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Konata Izumi : Summer! (0:01:35.14)
Konata Izumi : The sea! (0:01:35.77)
Konata Izumi : So sensei and nee san are in
charge of supervising and driving today.
Yui Narumi : Gotcha! (0:01:42.15)
Nanako Kuroi : Gotcha! (0:01:42.15)
Konata Izumi : But you know... (0:01:43.28)
Konata Izumi : The two of you have a lot of free time. (0:01:45.02)
Kagami Hiiragi : Sorry to impose on your day off. (0:01:52.53)
Yui Narumi : It's nothing. (0:01:55.21)
Yui Narumi : Don't sweat it. (0:01:55.79)
Kagami Hiiragi : Narumi-san... (0:01:57.42)
Kagami Hiiragi : You're an officer in the traffic safety department, right? (0:01:58.54)
Yui Narumi : That's right. (0:02:01.38)
Yui Narumi : I know all there is to know about traffic law. (0:02:02.72)
Yui Narumi : He passed me. (0:02:06.21)
Yui Narumi : Bastard... (0:02:07.71)
Kagami Hiiragi : Wa- (0:02:08.72)
Kagami Hiiragi : Hey! (0:02:09.05)
Kagami Hiiragi : What happened to safety first? (0:02:09.72)
Konata Izumi : Nee san goes wild once her hand's on the wheel. (0:02:10.94)
Konata Izumi : Guess we'll have to sacrifice Kagami and Tsukasa. (0:02:14.34)
Nanako Kuroi : Really... (0:02:17.76)
Nanako Kuroi : Isn't she a cop? (0:02:18.98)
Nanako Kuroi : Huh? (0:02:21.12)
Nanako Kuroi : That's odd. (0:02:21.86)
Nanako Kuroi : I lost sight of them. (0:02:22.64)
Konata Izumi : Sensei, that's the wrong way! (0:02:26.02)
Konata Izumi : That's a one-way street! (0:02:27.90)
Konata Izumi : I messed up big time! (0:02:30.79)
Konata Izumi : I didn't expect them both to fail! (0:02:32.16)
EXTRA : That car's incredible! (0:02:55.72)
EXTRA : Who is it?! (0:02:57.14)
EXTRA : They both have perfect braking and drifting! (0:02:58.18)
EXTRA : It's practically on top of the FDI! (0:03:00.36)
EXTRA : And it's got better acceleration! (0:03:02.27)
EXTRA : It's practically touching the guard rail! (0:03:04.52)
Yui Narumi : The point of attack will come... (0:03:07.02)
Yui Narumi : the five consecutive hairpin curves ahead! (0:03:09.82)
EXTRA : It's speeding up! (0:03:17.12)
EXTRA : Did the brakes die?! (0:03:18.92)
EXTRA : Incredible! (0:03:25.08)
Kagami Hiiragi : What's with the (bleep) D-like driving?! (0:03:28.38)
Konata Izumi : Nanako-san... (0:03:33.67)
Konata Izumi : You're really good... (0:03:35.85)
Konata Izumi : driving... (0:03:37.43)
Nanako Kuroi : Yeah? (0:03:39.80)
Konata Izumi : You see... (0:03:41.27)
Konata Izumi : I get sick whenever I'm in a car. (0:03:42.31)
Konata Izumi : That's why I brought medicine... (0:03:45.64)
Konata Izumi : But I didn't feel sick at all with you at the wheel. (0:03:49.49)
Nanako Kuroi : Like! (0:03:56.61)
Nanako Kuroi : I don't have time to be talking to you! (0:03:57.41)
Nanako Kuroi : Well... (0:04:15.84)
Nanako Kuroi : How about we find a hotel? (0:04:17.18)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : The clear sky is perfect weather for a day at the beach. (0:04:27.44)
Kagami Hiiragi : Seriously... (0:04:30.45)
Kagami Hiiragi : I was getting worried there yesterday. (0:04:31.20)
Konata Izumi : I'll put on my swimsuit before we go! (0:04:33.51)
Kagami Hiiragi : You're such a child...! (0:04:36.38)
