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Kanna : As I pass through... (0:01:36.84)
Kanna : the lengthy struggle of life in this fleeting world, (0:01:38.45)
Kanna : I cannot help but long for the midnight moon I once saw. (0:01:41.73)
Naraku : Do not allow him to escape, Kagura. (0:01:47.01)
Kagura : He's eating the demons. (0:02:15.43)
Kagura : Hey Goryomaru, (0:02:17.74)
Kagura : what the hell are you? (0:02:18.98)
Kagura : Why did Naraku lock you away? (0:02:20.68)
Hakudoshi : If you wish to know the answer, you should release Goryomaru. (0:02:23.05)
Kagura : Hakudoshi. (0:02:27.39)
Hakudoshi : Are you afraid of Naraku now that it's time to act? (0:02:29.37)
Kagura : So you are capable of betraying Naraku? (0:02:32.54)
Goryomaru : Make your choice, Kagura. (0:02:35.14)
Goryomaru : Will you die obedient to Naraku, (0:02:36.82)
Goryomaru : or escape with me and obtain freedom? (0:02:39.74)
Kagura : Freedom? (0:02:44.33)
Hakudoshi : Yes, freedom. (0:02:46.33)
Hakudoshi : If you truly desire liberation from Naraku, (0:02:48.41)
Hakudoshi : you have no choice but to kill him. (0:02:50.89)
Kagura : R-Right. (0:02:52.33)
Kagura : Originally Naraku's heart was detached at Mount Hakurei. (0:02:54.58)
Kagura : Afterwards, a strange monk split it in two, (0:02:59.34)
Kagura : leaving Hakudoshi and the Infant. (0:03:02.34)
Hakudoshi : How about it, Kagura? (0:03:04.85)
Hakudoshi : When the time comes, (0:03:06.69)
Hakudoshi : I can retrieve your heart before I obliterate Naraku. (0:03:08.27)
Kagura : And? (0:03:12.34)
Kagura : What do you want me to do after releasing Goryomaru? (0:03:13.59)
Hakudoshi : We still lack the power to overcome Naraku. (0:03:17.36)
Hakudoshi : That is what we must obtain. (0:03:20.85)
Kagura : I see. (0:03:22.86)
Kagura : The Shikon Jewel shards, huh? (0:03:24.07)
Inuyasha : Naraku's Heart. (0:03:28.49)
Shippo : Is this good enough, Miroku? (0:03:38.50)
Miroku : Wow. That's fantastic, Shippo. (0:03:40.10)
Miroku : Yes, it looks like me from every angle. (0:03:42.26)
Miroku : You just have to sit around with Sango in that form. (0:03:44.93)
Shippo : The whole time Inuyasha's at Kagome's place? (0:03:48.25)
Miroku : Yes. (0:03:51.56)
Miroku : I'm going to go spread my wings. (0:03:52.19)
Miroku : Ow! (0:03:55.69)
Shippo : I didn't do anything! (0:03:57.31)
Sango : I know that. (0:03:58.75)
Kagome Higurashi : I don't know. (0:04:04.87)
Kagome Higurashi : I don't even know what I don't know anymore. (0:04:06.48)
Eri : Kagome's taking make-up exams all alone. (0:04:09.94)
Yuka : She's been absent a lot lately. (0:04:11.95)
Ayumi : Plus, we have entrance exams coming up. I wonder if she'll be okay. (0:04:14.26)
Inuyasha : Oh, it's you guys. (0:04:18.12)
Kagome Higurashi : Calm down and remember. (0:04:19.95)
Kagome Higurashi : I'm positive this was on the study guide! (0:04:22.02)
Kagome Higurashi : Got it! (0:04:24.46)
Kagome Higurashi : I can do this! I can do this! (0:04:25.26)
Eri : What? You're here to pick up Kagome? (0:04:26.75)
Ayumi : That's so sweet. (0:04:29.32)
Inuyasha : I know. (0:04:30.51)
Kagome Higurashi : Focus. (0:04:31.55)
