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Yuki Cross : All right, get back! (00:00:04.970)
EXTRA : Oh. Wild! (00:00:08.440)
EXTRA : Senri is looking so manly lately. (00:00:10.010)
EXTRA : Hey, Shiki is mine! (00:00:12.610)
Yuki Cross : Don't push! Please don't push. (00:00:14.880)
Yuki Cross : It's already past the curfew \n for Day Class students! (00:00:16.310)
EXTRA : Move out of the way, \n Disciplinary Committee! (00:00:19.250)
EXTRA : Shiki! (00:00:21.020)
Yuki Cross : I guess I can't handle them \n all by myself... (00:00:24.790)
Yuki Cross : ...all... by myself... (00:00:29.760)
Hanabusa Aidou : Hey ladies. Did you dream \n about me last night? (00:00:41.400)
EXTRA : - I did! \n - I did! (00:00:45.770)
Yuki Cross : What? (00:00:47.840)
Hanabusa Aidou : I'm so happy... (00:00:49.040)
Hanabusa Aidou : Then... (00:00:50.950)
Hanabusa Aidou : I'll take a detour tonight and \n crash Yuki Cross' dream! (00:00:52.180)
Yuki Cross : Huh? (00:00:59.860)
EXTRA : No fair! Only Cross? (00:01:00.620)
EXTRA : Please crash my dream too... (00:01:02.090)
Yuki Cross : W-Wait a minute. Aido... (00:01:03.590)
Yuki Cross : I-I'm sorry. Kaname? (00:01:09.400)
Zero Kiryuu : What do you think you're doing? (00:01:16.210)
EXTRA : Oh no! It's Zero Kiryu! (00:01:19.310)
EXTRA : Things were so peaceful \n while he was gone too... (00:01:21.210)
Yuki Cross : Things I need to ask him... (00:01:26.350)
Yuki Cross : Umm... (00:01:28.750)
Yuki Cross : Err... (00:01:34.490)
Yuki Cross : So many things I want to ask him... (00:01:37.890)
Yuki Cross : How is your wound? (00:01:42.200)
Yuki Cross : For all that time I didn't see you... \n What was going on? (00:01:45.300)
Yuki Cross : And... Have you satisfied \n that intense thirst? (00:01:50.940)
Zero Kiryuu : Hey, all of you go back to your dorms! (00:01:55.940)
Yuki Cross : So many things I want to say... (00:02:00.020)
Yuki Cross : The words are overflowing... (00:02:02.680)
Yuki Cross : But... (00:02:05.290)
EXTRA : - No! \n - Meany! (00:02:05.950)
Yuki Cross : Zero... (00:02:09.020)
Zero Kiryuu : Huh? (00:02:10.190)
Yuki Cross : Welcome back. (00:02:13.230)
Zero Kiryuu : Thanks. (00:02:19.170)
Zero Kiryuu : Kaname Kuran... (00:02:30.210)
EXTRA : White rose petals (00:02:34.720)
EXTRA : Open one or two of them (00:02:36.750)
EXTRA : And the memory of that day \n turns into color (00:02:38.720)
EXTRA : Like tracing a shining thread (00:02:50.230)
EXTRA : Time quietly passes (00:02:53.600)
EXTRA : Swaying along with \n the ebb and flow (00:02:57.940)
EXTRA : People are reborn (00:03:01.680)
EXTRA : Your smile is so warm \n it melts my heart (00:03:04.580)
EXTRA : - Like a faint dream... \n ...I've had (00:03:09.620)
EXTRA : Even if the setting sun \n takes away this moment (00:03:12.820)
EXTRA : Our shadows are one (00:03:17.530)
EXTRA : Endlessly far vastly deep \n like crossed destinies (00:03:22.630)
EXTRA : Grasp it again and again (00:03:30.310)
EXTRA : Lose it again and again (00:03:32.340)
EXTRA : We were finally \n able to meet (00:03:34.240)
EXTRA : Like the sky seeks the earth \n flowers wait for the rain (00:03:38.050)
EXTRA : and the night longs \n for tomorrow (00:03:41.950)
EXTRA : I've been longing for \n our two hearts to become one (00:03:45.750)
EXTRA : When one or two \n white rose petals fall (00:03:54.000)
EXTRA : Our love becomes eternal (00:03:58.000)
EXTRA : BURDEN OF SINNERS (00:04:05.970)
Ruka Souen : What's with that \n "crash your dreams"? (00:04:08.840)
