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Eva : Get back! (0:00:05.53)
Eva : Get back! Get back! Get back! (0:00:06.90)
EXTRA : Eva, they got Kate! (0:00:08.64)
Eva : Lucia! (0:00:12.84)
Eva : Wha... (0:00:17.95)
Eva : What is it? (0:00:19.05)
Eva : What is this? (0:00:21.98)
Eva : What... in the world is going on here?! (0:00:25.55)
Clare : How long do you plan to keep following me? (0:01:45.13)
Jean : I have no intention of leaving
your side until I repay you in kind.
Jean : I told you. (0:01:56.88)
Jean : That my life is yours. (0:01:58.48)
Clare : You have already repaid me in kind. (0:02:05.02)
Jean : Masterfully done. (0:02:16.40)
Clare : You gave me this technique. (0:02:19.47)
Jean : I did? (0:02:22.54)
Clare : Until that moment, (0:02:23.87)
Clare : I didn't think the Quick-Sword
was something that could be controlled.
Clare : But when I saw you on the lower level, (0:02:29.38)
Clare : my thinking completely changed. (0:02:32.98)
Clare : Your body was awakened,
but you had maintained your humanity.
Clare : Our conventional wisdom says
that's impossible, but you showed it's not.
Clare : It shocked me to the core. (0:02:46.39)
Clare : The strength of the human
will can be a great source of power.
Clare : That's why I thought I'd give it a try. (0:02:53.37)
Clare : A Quick-Sword technique that
would react to Yoma aura and be controlled
Clare : by the power of this strong will. (0:03:00.94)
Jean : And that is what this is... (0:03:03.48)
Clare : I was able to come up with this, thanks to you. (0:03:07.12)
Rubel : Don't give me that look. (0:03:11.89)
Rubel : You disappeared, so I've been
looking for you. It's only natural.
Clare : Rubel! (0:03:17.56)
Jean : Impossible! (0:03:22.36)
Jean : I sensed nothing... (0:03:23.73)
Clare : Number 5... Rafaela! (0:03:28.37)
Rubel : How about it? I bet you're surprised. (0:03:31.37)
Rubel : She's the most skilled at hiding her Yoma aura. (0:03:34.51)
Rubel : She's perfect for covert operations. (0:03:38.65)
Rubel : I wouldn't if I were you. (0:03:42.12)
Rubel : Even two-on-one, you
won't be able to win against her.
Rubel : She's a bit special, you see. (0:03:47.22)
Jean : What about Galatea? (0:03:49.99)
Jean : What happened to Galatea? (0:03:51.56)
Rubel : She abandoned her primary mission, (0:03:54.06)
Rubel : and on top of which, she
told us such an obvious lie.
Rubel : So immediately after she
reported in, we beheaded her.
Rubel : I'd love to tell you that's what happened, (0:04:07.48)
Rubel : but she's actually pretty useful in her own way, (0:04:09.74)
Rubel : so we spared her life. (0:04:13.31)
Rubel : Though, she'll be put on a
series of tough missions after this.
Rubel : Clare, I've come with a mission for you. (0:04:23.49)
Clare : A mission? (0:04:28.16)
Rubel : Multiple Awakened Beings
have appeared in the north
Rubel : and they took the lives of
several fighters, including Number 7.
Rubel : Your next mission is to wipe
out those Awakened Beings.
Rubel : The Organization will assemble
an appropriate number of fighters.
Rubel : And you are to be one of them. (0:04:47.22)
Rubel : If you accomplish this mission, (0:04:50.79)
Rubel : it seems we are willing
to grant you a special pardon.
Rubel : It's a great opportunity
for fugitives like you, isn't it?
Rubel : Well, I won't rush you for a decision. (0:05:01.10)
Rubel : I think you know now
that if we put our minds to it,
Rubel : we can find you and kill
you whenever we feel like it.