Kagami Hiiragi : Konata-san! (0:04:39.41)
Kagami Hiiragi : Are you seriously wearing that? (0:04:40.16)
Kagami Hiiragi : And like... (0:04:41.76)
Kagami Hiiragi : I've never heard of someone wearing a school swimsuit at this age. (0:04:42.75)
Konata Izumi : Some people have special needs, Kagamin. (0:04:45.96)
Kagami Hiiragi : H-H-How old is that swimsuit?! (0:04:49.26)
Kagami Hiiragi : Besides... (0:04:53.96)
Kagami Hiiragi : Why are you wearing a swim ring when you're good at sports stuff? (0:04:55.22)
Konata Izumi : The ocean doesn't exist solely for wasting effort on swimming. (0:04:58.64)
Konata Izumi : You should take it leisurely. (0:05:02.73)
Konata Izumi : Leisure time. (0:05:04.61)
Konata Izumi : Plus, to meet those special needs... (0:05:06.27)
Konata Izumi : have to wear a school swimsuit with a swim ring. (0:05:08.32)
Kagami Hiiragi : People with special needs... (0:05:11.65)
Kagami Hiiragi : ...won't be coming to the beach. (0:05:13.11)
Konata Izumi : Watermelon cracking is the usual event in manga and anime... (0:05:18.95)
Konata Izumi : ...but it doesn't happen much in reality. (0:05:22.33)
Kagami Hiiragi : I've seen it before... (0:05:24.25)
Kagami Hiiragi : ...but people probably feel like it's a waste. (0:05:26.59)
Konata Izumi : That's true... (0:05:28.54)
Konata Izumi : If you blow up a watermelon with a gun... (0:05:29.88)
Konata Izumi :'ll end up covered in watermelon. (0:05:32.26)
Kagami Hiiragi : You watch too much anime. (0:05:34.39)
Konata Izumi : Have you ever played it before, Miyuki-san? (0:05:35.92)
Konata Izumi : Since you're rich. (0:05:37.72)
Miyuki Takara : I haven't. (0:05:39.06)
Konata Izumi : Well, on second thought... (0:05:40.98)
Konata Izumi : It doesn't seem like something rich people would do. (0:05:42.77)
Kagami Hiiragi : You have a point. (0:05:45.90)
Konata Izumi : It was obvious... (0:05:55.32)
Konata Izumi : ...but I guess your eyes don't end up like in manga. (0:05:56.57)
Miyuki Takara : I'm sorry to disappoint you. (0:05:59.08)
Nanako Kuroi : But y'know, yeah? (0:06:01.70)
Nanako Kuroi : A girls only babysitting trip to the beach at this age... (0:06:03.75)
Nanako Kuroi : We're some lonely, single girls, huh? (0:06:07.25)
Yui Narumi : You're mistak- (0:06:09.84)
Nanako Kuroi : But yeah... (0:06:10.29)
Nanako Kuroi : If the alternative is resorting to bringing something like that... (0:06:11.42)
Nanako Kuroi : ...I'm all for a girls only trip. (0:06:14.59)
Yui Narumi : No, I'm... (0:06:16.72)
Nanako Kuroi : They're telling people to marry late these days. (0:06:17.17)
Nanako Kuroi : Might as well take our time and choose well. (0:06:19.97)
Yui Narumi : You're mistaken. (0:06:22.94)
Yui Narumi : My husband just happens to be busy working far away. (0:06:24.31)
Yui Narumi : I'm already married! (0:06:26.90)
Konata Izumi : The beach is a mecca for flirting... (0:06:29.27)
Konata Izumi : ...but it doesn't apply to us, huh? (0:06:31.17)
Kagami Hiiragi : Well, it's less annoying this way. (0:06:33.40)
Kagami Hiiragi : Besides, this thing... (0:06:36.32)
Kagami Hiiragi : ...probably makes people think
we're sisters here on a family trip.
