kirito : I was looking at my skill window (0:17:44.25)
Kirito : about six months ago,
and I just found it there.
Kirito : But if people knew I had
a skill like this...
Klein : MMO gamers are the jealous type... (0:17:55.80)
Klein : I'm too good a guy to care, (0:17:58.89)
Klein : but lots of people would
be really envious.
Klein : Especially because... (0:18:04.85)
Klein : Well, suffering builds
character, young man.
Kirito : You could help a little... (0:18:15.53)
Klein : I'm going to trigger the warp gate. (0:18:19.61)
Klein : You gonna come? (0:18:21.45)
Kirito : No, I'll leave it to you. (0:18:22.83)
Kirito : I'm exhausted... (0:18:25.50)
Klein : Got it. (0:18:27.46)
Klein : Be careful on your way back. (0:18:28.87)
Klein : And, well... (0:18:34.05)
Klein : Kirito... (0:18:35.34)
Klein : When you ran in to rescue
those Army guys...
Kirito : What? (0:18:42.93)
Klein : Well... (0:18:45.93)
Klein : I was glad. (0:18:47.85)
Klein : That's all. (0:18:49.77)
Klein : See you around. (0:18:50.73)
Kirito : Hey, Asuna? (0:18:59.28)
Asuna Yuuki : I was so scared... (0:19:01.57)
Asuna Yuuki : I didn't know what I'd do if you died. (0:19:03.37)
Kirito : What? (0:19:07.70)
Kirito : You're the one who jumped in first. (0:19:09.37)
Asuna Yuuki : I'm going to take a leave of
absence from the guild.
Kirito : A-And do what? (0:19:17.00)
Asuna Yuuki : I said I'd party up with you... (0:19:19.88)
Asuna Yuuki : Did you already forget? (0:19:22.89)
EXTRA : Asuna invites you to join her party. (0:19:28.18)
Kirito : All right. (0:19:54.29)
EXTRA : October 19, 2024 Floor 50: Algade (0:20:05.22)
Agil : "A blue demon that annihilated
a large Army squad."
Agil : "And a fifty-hit combo from a
dual-wielder who took it out himself."
Agil : They're making a really
big deal out of it.
Kirito : None of that actually happened. (0:20:22.40)
Kirito : And because of that, (0:20:24.95)
Kirito : so many swordsmen and
information brokers
Kirito : come to my place, I can't stay there. (0:20:28.49)
Lisbeth : Isn't that your own fault? (0:20:31.20)
Lisbeth : You said it was just our secret,
and you let everyone in on it.
Asuna Yuuki : What are we going to do, Kirito-kun? (0:20:47.22)
Asuna Yuuki : We have a big problem! (0:20:50.18)
EXTRA : October 19, 2024 Floor 55 Grandzam (0:20:52.81)
Heathcliff : Kirito-kun, outside of boss fights, (0:20:53.14)
Heathcliff : I believe we've never met. (0:20:56.19)
Kirito : No. (0:20:58.90)
Kirito : We spoke shortly at a conference
on the 67th floor,
EXTRA : Guild Commander Heathcliff. (0:21:04.28)
Heathcliff : That was a difficult battle. (0:21:06.78)
Heathcliff : We almost lost members, as well. (0:21:09.58)
Heathcliff : Even a top guild never has sufficient
members for the front lines.
Heathcliff : And now, (0:21:17.38)
Heathcliff : you are taking one of our
most important players.
Kirito : If she's that important, (0:21:24.13)
Kirito : you should do a better job
of picking her bodyguard.
Heathcliff : I apologize for the trouble
you had with Kuradeel.
Heathcliff : But we simply cannot allow our
second-in-command to leave.
Heathcliff : Kirito-kun, (0:21:40.86)
Heathcliff : if you want her, take her with
your blade, your two blades.
Heathcliff : If you can defeat me in combat,
you may take Asuna-kun.
Heathcliff : But if you lose, (0:21:49.66)
Heathcliff : you will join the Knights
of the Blood Oath.
Kirito : Very well. (0:21:58.75)
Kirito : If you'd rather settle this with
swords, that's fine with me.
Kirito : Let's settle it with a duel. (0:22:02.84)
Kirito : Next Time:
Crimson Killing Intent

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Everyone who's known me for long enough knows that Manticore is my current favorite character. She overthrew Fate's Frankenstein for that spot a few years back, and she's continued to hold that spot. She may not be a particularly plot-relevant character in Arknights, but she's definitely the one I like the most. - ShinyShinigami


Unlike you, I don't have much free time, with all this work I have to do as director. - Misato Katsuragi

Unfortunately, my schedule is always full of obligations. - Misato Katsuragi

That's none of your business- - Misato Katsuragi

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