Rubel : Oh, also... (0:05:13.14)
Rubel : The boy you had with you... (0:05:15.44)
Rubel : It appears he's headed north. (0:05:18.05)
Rubel : He might still be looking for you. (0:05:23.92)
Clare : Raki is... (0:05:26.92)
Rubel : If you're of a mind to
be reunited with that boy,
Rubel : as luck would have it, (0:05:34.50)
Rubel : that makes the north an
ideal region to fulfill that goal.
Clare : Rubel! (0:05:42.17)
EXTRA : H-Hey... (0:05:57.62)
EXTRA : Wh-What the heck is this? (0:05:59.32)
EXTRA : What in the world is about to happen here? (0:06:01.92)
Jean : The northern land of Alfons... (0:06:06.79)
Jean : Pieta, the first town... (0:06:09.76)
Clare : I believe I told you there's
no need to follow me anymore.
Clare : I swear, you are just so... (0:06:18.71)
Helen : So, you're alive! (0:06:24.28)
Clare : You're... (0:06:26.28)
Helen : Long time no see, Clare! (0:06:27.75)
Clare : Helen! (0:06:30.18)
Helen : Whoops. (0:06:32.69)
Deneve : She was greeting an old friend,
whom she hadn't seen in a while.
Deneve : Don't be a boor and interfere. (0:06:40.56)
Clare : Deneve! (0:06:42.86)
Jean : Rather crude for a greeting. (0:06:46.67)
Jean : One should be courteous,
even among old friends.
Helen : What's this, Clare? (0:06:52.64)
Helen : You're partnered up with a
real strait-laced kinda gal here.
Helen : What number are you? (0:06:57.88)
Helen : I'll have you know,
I'm 22 and she's 15. Well?
Jean : My name is Jean. (0:07:04.52)
Jean : My number is 9. (0:07:06.45)
Helen : What?! Your number's in the single digits! (0:07:08.42)
Helen : Clare's Number 47, you know! (0:07:12.09)
Jean : Clare saved my life. (0:07:15.03)
Jean : Is that somehow related to what number we are? (0:07:18.07)
Deneve : It seems even those ranked in the single digits (0:07:23.64)
Deneve : are not all utterly insufferable. (0:07:25.44)
Deneve : My name is Deneve. My apologies
for what happened earlier.
Deneve : But please believe me, Helen meant no harm. (0:07:33.95)
Jean : No, I was also overly critical. (0:07:38.69)
Jean : I shouldn't have said those
words to a comrade-in-arms.
Helen : Man, sorry about that, Jean. (0:07:45.63)
Flora : Everyone, please gather around. (0:07:49.06)
Flora : We will now outline what our strategy will be. (0:07:52.93)
Flora : My name is Flora. (0:07:56.97)
Flora : I am the Organization's Number 8. (0:07:59.17)
Helen : Huh, so that's Number 8. (0:08:01.48)
Helen : Hey, if there are two or more
people ranked in the single digits,
Helen : that means, as the higher ranked
member, you're our leader, right?
Flora : No, there is someone with
a higher ranked number than me here.
Flora : She is our leader. (0:08:17.29)
Clare : Miria! (0:08:27.80)
Yuliana : That's... Number 6? (0:08:43.42)
Diana : Phantom Miria... (0:08:46.52)
Miria : I appreciate all of you coming
from your respective territories.
Miria : My name is Miria. My number is 6. (0:08:54.13)
Miria : I will serve as the leader of this operation. (0:08:58.37)
Miria : There are multiple
Awakened Beings banded together
Miria : here in the northern land of Alfons,
and our mission is to annihilate them.
Miria : Hence, our numbers. (0:09:10.14)
Diana : Impossible! Multiple Awakened Beings?! (0:09:13.55)
Yuliana : Not to mention, Awakened
Beings never band together!
Miria : But they have. (0:09:21.42)
Diana : Multiple Awakened Beings... (0:09:25.86)
Undine : If you're scared, you can
turn tail and run, little missies.
Undine : Our duty is to fight Yoma and Awakened Beings, (0:09:33.90)
Undine : and beat them to a pulp. (0:09:36.97)
Undine : It's pointless, if you're getting
scared by what you're up against!