Tsukasa Hiiragi : There we go. (0:06:45.24)
Konata Izumi : What's up? (0:06:54.56)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : Well... (0:06:56.29)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : It kind of feels icky to sit down when I'm still wet. (0:06:57.34)
Miyuki Takara : I understand how you feel. (0:07:01.05)
Konata Izumi : Then you can use an air chair. (0:07:02.22)
Kagami Hiiragi : You're pretty extreme. (0:07:04.64)
Kagami Hiiragi : What is it? (0:07:11.73)
Konata Izumi : My neck's tired. (0:07:12.65)
Kagami Hiiragi : Really now. (0:07:13.78)
Konata Izumi : Just as expected! (0:07:16.44)
Kagami Hiiragi : What are you so happy about? (0:07:17.69)
Konata Izumi : Because I got something straight out of a storybook beach house. (0:07:19.62)
Konata Izumi : Look at how the curry is sauce and nothing else. (0:07:22.91)
Konata Izumi : This is true beach house fare! (0:07:24.95)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : That's true. (0:07:26.37)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : Usually, you wouldn't be willing to eat something like this... (0:07:27.54)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : ...but here, it actually tastes good! (0:07:30.29)
Nanako Kuroi : The beer they got at the beach is the best! (0:07:38.34)
Nanako Kuroi : Generic beer isn't too bad once in a while. (0:07:41.05)
Yui Narumi : I find it odd that they're charging
300 yen for a single frankfurter.
Konata Izumi : Yeah! (0:07:48.06)
Konata Izumi : Maybe they're only half-cooked. (0:07:49.10)
Konata Izumi : But we'll eat it anyway. (0:07:50.65)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : I actually like how their chicken is... (0:07:52.10)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : ...dripping in grease and over-spiced. (0:07:54.69)
Miyuki Takara : And this plain fried soba... (0:07:58.36)
Miyuki Takara : quite nice. (0:08:00.36)
Nanako Kuroi : But still... (0:08:01.74)
Nanako Kuroi : You couldn't stand eating this stuff at home! (0:08:03.12)
Konata Izumi : Konata's touched. (0:08:07.99)
Kagami Hiiragi : Hey. (0:08:12.41)
Kagami Hiiragi : Does this food really warrant so much praise? (0:08:13.83)
Konata Izumi : Not really. (0:08:15.96)
Konata Izumi : Not enough to make you run towards the ocean in a loincloth. (0:08:16.92)
Kagami Hiiragi : Is that another anime reference? (0:08:19.88)
Nanako Kuroi : Drank too much... (0:08:30.47)
Nanako Kuroi : No choice. (0:08:31.74)
Nanako Kuroi : Let's stay another night. (0:08:32.77)
Konata Izumi : Yui-nee san, what about work? (0:08:34.02)
Yui Narumi : I also took tomorrow off. (0:08:35.90)
Yui Narumi : It's fine! (0:08:37.65)
Nanako Kuroi : I-It's freezing... (0:08:44.69)
Konata Izumi : Sensei, you're exaggerating. (0:08:46.99)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : Why is your hair all squeaky... (0:09:20.33)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : ...after you've been in the ocean? (0:09:22.80)
Kagami Hiiragi : Dunno. (0:09:24.91)
Kagami Hiiragi : Maybe it has to do with salt or something. (0:09:25.66)
Kagami Hiiragi : Right, Miyuki? (0:09:28.37)
Miyuki Takara : That's right. (0:09:30.24)
Miyuki Takara : The main reason would be salt content and UV rays. (0:09:31.50)
Konata Izumi : What's so bad about it? (0:09:34.79)
Konata Izumi : Isn't your hair always getting hit by UV rays? (0:09:37.00)
Miyuki Takara : Well... (0:09:40.05)
Miyuki Takara : It'll take a little while... (0:09:41.18)
Miyuki Takara : explain that in detail. (0:09:43.22)
Miyuki Takara : In that case... (0:09:46.55)
Miyuki Takara : The reason your hair is damaged by a trip to the beach... (0:09:50.51)
Miyuki Takara : ...would be the adhesion of salt
from seawater and the sea breeze...