Ruka Souen : So silly. (00:04:11.480)
Hanabusa Aidou : Well, if you appeared, \n it would turn into a nightmare. (00:04:13.080)
Ruka Souen : What did you say?! (00:04:15.280)
Akatsuki Kain : I admire that about you, Hanabusa. (00:04:16.920)
Hanabusa Aidou : Wh-What do you mean, Akatsuki? (00:04:20.390)
Akatsuki Kain : You always play your part. (00:04:22.590)
Akatsuki Kain : And that's not an easy thing to do. (00:04:26.360)
Kaname Kuran : Listen, everyone... (00:04:38.170)
EXTRA : Huh? (00:04:40.010)
Kaname Kuran : I have a favor to ask. \n Will you hear me out? (00:04:44.150)
EXTRA : With pleasure... Lord Kaname. (00:04:57.790)
Ruka Souen : Lord Kaname, are you sure? (00:05:05.770)
Kaien Cross : Snap. (00:05:12.910)
Kaien Cross : Mmm... Such a beautiful fragrance. (00:05:14.280)
Kaien Cross : Hello... (00:05:17.680)
Toga Yagari : Huh? (00:05:19.010)
Kaien Cross : You only had the Day Class \n to teach today? (00:05:20.180)
Toga Yagari : Yeah... (00:05:22.750)
Toga Yagari : Zero has returned. (00:05:25.650)
Kaien Cross : I guess you would have noticed. (00:05:29.490)
Kaien Cross : Zero was in a terrible condition. (00:05:34.500)
Kaien Cross : I wonder how he regained \n his sanity... (00:05:38.070)
Toga Yagari : Well. I'm not an excellent Hunter \n like you. (00:05:41.540)
Toga Yagari : There're lots of things I miss. (00:05:45.910)
Toga Yagari : However. I would never miss \n an ugly apron like that. (00:05:48.940)
Kaien Cross : What? This is cute! (00:05:53.950)
Yuki Cross : I-I'm sorry Kaname? (00:06:01.090)
Zero Kiryuu : That guy's blood courses \n through me. (00:06:07.300)
Zero Kiryuu : Has Yuki sensed that? (00:06:12.130)
Zero Kiryuu : Kaname Kuran... (00:06:16.470)
Zero Kiryuu : Ever since I sucked his blood... \n This vision I have... (00:06:22.210)
Zero Kiryuu : of that... (00:06:26.720)
Zero Kiryuu : that monster! (00:06:29.580)
Yuki Cross : Zero... (00:06:33.760)
Yuki Cross : Shizuka Hio appeared \n at the academy... (00:06:36.730)
Yuki Cross : In order to stop his lapse into a Level E... (00:06:40.700)
Yuki Cross : he had to drink the blood of that woman (00:06:43.000)
Yuki Cross : the one who forced him into \n such a cruel fate. (00:06:45.400)
Yuki Cross : Zero probably... couldn't drink her blood. (00:06:50.710)
Yuki Cross : I wonder how much time \n Zero has left? (00:06:57.550)
Yuki Cross : If drinking my blood could delay \n his degeneration (00:07:03.620)
Yuki Cross : even for a short while \n I'd let him have all he wants. (00:07:06.090)
Zero Kiryuu : There's no need to worry \n about me so much! (00:07:12.060)
Yuki Cross : Zero... (00:07:19.700)
Kaname Kuran : I just wanted to protect you... (00:07:21.370)
Yuki Cross : Kaname... (00:07:36.350)
Yuki Cross : Being protected by Zero and Kaname... (00:07:40.590)
Yuki Cross : Is that all I'm capable of? (00:07:44.430)
Yuki Cross : Oh... (00:07:48.600)
Yuki Cross : Zero... (00:07:51.600)
Yuki Cross : Something I'm capable of... (00:07:53.740)
Yuki Cross : Ze-ro! (00:07:57.770)
Zero Kiryuu : Oww! (00:07:59.470)
Yuki Cross : I worked hard all by myself \n for a whole week. (00:08:00.440)
Yuki Cross : Well, tonight, it's your turn! (00:08:04.980)
Zero Kiryuu : Geez, you are so!! (00:08:07.180)
Yuki Cross : Isn't it time... you craved it? (00:08:10.620)
Yuki Cross : I mean, you couldn't have any while \n you were in the medical clinic, right? (00:08:14.720)
Yuki Cross : So tonight, you can have \n extra portions! (00:08:18.660)
Zero Kiryuu : Quit joking around. (00:08:22.100)
