At the start of the series, a young girl named Ichigo Momomiya attends an endangered species exhibit with her 'crush' and future boyfriend, Masaya Aoyama. After an earthquake, Ichigo and five other girls are bathed in a strange light. A cat appears before Ichigo, then merges with her. The next day she begins acting like a cat and, after meeting Ryô Shirogane and Keiichirô Akasaka, learns that she was infused with the DNA of the Iriomote Cat. Ryô and Keiichirô explain that this allows her to transform into Mew Ichigo, a powerful heroic cat girl. She is ordered to defeat chimera animals—alien parasites—which infect animals and turn them into monsters. Ryô and Keiichirô instruct Ichigo to find the five other girls from the exhibit—the remaining Mew Mews. They are Mint Aizawa, a spoiled, wealthy girl who is infused with the genes of the Blue Lorikeet; Lettuce Midorikawa, a shy but smart girl who endures constant bullying and absorbs the genes of the Finless Porpoise; young Pudding Fong, who receives the genes of the Golden Lion Tamarin; and Zacro Fujiwara, a professional model infused with the genes of the Gray Wolf.
The five Mew Mews battle the kirema animas and their alien controllers, Kish, Pie and Tart. Kish falls in love with Ichigo; he tries to gain her love despite the fact that he is trying to eliminate the other Mew Mews. Two more aliens, Pie and Tart, later join Kish in trying to destroy the Mew Mews.
As the fighting intensifies, the Mew Mews are tasked with finding "mew aqua," a material created from pure water that contains immense power for combating the alien attacks. During a battle with Kish at an aquarium, Ichigo is in danger of losing when the mysterious Blue Knight appears and rescues her. He returns periodically throughout the series, protecting Ichigo from various dangers; it is later revealed that the Blue Knight is in fact Masaya. Shortly after this discovery, Masaya collapses and transforms again, into Deep Blue—the alien leader who wants to destroy humanity. After explaining to Ichigo that Masaya was a false form for temporary use, Deep Blue attacks the Mew Mews. Masaya's personality briefly reappears and he uses a nearby mew aqua drop to destroy Deep Blue, killing himself in the process. Crying over his body, Ichigo pours her power into Masaya to save his life, losing her own in the process. Masaya kisses her, changing her back to a human, and revives her. Ryô gives Pie the remaining mew aqua to save the aliens' world, after which Kish, Pie and Tart say their goodbyes and return to their own world. (source: Wikipedia)
-Both shows have a lot of female characters that seem similar to the 5 mew mews in comparison to “mmmt.”
Ichigo/Zoey = Taruto (they both protagonists who tend to have similarity personality: funny, silly, & nice, both have food names)
Minto/Corina = Charolette (both mean girls, friends with the main protagonists and tsunderes)
Lettuce/Bridget= Chitose (both are softe-spoken characters, both wear green, and both act polite)
Pudding/Kiki = Cookie (both are short characters, have short hair styles, and both of their names are foods)
Zakuro/Renee = Chips (both act mean characters, both females, and both are food names) -except Chips is the villain on the show not a protagonist.
Aoyama/Mark= Nachos (since they both wear blue, have long hair well only if Mark is in his Blue Knight form, similiar personalities, both are male characters, and help the main protagonists most of the time).
-both shows share the same “magical girl” trope, which is very common in anime.
-both protagonists are children (even though Zoey is a teen, that still counts as a child). Same with the 5-6 mew mews I’ve mentioned in their group, similar to how it is with the Taruto characters when most of the vat furries are children.
-Both shows have similar genres: comedy, action, slide of life, thrillers, supernatural, mystery, fantasy, etc.
-Both shows aim or most likely for pg 13 + audiences.
-Both main protagonists in 2 of the shows are half human girl/half cat hybrid.
-both shows has animal furries or animal character (kakipi in “mmmt” is the only different animal species I know of). Than in “Tmm” its a mix of animal furriers).
-Mmmt & tmn similarities have similar initials. Which are often mistaken for calling the anime “magical mew mew Taruto” instead of “magical meow meow taruto” which this is the correct title.
-both shows have a lot of characters in them.
-Both protagonists wear bells (tartuo has a bell on her bow tie, while zoey has a bow on her tail).
-most of the female furries in “mmmt” wear dresses, same goes for most of the females in “tmm.”
-both main protagonists yell out their spells/commands. When they cast their spells at their opponent(s), when they prepare to attack. Such as taruto’s is “Great tiger meow, meow!” And Zoey’s is “Strawberry bell full power!”
-both have similar plots. Magical cat girl must defend/save the world cliche. But hard to save the world when it comes to romance.
-both shows are underrated.
-both protagonists have same eye colors (well only if zoey is in her mew form she has pink eye color. Which matches the same color as Taruto’s).
-both main protagonists have side kicks.
-Both shows were released in the early 2000s.
-both main protagonists always say their catch phrases. Taruto says “meow” while Zoey says “Mew mew style, mew mew brace, mew mew power in your face.” Or says “Nyah!~” in the original Japanese version of “Tokyo Mew mew.”