Miyuki Takara : ...which absorbs the moisture from your hair... (0:09:56.02)
Miyuki Takara : ...which now suffers from exposure to strong UV rays. (0:09:58.23)
Miyuki Takara : Also... (0:10:01.24)
Miyuki Takara : Whenever you are exposed to strong UV rays outdoors... (0:10:02.15)
Miyuki Takara : ...your melanin levels will fade... (0:10:04.36)
Miyuki Takara : ...and your hair will become light brown. (0:10:06.24)
Miyuki Takara : And if residual quantities of salt or chlorine remain in your hair... (0:10:08.78)
Miyuki Takara : ...they may result in the discoloration of your hair. (0:10:12.37)
Miyuki Takara : The usual reason for hair damage in summer... (0:10:16.48)
Miyuki Takara : ...would be UV rays and residual substances. (0:10:18.94)
Miyuki Takara : The above factors cause damage to the cuticles. (0:10:21.69)
Miyuki Takara : When exposed to strong UV rays... (0:10:26.09)
Miyuki Takara : ...the cysteine molecules found in strong hair are broken up... (0:10:27.80)
Konata Izumi : Look! Look! (0:10:33.72)
Konata Izumi : Timotei! (0:10:35.35)
Konata Izumi : Timotei! (0:10:36.85)
Konata Izumi : Timotei! (0:10:38.35)
Kagami Hiiragi : What's that? (0:10:39.78)
Nanako Kuroi : I wonder how other people would see us. (0:10:47.44)
Yui Narumi : Not sure... (0:10:51.61)
Nanako Kuroi : Nothing to talk about... (0:10:56.63)
Yui Narumi : Nothing to talk about... (0:10:56.63)
Yui Narumi : Probably family or relatives? (0:11:00.04)
Nanako Kuroi : Guess you're right. (0:11:04.22)
Yui Narumi : That's all you have to say? (0:11:07.06)
Konata Izumi : Nee san! Nee san! (0:11:08.59)
Konata Izumi : Timotei! (0:11:10.14)
Konata Izumi : Timotei! (0:11:11.59)
Konata Izumi : Timotei! (0:11:13.13)
Yui Narumi : I remember that! (0:11:15.18)
Yui Narumi : I used to do it! (0:11:16.02)
Konata Izumi : Yes! (0:11:16.89)
Konata Izumi : That's the response I wanted! (0:11:17.65)
Nanako Kuroi : How old are you? (0:11:19.90)
Konata Izumi : Mandom! (0:11:24.56)
Kagami Hiiragi : Cut out the geezer jokes. (0:11:25.44)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : What's wrong, Kona-chan? (0:11:27.36)
Konata Izumi : I just triggered a flag. (0:11:28.99)
Kagami Hiiragi : What are you talking about? (0:11:30.82)
Konata Izumi : This is where the event starts! (0:11:32.14)
Konata Izumi : In order to see both paths... (0:11:34.12)
Konata Izumi : ...don't forget to save often before a split! (0:11:36.71)
Konata Izumi : No exceptions! (0:11:38.42)
Konata Izumi : Picture complete. (0:11:42.51)
Konata Izumi : Perfect! (0:11:47.13)
Konata Izumi : Bring it on! (0:11:48.05)
Kagami Hiiragi : No idea what's going on. (0:11:48.63)
Kagami Hiiragi : Anyway... (0:11:50.63)
Kagami Hiiragi : being like this is why... (0:11:51.72)
Konata Izumi : Why...? (0:11:53.97)
Kagami Hiiragi : Why nobody came to hit on us. (0:11:55.06)
Kagami Hiiragi : Y-You're the one who brought it up in the first place! (0:11:58.89)
Kagami Hiiragi : I could really care less about that stuff. (0:12:02.36)
Konata Izumi : So Kagami wanted someone to hit on her. (0:12:06.73)
Kagami Hiiragi : N-No... (0:12:10.20)
Miyuki Takara : No! (0:12:11.37)
Konata Izumi : Damn it! (0:12:13.78)
Konata Izumi : I missed it! (0:12:14.62)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : What is it? (0:12:21.03)
Kagami Hiiragi : I was wondering what you do about hair. (0:12:23.70)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : Mine's pretty smooth, so I don't do anything. (0:12:27.19)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : What about you, Sis? (0:12:31.92)
Kagami Hiiragi : M-Me?! (0:12:32.97)
Kagami Hiiragi : I guess I'm normal. (0:12:34.31)
Kagami Hiiragi : Actually, today was kinda dangerous. (0:12:45.73)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : What? (0:12:49.48)
Kagami Hiiragi : Well... (0:12:50.45)
Kagami Hiiragi : You know... (0:12:52.11)
Kagami Hiiragi : Almost happened... (0:12:53.45)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : Oh, that? (0:12:55.74)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : I see. (0:12:56.83)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : Good thing then. (0:12:57.24)
Kagami Hiiragi : You were okay? (0:12:58.68)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : No problem at all. (0:13:00.70)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : Mine ended a week ago. (0:13:02.26)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : The timing was perfect. (0:13:03.69)
Kagami Hiiragi : It really sucks when that happens. (0:13:06.37)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : You're right. (0:13:09.04)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : It would be sad if you were the
only one who couldn't go in the water...