Yuki Cross : Oh... (00:08:23.470)
Yuki Cross : Oh. (00:08:24.700)
Yuki Cross : Zero! (00:08:26.800)
Yuki Cross : Zero! (00:08:31.570)
Yuki Cross : I'm sorry, I... (00:08:37.610)
Yuki Cross : I told you this before... (00:08:38.610)
Yuki Cross : ...but I'm on your side! (00:08:43.420)
Yuki Cross : I'm not much good. \n I'm really useless... (00:08:46.820)
Yuki Cross : So much so that I hate myself... (00:08:52.830)
Yuki Cross : I wanted you to drink her blood, \n even if I had to force you. (00:08:56.700)
Yuki Cross : It was the only way to save Zero... (00:09:01.600)
Yuki Cross : All I did was cause him suffering... (00:09:05.510)
Yuki Cross : I'm sorry. (00:09:09.910)
Zero Kiryuu : Just what am I to you, Yuki? (00:09:16.620)
Yuki Cross : Huh? (00:09:19.520)
Yuki Cross : What are you... to me? (00:09:21.790)
Zero Kiryuu : Please stop doing reckless things \n for me. (00:09:24.360)
Yuki Cross : Oh... (00:09:34.740)
Zero Kiryuu : Am I that hopeless? (00:09:37.910)
Kaien Cross : This is terrible! This is terrible! (00:09:41.940)
Yuki Cross : Headmaster... (00:09:44.210)
Kaien Cross : Maria Kurenai regained \n consciousness! (00:09:44.950)
Zero Kiryuu : Maria Kurenai did what?! (00:09:48.950)
Maria Kurenai : Ichiru! (00:09:53.820)
Maria Kurenai : You lied. Headmaster. \n He's right here! (00:09:55.420)
Kaien Cross : Well. Err... (00:09:59.360)
Maria Kurenai : Listen. He's terrible. He said that \n Lady Shizuka had perished. (00:10:00.360)
Maria Kurenai : You're not... (00:10:05.570)
Maria Kurenai : Could you be Zero? (00:10:08.800)
Yuki Cross : Maria! (00:10:12.610)
Maria Kurenai : I see... So Lady Shizuka met you. (00:10:15.110)
Maria Kurenai : Then... she really did die... (00:10:20.480)
Maria Kurenai : Lady Shizuka came to me and asked \n if she can use me as her vessel. (00:10:27.890)
Maria Kurenai : So I agreed to loan her \n my body from time to time. (00:10:31.960)
Maria Kurenai : In exchange, Lady Shizuka said (00:10:36.100)
Maria Kurenai : she would restore me to good health. (00:10:38.030)
Maria Kurenai : But we are blood relatives... (00:10:41.840)
Maria Kurenai : I didn't desire any kind of payment. (00:10:45.710)
Maria Kurenai : Shortly after she was born, \n Lady Shizuka was put into isolation (00:10:48.140)
Maria Kurenai : under the pretext of protecting her, (00:10:51.980)
Maria Kurenai : and she never experienced love \n from anyone. (00:10:53.820)
Maria Kurenai : That man she loved was \n the first person ever (00:10:58.420)
Maria Kurenai : to show her any love. (00:11:02.390)
Maria Kurenai : After losing him, (00:11:05.230)
Maria Kurenai : she lost herself and was filled \n with sadness and hate. (00:11:07.100)
Maria Kurenai : Zero... (00:11:10.570)
Maria Kurenai : Even if she was killed by you, \n I don't think she begrudged you! (00:11:12.830)
Kaien Cross : Now. Now... Calm down. (00:11:17.370)
Kaien Cross : You don't want a relapse. (00:11:20.010)
Yuki Cross : Maria. That's! (00:11:21.480)
Kaien Cross : Come now. Yuki. \n We must let her rest. (00:11:22.710)
Kaien Cross : Zero, you too. (00:11:25.980)
Maria Kurenai : Wait... Zero. (00:11:29.720)
Maria Kurenai : I want to tell you, at least, the truth... (00:11:32.250)
Zero Kiryuu : What is it? (00:11:35.660)
Maria Kurenai : That day, the Kiryus were pawns \n to get them to hunt the man... (00:11:36.830)
Maria Kurenai : There was a mastermind \n pulling the strings. (00:11:42.460)
Maria Kurenai : Someone who was not pleased \n that Shizuka. A Pureblood. (00:11:45.930)