Undine : So just quit now! (0:09:42.38)
Helen : What's the deal with her? (0:09:45.91)
Helen : She's awfully full of herself. (0:09:47.75)
Helen : And she's got two great swords on her back. (0:09:49.85)
Deneve : Number 11, Undine. (0:09:52.85)
Deneve : She claims to have the greatest
physical strength among us fighters,
Deneve : and hence, the two swords. (0:09:58.59)
Helen : Huh... (0:10:00.16)
Deneve : Well, if you ask me, (0:10:01.46)
Deneve : the way she flaunts muscles
that are useless except in combat...
Deneve : It just screams "small fry." (0:10:09.00)
Helen : Woohoo! Harsh! (0:10:11.27)
Undine : Eh? (0:10:13.77)
Undine : Who the hell're you? (0:10:15.04)
Undine : Who do you think you're talking to, eh? (0:10:16.91)
Deneve : Sorry, I thought I was talking
so you wouldn't be able to hear,
Deneve : but it seems my voice is naturally loud. (0:10:24.99)
Undine : You're a funny one. (0:10:28.32)
Helen : Hey, Deneve, knock it off. (0:10:31.16)
Flora : Please be quiet, everyone. (0:10:45.24)
Flora : We are not done here yet. (0:10:47.11)
Flora : But if you still insist on raising a commotion, (0:10:49.91)
Flora : I shall serve as your opponent. (0:10:53.41)
Undine : Damn. (0:10:58.52)
Jean : Wind Cutting Flora. (0:11:03.09)
Jean : The Organization's Number 8. (0:11:04.93)
Jean : Drawing the sword, cutting, (0:11:07.03)
Jean : then returning it to its
sheath is a simple action,
Jean : but she executes it more swiftly
and masterfully than any other fighter.
Flora : Miss Jean, since you are
also ranked in the single digits,
Flora : please come up here. (0:11:18.47)
Miria : Also, Number 11, Undine (0:11:23.18)
Miria : and Number 13, Veronica. Step forward. (0:11:27.72)
Miria : These five, including myself,
will serve as captains.
Miria : There are 24 of us gathered together here. (0:11:38.23)
Miria : So we will form 5 teams. (0:11:41.16)
Miria : Each team will have 4 to 5 members. (0:11:44.47)
Miria : In other words, the framework will be the same (0:11:47.03)
Miria : as a normal Awakened Being hunt. (0:11:49.20)
Undine : Oh-ho, that makes sense. (0:11:51.24)
Miria : The strategy is nothing special. (0:11:54.31)
Miria : One team per Awakened Being. (0:11:58.11)
Miria : This will be the basic principle. (0:12:00.92)
Miria : We strike tomorrow. (0:12:03.38)
Miria : I will now split out the teams. (0:12:06.45)
Miria : No objections will be allowed. (0:12:08.49)
Miria : Number 14, Cynthia. (0:12:10.96)
Cynthia : Oh... Y-Yes. (0:12:13.13)
Miria : Team Veronica. (0:12:14.80)
Miria : Number 15, Deneve. Team Undine. (0:12:16.50)
Miria : Number 17, Eliza. Team Jean. (0:12:21.14)
Miria : Number 18, Lily. Team Flora. (0:12:25.01)
Miria : Number 20, Keeny. Team Miria. (0:12:28.54)
Miria : Number 22, Helen. Team Veronica. (0:12:32.21)
Helen : --What the hell? I'm not on Team Miria?
--Number 24, Zelda. Team Undine.
Miria : Number 27, Emelia. Team Jean. (0:12:40.76)
Helen : Hey, there. (0:13:00.81)
Helen : You'd better not have been followed. (0:13:02.04)
Clare : No. No one's interested in
where anyone goes, anyway.