Tsukasa Hiiragi : But using that would be a little... (0:13:13.01)
Kagami Hiiragi : Yeah. (0:13:15.30)
Kagami Hiiragi : Makes you think twice. (0:13:16.22)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : I've never used one. (0:13:17.47)
Konata Izumi : That was a candid conversation. (0:13:21.01)
Kagami Hiiragi : Wh-What about you? (0:13:23.27)
Kagami Hiiragi : Don't tell me... (0:13:26.31)
Konata Izumi : What's with that look? (0:13:27.65)
Kagami Hiiragi : Nothing. (0:13:29.03)
Konata Izumi : Apparently, this is a true story... (0:13:30.60)
Konata Izumi : A photo software wholesaler... (0:13:35.19)
Konata Izumi : ...was on his way home from work... (0:13:38.12)
Konata Izumi : ...and got on the bus as usual late at night... (0:13:40.29)
Konata Izumi : His house was... (0:13:44.41)
Konata Izumi : the end of the bus line. (0:13:46.04)
Konata Izumi : So... (0:13:49.05)
Konata Izumi : As more and more passengers got off... (0:13:49.76)
Konata Izumi : ...eventually, he was the only person left on the bus... (0:13:53.43)
Konata Izumi : The driver thought that nobody was left on the bus... (0:13:59.59)
Konata Izumi : ...and... (0:14:05.60)
Konata Izumi : ...sang "DANZEN! Futari wa ***Cure" at the top of his lungs! (0:14:08.52)
Konata Izumi : Just a rumor I heard. (0:14:15.00)
Nanako Kuroi : It was nothing... (0:14:17.41)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : What a relief... (0:14:44.68)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : I was so scared. (0:14:45.77)
Yui Narumi : I'm also... (0:14:48.56)
Konata Izumi : I'm Sukekiyo. (0:14:49.61)
Yui Narumi : Where'd you get that mask from?! (0:14:54.35)
Yui Narumi : Then good night. (0:14:56.44)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : Yes. (0:14:57.87)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : Good night. (0:14:58.28)
Konata Izumi : The Inugami Family! (0:14:59.58)
Konata Izumi : It's so much fun to scare you. (0:15:02.86)
Kagami Hiiragi : How about you go to sleep already? (0:15:04.91)
Nanako Kuroi : Hey! (0:15:12.50)
Nanako Kuroi : We're going! (0:15:13.26)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : Okay! (0:15:14.79)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : I don't have anything interesting to say. (0:15:50.04)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : I'm Tsukasa. (0:15:56.58)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : I'm Tsukasa. (0:15:58.39)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : Onee-chan! (0:16:10.60)
Kagami Hiiragi : What is it? (0:16:13.32)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : I was scared! (0:16:14.32)
Konata Izumi : A girl just took a step towards becoming an adult, Kagamin. (0:16:14.68)
Konata Izumi : Comp Festival is a big hit. (0:16:22.44)
Kagami Hiiragi : 'Cause Japanese people are suckers for limited edition stuff. (0:16:25.24)
Konata Izumi : If the words "limited edition" are enough to boost sales... (0:16:28.37)
Konata Izumi : ...they could just add it to everything. (0:16:31.04)
Kagami Hiiragi : That would cheapen the value. (0:16:33.33)
EXTRA : So I went and asked. (0:16:35.76)
EXTRA : Yes. (0:16:38.34)
Tadao Hiiragi : Clean your room before break's over. (0:16:38.92)
Kagami Hiiragi : Whoa, how nostalgic! (0:16:46.13)
Kagami Hiiragi : These textbooks are from middle school. (0:16:47.73)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : Onee-chan. (0:16:49.39)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : Look at this album! (0:16:50.44)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : Isn't this picture of otou-san a little risqué? (0:16:52.76)