Maria Kurenai : loved an ex-human vampire. (00:11:49.440)
Maria Kurenai : Shizuka discovered the existence \n of this mastermind. (00:11:53.940)
Maria Kurenai : And she tried to gain new powers \n in order to bring him down... (00:11:56.880)
Maria Kurenai : I believe her enemy \n is the Purebloods'... (00:12:01.380)
Maria Kurenai : and your true enemy. (00:12:04.290)
Zero Kiryuu : My true enemy? (00:12:06.990)
Yuki Cross : Maria also believes... \n that Zero killed Shizuka. (00:12:12.330)
Yuki Cross : But... at that time Zero was... (00:12:18.130)
Yuki Cross : Strange... I'm sure there was... (00:12:29.810)
EXTRA : Good evening, Miss. (00:12:33.080)
EXTRA : This is Cross Academy, is it not? (00:12:35.550)
EXTRA : Oh my... I came after work \n so the hour is late. (00:12:39.390)
Yuki Cross : This sensation... (00:12:44.690)
Yuki Cross : You're a vampire, aren't you? (00:12:46.090)
EXTRA : I see... You are a Guardian too. (00:12:48.960)
EXTRA : Then tell me. (00:12:52.770)
Yuki Cross : What is it? (00:12:55.070)
EXTRA : Where is... the other Guardian? (00:12:56.500)
Yuki Cross : Zero! (00:13:02.110)
Zero Kiryuu : What do you want with me? (00:13:04.180)
EXTRA : Zero Kiryu... (00:13:05.980)
EXTRA : For the crime of murdering \n a Pureblood. Shizuka Hio... (00:13:07.420)
EXTRA : By order of the highest authority, \n the Senate, I shall execute you. (00:13:11.790)
EXTRA : The Senate takes pride in \n protecting the Purebloods, (00:13:26.970)
EXTRA : and yet you slipped through \n and killed Lady Shizuka. (00:13:31.740)
Yuki Cross : Wait! Zero isn't... (00:13:38.180)
Zero Kiryuu : Back off. (00:13:39.550)
Yuki Cross : Huh? (00:13:41.120)
EXTRA : You can pay for this grievous crime \n with your life alone. (00:13:42.220)
EXTRA : A cheap price, wouldn't you say? (00:13:47.490)
EXTRA : Wha-?! How dare you crush \n a vampire's bones... (00:13:52.230)
EXTRA : You soon-to-be Level E! (00:13:55.660)
Zero Kiryuu : My strength has increased. (00:14:03.240)
Yuki Cross : Zero... (00:14:05.940)
Zero Kiryuu : I'm sorry but I can no longer \n sell my life cheap. (00:14:07.080)
EXTRA : You can't escape from it. (00:14:11.080)
EXTRA : You will be executed by us. \n That is your destiny... (00:14:13.650)
Zero Kiryuu : This has nothing to do with you. \n So go. (00:14:25.560)
Yuki Cross : I can't do that. (00:14:27.700)
Kaname Kuran : Shizuka had done something \n that made it inevitable (00:14:34.140)
Kaname Kuran : that Zero would hunt her down. (00:14:36.740)
EXTRA : Lord Kaname Kuran! (00:14:40.210)
Yuki Cross : Even if she was hunted by Zero... (00:14:44.150)
Kaname Kuran : So why must Zero be executed \n for the purpose (00:14:47.380)
Kaname Kuran : of upholding the sanctity \n of the Purebloods? (00:14:51.820)
EXTRA : Kaname. If a Pureblood such \n as yourself interferes, (00:14:54.890)
EXTRA : we will not be able to complete \n our mission. (00:14:59.790)
Kaname Kuran : I would ask to avoid sullying \n this Academy, (00:15:02.230)
Kaname Kuran : which I hold dear. \n From your foolish actions... (00:15:06.100)
Kaname Kuran : you dogs of the Senate! (00:15:09.800)
EXTRA : Lord Kaname! (00:15:12.410)
Kaname Kuran : Leave. (00:15:18.050)
EXTRA : Your choice to protect Zero Kiryu... (00:15:19.810)
EXTRA : ...will be duly reported to the Senate, \n Lord Kaname! (00:15:25.350)
Kaname Kuran : Are you all right? (00:15:32.530)
Zero Kiryuu : What's the big idea, Kaname Kuran? (00:15:33.830)