Helen : Everyone's here already. (0:13:09.85)
Helen : I guess you're the last to arrive again. (0:13:15.56)
Clare : Miria... (0:13:19.26)
Miria : Long time no see. (0:13:21.30)
Helen : Let's commemorate our reunion. (0:13:30.10)
Miria : You all did well to survive. (0:13:41.18)
Miria : I'm happy to see you. (0:13:44.08)
Helen : Who's out there?! (0:13:48.69)
Deneve : You're... (0:13:54.86)
Helen : Clare! You bastard, you got followed! (0:13:56.13)
Clare : No, that's not it... (0:13:58.97)
Clare : Jean is in the same situation as us. (0:14:01.20)
Jean : It wasn't my intent to put a
damper on a reunion among old friends,
Jean : but it seems this matter also relates to me. (0:14:10.28)
Miria : Reverting back from a state
where your body was awakened...
Miria : I'm sure it's due to an
extraordinary strength of will,
Miria : but I find it hard to believe... (0:14:24.29)
Miria : Clare, I noticed when we first met, (0:14:26.39)
Miria : but your right arm is different, too. (0:14:29.76)
Miria : I see that it's the right arm of
someone with considerable strength...
Miria : Whose is it? (0:14:37.10)
Helen : Huh? Wha? Right arm? (0:14:38.54)
Clare : I'm sorry, but I can't reveal that. (0:14:40.74)
Miria : It doesn't seem like your
situation has improved much.
Clare : But that doesn't just apply to me. (0:14:47.41)
Clare : That's something that can be said
of all 24 who were assembled here.
Helen : Huh? (0:14:54.99)
Clare : This operation... (0:14:56.82)
Clare : What do you think the
probability is that we'll succeed?
Miria : This operation has
zero probability of succeeding.
Helen : What?! (0:15:08.57)
Miria : If it was just multiple Awakened Beings, (0:15:10.67)
Miria : our chance of success probably wouldn't be zero. (0:15:12.77)
Miria : But, because of the mastermind behind them, (0:15:16.08)
Miria : everything that we do will be for naught. (0:15:20.21)
Helen : Wh-What do you mean?! (0:15:22.95)
Clare : The Silver King, who governs the north... (0:15:25.85)
Clare : The Creature of the Abyss, Isley... (0:15:29.16)
Helen : Creature of the Abyss? (0:15:32.59)
Deneve : Isley? (0:15:35.20)
Miria : That's right. (0:15:37.16)
Miria : Subdue all the Awakened Beings in the north (0:15:38.60)
Miria : and the puppeteer behind them,
the Creature of the Abyss, Isley.
Miria : That's the true nature of this operation. (0:15:46.37)
Helen : Wait... (0:15:48.54)
Helen : Th-There's no way we can pull that off! (0:15:49.74)
Helen : What the hell is the Organization thinking?! (0:15:52.45)
Miria : --Helen.
Miria : The Organization's objective is likely (0:16:01.89)
Miria : to buy time to come up with a counter move. (0:16:03.89)
Miria : In other words, we're just sacrificial pawns. (0:16:07.16)
EXTRA : Huh, so that's the town of Pieta. (0:16:14.57)
EXTRA : But there sure are a lot of them. (0:16:17.94)
EXTRA : How many are there? (0:16:20.47)
EXTRA : Hold on a second. (0:16:21.94)
EXTRA : 24 of them. (0:16:25.15)
EXTRA : Not that it makes a
difference how many there are.
EXTRA : What do we do? (0:16:31.59)
EXTRA : What do we do? Our
function is forward reconnaissance.
EXTRA : All these darling underclassmen
of ours are gathered here...
EXTRA : We shouldn't ignore them, right?
We should at least say hello!
Miria : Shoot! They're preempting us! (0:16:48.70)
EXTRA : What is this? (0:16:59.35)
EXTRA : Well, then, see you there. (0:17:01.45)
EXTRA : Aw, there he goes. (0:17:05.19)
EXTRA : Sheesh, talk about hopeless. (0:17:07.82)
EXTRA : Good evening, residents of the town of Pieta. (0:17:15.30)
EXTRA : And good-bye. (0:17:22.54)
EXTRA : Monster! (0:17:26.07)
EXTRA : Hey, you move pretty well. (0:17:37.52)
Miria : All fighters take up your great swords! (0:17:42.56)
EXTRA : Ooh, what a magnificent sight! (0:17:48.16)
EXTRA : It's not every day that I get
surrounded by so many girls.