Kagami Hiiragi : Right? (0:16:54.57)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : That's when I started wondering about otou-san's thing. (0:16:55.23)
Tadao Hiiragi : You look like you're having fun... (0:16:58.60)
Tadao Hiiragi : ...but are you getting any cleaning done? (0:16:59.65)
Kagami Hiiragi : Um... (0:17:02.40)
Inori Hiiragi : Hey. (0:17:04.83)
Inori Hiiragi : Do you want these clothes? (0:17:05.41)
Kagami Hiiragi : If you don't need them, I'll take them. (0:17:07.65)
Inori Hiiragi : Then I'll leave them here. (0:17:09.16)
Kagami Hiiragi : Thanks. (0:17:11.03)
Inori Hiiragi : Hey. (0:17:14.24)
Inori Hiiragi : Do you want this? (0:17:14.92)
Kagami Hiiragi : Then I guess I'll take it. (0:17:16.29)
Inori Hiiragi : What about this? (0:17:17.64)
Inori Hiiragi : This? (0:17:19.25)
Kagami Hiiragi : Wait! (0:17:20.17)
Kagami Hiiragi : Don't tell me she's using me as her trash can... (0:17:20.84)
Kagami Hiiragi : You end up looking through photo albums and stuff instead. (0:17:24.09)
Konata Izumi : I know what you mean. (0:17:27.38)
Konata Izumi : If any old magazines are lying around, I start reading them. (0:17:28.52)
Kagami Hiiragi : That's right. (0:17:31.23)
Konata Izumi : Oh, yeah. What about Tsukasa? (0:17:32.94)
Kagami Hiiragi : She doesn't throw anything away, so it takes a while. (0:17:34.40)
Kagami Hiiragi : She's still at it. (0:17:38.23)
Konata Izumi : Tsukasa's always slow to act. (0:17:39.94)
Konata Izumi : On the other hand, Kagami's always trigger happy. (0:17:42.57)
Kagami Hiiragi : Why is your impression of me... (0:17:45.41)
Kagami Hiiragi : aggressive? (0:17:48.04)
Konata Izumi : You saved your textbooks from middle school. (0:17:50.78)
Kagami Hiiragi : You don't have anything like that? (0:17:53.66)
Konata Izumi : I left them with my memories at my old school. (0:17:55.58)
Kagami Hiiragi : No, take them home. (0:17:59.54)
Kagami Hiiragi : You're causing trouble for the school. (0:18:01.01)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : I finally finished cleaning. (0:18:03.46)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : I don't think that I'll ever use this again... (0:18:06.17)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : ...but then I remember how I just used it... (0:18:08.35)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : I can't throw it away. (0:18:10.52)
Konata Izumi : Yeah. (0:18:12.23)
Konata Izumi : There really are people who keep everything. (0:18:12.81)
Konata Izumi : Tsukasa seems the type. (0:18:15.56)
Kagami Hiiragi : You seem like someone who even throws away useful stuff. (0:18:17.72)
Kagami Hiiragi : Seeing as how you ditched your textbooks. (0:18:20.86)
Yukari Takara : Miyuki. (0:18:23.98)
Yukari Takara : Go have your teeth taken care of... (0:18:25.07)
Yukari Takara : ...before school starts up again. (0:18:26.66)
Miyuki Takara : I understand... (0:18:28.82)
Miyuki Takara : ...but I just don't like it. (0:18:30.91)
Yukari Takara : Well, I would feel bad about forcing you to go. (0:18:33.84)
Yukari Takara : If you can't go... (0:18:38.41)
Yukari Takara : ...I'll have him come. (0:18:39.46)
Yukari Takara : A visit from the dentist. (0:18:40.55)
Miyuki Takara : P-Please wait! (0:18:41.55)
Akira Kogami : Morning luckies! (0:18:48.76)
Akira Kogami : We've already burst into the sixth episode of Lucky Channel! (0:18:50.44)
Akira Kogami : I hope that you've all become familiar with this corner. (0:18:54.44)
Akira Kogami : I'm Kogami Akira! (0:18:58.40)
Minoru Shiraishi : Lame! (0:19:00.78)
Akira Kogami : You say something? (0:19:02.10)
Akira Kogami : It appears that newbie Shiraishi-kun
isn't used to the job and is a nervous wreck.