Kagome Higurashi : I'm close to solving this! (0:04:32.58)
Eri : I just heard something snap. (0:04:37.97)
Yuka : Wasn't that the sound of her concentration breaking? (0:04:39.77)
Ayumi : That happens to everyone sometimes. (0:04:42.01)
Kagome Higurashi : Sit, boy! (0:04:43.48)
Inuyasha : Kagome! (0:04:46.38)
Inuyasha : What was that for?! (0:04:47.35)
Kagome Higurashi : Geez. (0:04:48.62)
Kagome Higurashi : I told you to wait at home! (0:04:49.52)
Inuyasha : You were taking too long! (0:04:51.67)
Kagome Higurashi : That's why I was trying my best to get out of here quickly! (0:04:53.39)
Kagome Higurashi : But then, (0:04:56.77)
Kagome Higurashi : you made me forget the equation I was about to remember! (0:04:58.14)
Yuka : Scary. (0:05:02.63)
Eri : Kagome's scary. (0:05:03.43)
Eri : It sure looks like Kagome's the one controlling him with fear. (0:05:04.74)
EXTRA : Every answer is wrong. (0:05:07.64)
EXTRA : It'll be difficult to get into your school of choice. (0:05:09.62)
Yuka : Are you okay, Kagome? (0:05:14.94)
Inuyasha : Hah. Well? (0:05:18.70)
Inuyasha : Aren't you glad I came? (0:05:20.66)
Yuka : They're all lovey-dovey. (0:05:22.42)
Yuka : We'll be going now so we don't bother you. (0:05:23.52)
Ayumi : See ya. (0:05:26.80)
Kagome Higurashi : Ah, wait! (0:05:27.52)
Kagome Higurashi : Oh well. (0:05:32.22)
Kagome Higurashi : I'm home! (0:05:34.39)
Nodoka Higurashi : Welcome home, Kagome. (0:05:35.46)
Nodoka Higurashi : Oh. (0:05:37.21)
Souta Higurashi : Sis, you're leaving already? (0:05:40.09)
Grandpa : You're restless as usual. (0:05:42.01)
Kagome Higurashi : I can study for my entrance exams on the other side. (0:05:43.54)
Inuyasha : Let's go, Kagome. (0:05:45.99)
Kagome Higurashi : Bye. (0:05:47.51)
Nodoka Higurashi : Goodbye. (0:05:48.91)
Nodoka Higurashi : Take care of yourself. (0:05:50.47)
Inuyasha : Hey, Kagome! (0:05:53.09)
Inuyasha : Want me to take out those "school of choice" and "entrance exam" things? (0:05:54.40)
Kagome Higurashi : No, that's impossible. (0:05:58.69)
Inuyasha : They're probably wimpy demons. (0:06:01.56)
Inuyasha : Those names make them sound as weak as Jaken. (0:06:03.41)
Rin : Master Jaken, are you sick? (0:06:09.11)
Jaken : No. (0:06:11.48)
Jaken : Perhaps someone is badmouthing me? (0:06:12.26)
Sesshomaru : Jaken... (0:06:15.67)
Jaken : Huh? (0:06:16.65)
Sesshomaru : Has there been any change in the crystal? (0:06:17.23)
Jaken : I can still sense a demonic aura. (0:06:19.50)
Jaken : Which means that we aren't near... (0:06:22.45)
Jaken : the Fuyoheki that Naraku uses to conceal his heart. (0:06:25.30)
Rin : Master Jaken. Master Jaken's gonna get left behind. (0:06:27.54)
Jaken : Now then, where might it be? (0:06:29.52)
Jaken : Lord Sesshomaru! Please wa- (0:06:33.91)
Kagome Higurashi : Oh! Hold up. (0:06:44.35)
Kagome Higurashi : Darn, I stuffed too much in there. (0:06:47.13)
Inuyasha : Man, what are you doing? (0:06:49.13)
Kagome Higurashi : How about giving me a hand instead of watching? (0:06:51.41)
Kagome Higurashi : Saimyosho! (0:06:55.43)
Inuyasha : I-Is Naraku here?! (0:06:56.40)