Miria : We, Team Miria, will handle the enemy before us! (0:17:56.07)
Miria : Team Flora, take the roof to the right! (0:17:59.71)
Miria : Team Jean, go after the one
on the stone pillar to the left!
Miria : Teams Undine and Veronica, stand by! (0:18:05.58)
Miria : Watch how things go and back
up the teams that get in trouble!
EXTRA : Oh? Here I thought they might
be rattled by the sudden attack,
EXTRA : but they're being pretty composed about this. (0:18:16.22)
EXTRA : I was planning on taking
advantage of the confusion
EXTRA : and going after the best parts, (0:18:20.43)
EXTRA : but they've already spotted me. (0:18:22.00)
EXTRA : She must've survived a couple bloody battles. (0:18:24.30)
EXTRA : They've got a good leader. (0:18:27.97)
EXTRA : But... (0:18:29.74)
EXTRA : ...she's forgotten that not all of
them are used to us Awakened Beings.
Miria : Here we go! (0:18:40.68)
EXTRA : Why you! (0:18:48.22)
EXTRA : Damn it! Scurrying around everywhere! (0:18:50.62)
Clare : She's fast! (0:18:56.20)
Flora : On my team, Numbers 39
and 47 will likely be of no use.
Flora : I shall end this before
he takes his awakened form.
Clare : That's... (0:19:12.45)
Flora : He made my swing veer off course?! (0:19:14.08)
Clare : He controls your Yoma aura. (0:19:21.46)
Clare : By synchronizing with his opponent's aura, (0:19:23.29)
Clare : he can manipulate their bodies! (0:19:24.76)
EXTRA : My body... (0:19:27.53)
Flora : My body... will not... (0:19:32.93)
EXTRA : Please... run... (0:19:38.07)
EXTRA : My body... won't... do what I want... (0:19:40.71)
EXTRA : Hurry! Run! (0:19:47.48)
Clare : Please! Ilena! (0:19:55.19)
EXTRA : What was that? Her right
arm alone is extraordinary!
Flora : Damn! (0:20:09.60)
EXTRA : That was pretty good. (0:20:14.78)
EXTRA : I'm starting to have fun here. (0:20:16.68)
EXTRA : This is why... (0:20:18.98)
EXTRA : This is why I can't give up being a monster! (0:20:20.45)
EXTRA : I'm going to tear apart every last one of you! (0:20:28.99)
EXTRA : You're not suited to being a leader. (0:20:36.30)
EXTRA : You must've known who'd
be useless right from the start.
EXTRA : But you try to protect
them instead of forsaking them,
EXTRA : so your teamwork suffers. (0:20:46.44)
EXTRA : As a result, you're in this fix. (0:20:48.84)
EXTRA : Go apologize to your comrades in the next world. (0:20:51.11)
Helen : I swear! Your way of
fighting looks awfully clumsy.
Helen : We're here to back you up. (0:21:01.99)
Jean : Helen! (0:21:03.66)
Clare : Deneve! (0:21:11.30)
Deneve : Looks to be a formidable foe. (0:21:12.57)
Deneve : We're here to assist. (0:21:14.30)
Deneve : Brace yourselves. We're going
to settle this in one fell swoop.
Helen : Here he comes! (0:21:24.01)
Clare : The white land, the white night. (0:22:42.19)
Clare : The nightmare that is unleashed. (0:22:45.26)
Clare : Next time, "The Carnage in the North II." (0:22:47.83)

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PantheonLord06 : Please Change Alucard’s birthdate to November 9, it’s not actually April 9 it’s really November 9 according to Myanimelist which is an official source for anime’s.

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