Minoru Shiraishi : I'm scared... (0:19:07.50)
Minoru Shiraishi : So scared... (0:19:08.30)
Akira Kogami : You're all making his heart race. (0:19:08.91)
Minoru Shiraishi : Whad did I do wrong? (0:19:09.22)
Minoru Shiraishi : We went to the mountains 'cause Akira-sama said so. (0:19:11.21)
Akira Kogami : I hope he gets used to the job soon. (0:19:11.79)
Minoru Shiraishi : Yeah. (0:19:13.35)
Minoru Shiraishi : Went to the beach, too. (0:19:13.93)
Akira Kogami : And he better watch how he talks to his senpais around here. (0:19:14.16)
Minoru Shiraishi : I'm doing everything I can to make this show funnier! (0:19:15.02)
Akira Kogami : How many times do I have to tell him before he undertands. (0:19:17.50)
Minoru Shiraishi : Yeah... (0:19:18.94)
Minoru Shiraishi : The gum was hard... (0:19:19.69)
Akira Kogami : It's getting irritating. (0:19:20.13)
Minoru Shiraishi : But it was fifty-four pieces. (0:19:21.15)
Akira Kogami : Today we'll introduce a key Lucky Star character... (0:19:22.08)
Minoru Shiraishi : Fifty-four pieces in my mouth! (0:19:22.40)
Minoru Shiraishi : But I still worked hard! (0:19:24.40)
Akira Kogami : Izumi Konata-san! (0:19:24.84)
Minoru Shiraishi : What else will I have to do? (0:19:26.20)
Akira Kogami : Hey. (0:19:29.46)
Akira Kogami : Stop blubbering. (0:19:29.80)
Minoru Shiraishi : Why me?! (0:19:30.19)
Akira Kogami : Let's see... (0:19:32.84)
Akira Kogami : Izumi Konata-san. (0:19:33.77)
Akira Kogami : Seventeen years old. (0:19:34.73)
Akira Kogami : Her hobbies are gaming, watching anime, and reading. (0:19:35.56)
Minoru Shiraishi : Uh... (0:19:37.89)
Minoru Shiraishi : According to the data... (0:19:38.69)
Minoru Shiraishi : ...she always checks out new shows and books. (0:19:39.86)
Minoru Shiraishi : And spends weekends storming through net games until dawn. (0:19:42.40)
Akira Kogami : In other words, an otaku? (0:19:45.28)
Minoru Shiraishi : Uh... (0:19:47.11)
Minoru Shiraishi : Looks like it... (0:19:47.91)
Minoru Shiraishi : Come up with something quick! (0:19:50.23)
Minoru Shiraishi : By otaku, you mean that, right? (0:19:51.65)
Minoru Shiraishi : The ones in their house all the time, right? (0:19:53.20)
Minoru Shiraishi : The ones who cry when watching A Dog of Flanders, right? (0:19:54.50)
Akira Kogami : How dated is your image of an otaku in your head? (0:19:58.07)
Akira Kogami : Are you doing your homework?! (0:20:00.83)
Akira Kogami : Don't go saying random stuff! (0:20:02.55)
Minoru Shiraishi : N-No, uh... (0:20:04.42)
Akira Kogami : Well it's true that both A Dog of Flanders
and kawaii moe characters have a healing effect.
Akira Kogami : But rather than a dog, a girl like me is much better! (0:20:12.10)
Akira Kogami : They're seeking kawaii and cute maidens! (0:20:15.10)
Akira Kogami : Understand? (0:20:17.73)
Akira Kogami : If I look right, they look right! (0:20:18.86)
Akira Kogami : If I look left, they look left! (0:20:21.02)
Akira Kogami : When they line up for my concert the
night before, they can't take a shower!
Akira Kogami : That may cause hygienic problems. (0:20:25.99)
Akira Kogami : But they still want to see me! (0:20:27.95)
Akira Kogami : That determination drives them into the
blistering heat, burning in the sun in wait of my arrival!
Akira Kogami : Until the bandanna around their head
get so wet that you can wring sweat out!