Kaname Kuran : I couldn't ignore it... (00:15:36.700)
Kaname Kuran : The senseless execution of a fellow student \n by foolish men of my race. (00:15:39.570)
Yuki Cross : Zero! (00:15:48.710)
Yuki Cross : Thank you very much! (00:15:53.310)
Yuki Cross : - Don't mention it. \n - Thank you. (00:15:55.050)
Kaname Kuran : - Don't mention it. \n - Thank you. (00:15:55.050)
Yuki Cross : But there is no reason \n why Zero should be targeted. (00:15:58.250)
Kaname Kuran : I know. (00:16:03.460)
Kaname Kuran : Don't worry. (00:16:05.590)
Yuki Cross : Uh... No, you don't understand! (00:16:07.360)
Ruka Souen : - How dare you speak that way to... \n - Now. Now... (00:16:11.470)
Takuma Ichijou : - How dare you speak that way to... \n - Now. Now... (00:16:11.470)
Takuma Ichijou : Come on, everyone, \n let's go back to our rooms. (00:16:13.870)
Ruka Souen : - But Lord Kaname was... \n - Let's go. (00:16:17.140)
Hanabusa Aidou : - But Lord Kaname was... \n - Let's go. (00:16:17.140)
Kaname Kuran : What don't I understand? (00:16:27.920)
Yuki Cross : That Shizuka was killed by Zero. (00:16:30.850)
Yuki Cross : Zero did no such thing! (00:16:35.460)
Kaname Kuran : Yuki, I'm not trying to turn \n Zero into a villain. (00:16:38.460)
Yuki Cross : Then acknowledge that \n Zero is not the culprit! (00:16:43.600)
Kaname Kuran : Certainly. If you say so, \n I acknowledge it. (00:16:48.100)
Yuki Cross : Huh? (00:16:51.540)
Yuki Cross : I'm serious. (00:16:53.710)
Kaname Kuran : And I have always been serious \n about you. (00:16:56.210)
Yuki Cross : Zero is not the culprit. (00:16:58.850)
Kaname Kuran : This talk is going nowhere, Yuki. (00:17:01.280)
Yuki Cross : I don't care if it goes nowhere! (00:17:03.950)
Yuki Cross : Until you truly admit it, \n I will not speak to you anymore! (00:17:07.720)
Takuma Ichijou : This isn't a child's fight... (00:17:16.860)
Takuma Ichijou : Oh, sorry, sorry... (00:17:23.670)
Ruka Souen : Going so far as to defy the Senate \n to protect Cross Academy... (00:17:29.740)
Ruka Souen : Just what is Lord Kaname thinking? (00:17:33.710)
Senri Shiki : Does it matter what he's thinking? (00:17:36.450)
Ruka Souen : Shiki, you... (00:17:39.990)
Senri Shiki : What he's thinking has no bearing. (00:17:42.020)
Senri Shiki : We simply obey. That's all. (00:17:44.860)
Senri Shiki : I find this place quite comfortable... (00:17:48.530)
EXTRA : Shiki... (00:17:51.870)
Senri Shiki : Because Dorm President Kuran \n created this place for us... (00:17:53.030)
Rima Touya : I agree with Shiki. (00:17:58.210)
Ruka Souen : You're right, I... (00:18:00.140)
Ruka Souen : The Night Class exists with \n Lord Kaname... (00:18:03.140)
Hanabusa Aidou : Me too! (00:18:06.550)
Hanabusa Aidou : Me too... (00:18:09.680)
Sayori 'Yori' Wakaba : What's wrong? (00:18:19.460)
Yuki Cross : Oh, sorry. Did I wake you? (00:18:20.460)
Sayori 'Yori' Wakaba : Can't sleep? (00:18:24.070)
Yuki Cross : Yeah. I was thinking that \n I'm such a child. (00:18:25.370)
Sayori 'Yori' Wakaba : I know. (00:18:30.340)
Yuki Cross : Huh? (00:18:31.340)
Sayori 'Yori' Wakaba : But I don't think that childishness \n in you is a weakness. (00:18:32.910)
Sayori 'Yori' Wakaba : Good night. (00:18:37.810)
Yuki Cross : Yori... (00:18:39.850)
Kaname Kuran : Need something? (00:18:50.020)
Zero Kiryuu : It was you, wasn't it? (00:18:52.060)
Zero Kiryuu : The one who killed Shizuka Hio \n after I injured her... (00:18:53.590)
Zero Kiryuu : I've heard that the blood of \n a Pureblood has great powers. (00:19:00.170)