Akira Kogami : You know... (0:20:42.20)
Akira Kogami : They're still customers. (0:20:43.29)
Akira Kogami : Even if when I'm doing handshakes afterward they won't stop talking. (0:20:45.67)
Akira Kogami : Or if they make some off-topic comment during my MC. (0:20:49.59)
Akira Kogami : You kinda get sympathetic, you know? (0:20:52.51)
Akira Kogami : I'm only here because of them. (0:20:55.72)
Akira Kogami : I have to work hard for them. (0:20:58.73)
Akira Kogami : You know? (0:21:02.10)
Minoru Shiraishi : Is that how it is... (0:21:03.11)
Akira Kogami : You'll know soon enough. (0:21:05.36)
Akira Kogami : How hard it is to be an idol... (0:21:07.46)
Akira Kogami : Once you've been through the
good and bad, you'll see how it really is.
Akira Kogami : Can't do anything about fans or clients you hate... (0:21:13.62)
Akira Kogami : Perfect timing! (0:21:17.03)
Akira Kogami : Hey, everybody! (0:21:18.45)
Akira Kogami : Do you know who Konata-san is now? (0:21:19.33)
Akira Kogami : Then we'll see you on next week's Lucky Channel! (0:21:21.75)
Akira Kogami : Bye-nee! (0:21:24.88)
Minoru Shiraishi : Or rather... (0:21:27.33)
Minoru Shiraishi : You didn't even introduce Konata... (0:21:28.01)
Minoru Shiraishi : More like you introduced otakus. (0:21:29.55)
Minoru Shiraishi : A-Akira-sama? (0:21:32.13)
Minoru Shiraishi : You okay? (0:21:32.89)
Akira Kogami : Do it. (0:21:34.01)
Minoru Shiraishi : Understood! (0:21:35.51)
Minoru Shiraishi : What the correspondent saw then was... (0:21:36.56)
Akira Kogami : Not funny. (0:21:38.31)
Konata Izumi : Kage sure is awesome. (0:21:43.91)
Kagami Hiiragi : We get the idea. (0:21:46.13)
Kagami Hiiragi : So did you order a song, Tsukasa? (0:21:47.98)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : I did. (0:21:49.98)
Miyuki Takara : Tsukasa-san singing will be quite refreshing. (0:21:50.95)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : I wonder if I can sing it well. (0:21:54.52)
Kagami Hiiragi : Miyuki, what are you going to sing? (0:21:56.94)
Miyuki Takara : I really don't know many songs... (0:21:58.62)
Miyuki Takara : It's quite embarrassing. (0:22:01.29)
Kagami Hiiragi : So she went with this, huh? (0:22:05.54)
Miyuki Takara : Tsukasa-san, go for it! (0:22:07.34)
Kagami Hiiragi : Hey, now. (0:22:20.68)
Kagami Hiiragi : Who's that? (0:22:24.47)
Kagami Hiiragi : So who is she already?! (0:22:35.44)
Kagami Hiiragi : Shut up already! (0:22:47.79)
EXTRA : Well, next time on Lucky Star: (0:23:10.98)
Kagami Hiiragi : Kagami here. (0:23:13.73)
Kagami Hiiragi : When you try to get rid of a hanging nail... (0:23:14.99)
Kagami Hiiragi : ...and give it a little tug... (0:23:17.16)
Kagami Hiiragi : ...but then you end up pulling off too much... (0:23:18.16)
Kagami Hiiragi : really hurts, doesn't it? (0:23:19.70)
Kagami Hiiragi : Also... (0:23:22.16)
Kagami Hiiragi : ...there's the timing for ripping off a scab. (0:23:23.00)
Kagami Hiiragi : When it starts to itch... (0:23:24.71)
Kagami Hiiragi : ...and you're thinking that it's about time... (0:23:25.62)
Kagami Hiiragi : you pick it off bit by bit. (0:23:26.87)
Kagami Hiiragi : And just when you're like everything is good... (0:23:28.84)
Kagami Hiiragi : still ends up bleeding! (0:23:31.55)
Kagami Hiiragi : It leaves some serious damage. (0:23:33.09)
Kagami Hiiragi : Next time: (0:23:35.25)
Kagami Hiiragi : Image. (0:23:36.05)
EXTRA : Look forward to it! (0:23:37.13)

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