Zero Kiryuu : So? Did you get it? (00:19:04.540)
Kaname Kuran : You heard? You ask as if it \n doesn't involve you. (00:19:08.140)
Kaname Kuran : But you have first-hand \n knowledge too, don't you? (00:19:11.780)
Kaname Kuran : You know, my blood can't really \n save you. (00:19:15.950)
Kaname Kuran : I pity you, Zero. (00:19:20.250)
Kaname Kuran : But I envy you too, being able to \n protect the girl you care about. (00:19:22.690)
Zero Kiryuu : Hey! We're not done talking! (00:19:27.930)
Zero Kiryuu : Maria told me... who the real enemy \n of the Purebloods is! (00:19:31.630)
Kaname Kuran : There is no need for you to know. (00:19:36.600)
Zero Kiryuu : You... (00:19:38.940)
Kaname Kuran : I just realized... that there is \n another way of looking at it. (00:19:40.810)
Kaname Kuran : You can protect Yuki because \n my blood flows inside you. (00:19:44.580)
Kaname Kuran : It's as though I am the one \n protecting Yuki, not you. (00:19:50.890)
Zero Kiryuu : Don't mess with me! (00:20:02.230)
Zero Kiryuu : Kaname Kuran's blood lives \n inside me. (00:20:20.010)
Yuki Cross : Isn't it time... you craved it? (00:20:25.190)
Zero Kiryuu : Since I sucked Kuran Kaname's blood (00:20:29.690)
Zero Kiryuu : my thirst should have been \n satisfied for a while. (00:20:32.230)
Zero Kiryuu : But I really wanted Yuki's blood... (00:20:35.530)
Shizuka Hiou : How you must have wanted to kill me... (00:20:40.530)
Shizuka Hiou : Zero Kiryu. (00:20:44.170)
Shizuka Hiou : Now that you have lost \n the object of your hate (00:20:47.640)
Shizuka Hiou : where will you go? (00:20:49.840)
Yuki Cross : Perhaps the cruel instincts of \n a vampire will take over... (00:20:55.150)
Shizuka Hiou : Perhaps the cruel instincts of \n a vampire will take over... (00:20:55.150)
Zero Kiryuu : Blood... (00:21:05.090)
Zero Kiryuu : The pungent sweet smell of blood... (00:21:10.100)
Zero Kiryuu : Yuki! (00:21:13.300)
Yuki Cross : Zero? (00:21:14.570)
Yuki Cross : What's wrong? (00:21:18.710)
Zero Kiryuu : Yuki! (00:21:20.840)
Zero Kiryuu : You're alive. (00:21:22.810)
Yuki Cross : Zero? (00:21:23.880)
Zero Kiryuu : I thought I had killed you. (00:21:25.510)
Yuki Cross : Zero. I can't breathe... (00:21:28.180)
Yuki Cross : Zero. (00:21:31.290)
Yuki Cross : Are you all right? (00:21:32.650)
Zero Kiryuu : Yeah. (00:21:35.590)
Yuki Cross : I'm glad. (00:21:38.090)
Zero Kiryuu : Yes... I want this gentle hand \n and smile... (00:21:41.030)
Yuki Cross : Oh... (00:21:50.140)
Zero Kiryuu : It's nothing... (00:21:57.110)
Toga Yagari : The Senate sent men \n to the Academy? (00:22:01.520)
Kaien Cross : Yes. (00:22:03.650)
Toga Yagari : What is the Hunter's Society doing? (00:22:05.190)
Toga Yagari : No matter how you look at it, they... (00:22:07.690)
Kaien Cross : This is from the Hunter's Society... (00:22:11.160)
Kaien Cross : A letter addressed to Zero. (00:22:13.890)
EXTRA : A dry white cloud passes (00:22:35.650)
EXTRA : Slowly drifting (00:22:40.720)
EXTRA : I am gray (00:22:45.030)
EXTRA : And I just watch it (00:22:49.200)
EXTRA : Disappear (00:23:01.140)
EXTRA : I gather stars (00:23:09.550)
EXTRA : And make \n a sand castle (00:23:13.850)
EXTRA : My small prayer (00:23:19.130)
EXTRA : Spills over and falls (00:23:24.370)
EXTRA : The wave that was \n lying in wait (00:23:28.600)
EXTRA : Sweeps me off my feet (00:23:31.840)
EXTRA : Next time: \n "The Eternal Promise" (00:23:50.120)

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