Hakudoshi : It's been a while. (0:07:00.73)
Hakudoshi : I was getting worried, since you dropped out of sight. (0:07:02.02)
Inuyasha : Hakudoshi! (0:07:06.02)
Inuyasha : Kagome! (0:07:08.65)
Kagome Higurashi : They took the Shikon Jewel shard! (0:07:12.22)
Miroku : Lady Kagome! (0:07:15.06)
Sango : Do not open the Wind Tunnel, good monk! (0:07:17.46)
Sango : The Saimyosho poison will kill you. (0:07:19.76)
Shippo : And you'll suck in the Shikon Jewel shard! (0:07:21.67)
Hakudoshi : Now that I have this, I no longer have any business with you. (0:07:24.72)
Inuyasha : I won't let you get away! (0:07:28.28)
Inuyasha : Wind Scar! (0:07:29.54)
Hakudoshi : Farewell, Inuyasha! (0:07:33.81)
Inuyasha : Damn! He got away! (0:07:35.25)
Kagome Higurashi : It's okay. I can still sense the Shikon Jewel shard. (0:07:37.08)
Kagome Higurashi : We can chase him. (0:07:40.06)
Hakkaku : Wait up, Koga! (0:07:42.65)
Koga : I'm not gonna wait for ya! (0:07:44.03)
Ginta : Man... (0:07:44.99)
Ginta : Why are you in such a hurry? (0:07:46.02)
Koga : There's a fishy stench nearby! (0:07:47.49)
Goryomaru : Shikon Jewel shards have come. (0:07:52.33)
Naraku : Kohaku, go hunt strong demons. (0:08:24.57)
Kohaku : Is that its actual body? (0:08:35.42)
Kohaku : Over there?! (0:08:42.27)
EXTRA : What is it, Taichi? (0:08:47.47)
EXTRA : Fath... (0:08:49.53)
EXTRA : Is that arm of yours okay? (0:08:52.99)
EXTRA : Does it hurt? (0:09:00.37)
Kohaku : No, I'm fine now. (0:09:02.04)
EXTRA : That should do it. (0:09:06.08)
Kohaku : Thank you. (0:09:07.55)
Kohaku : He's been possessed by the demon! (0:09:10.05)
EXTRA : Taichi! (0:09:15.32)
Kohaku : No! Not yet! (0:09:16.19)
EXTRA : F-Father. (0:09:21.17)
Kohaku : S-Stop! (0:09:24.20)
EXTRA : Taichi, why?! (0:09:25.06)
Kohaku : He's being controlled! He's just being controlled! (0:09:26.88)
EXTRA : Taichi! (0:09:31.36)
Kohaku : Don't worry! (0:09:32.34)
Kohaku : I'll save him no matter what! (0:09:33.06)
Kohaku : I can't let anybody else end up like me! (0:09:37.44)
Kohaku : I can't! (0:09:40.16)
Kagura : Dance of Blades. (0:09:48.08)
Kagura : Yo. (0:09:53.06)
Kohaku : Kagura! (0:09:53.85)
Kagura : I've learned the location of Naraku's heart. (0:09:54.94)
Kohaku : Really?! (0:09:57.73)
Kagura : Yes. (0:09:58.96)
Kagura : However, Kohaku... (0:10:00.05)
Kagura : You stand no chance against it. (0:10:01.54)
Kagura : So... (0:10:03.67)
Kagura : Just die here! (0:10:04.56)
Hakkaku : There we go! (0:10:13.93)
Ginta : Did he get it?! (0:10:14.97)
Goryomaru : Damn. (0:10:16.11)
Goryomaru : It just keeps regenerating no matter how many times I attack! (0:10:16.87)
Goryomaru : Almost like Naraku... (0:10:19.18)
Koga : I get it! (0:10:21.39)
Koga : That's what the fishy stench was! (0:10:22.59)
Koga : You're one of Naraku's! (0:10:24.55)
Goryomaru : And what if I am? (0:10:26.19)
Koga : I'll kill you! (0:10:28.25)
Koga : I'll avenge my pack! (0:10:29.47)
Goryomaru : I'll take you and your Shikon Jewel shards! (0:10:35.58)
Goryomaru : What?! (0:10:42.47)
Goryomaru : I was interrupted? (0:10:47.28)
Koga : I'll get you for this! (0:10:49.41)
Hakkaku : Was that the Sacred Arrow? (0:10:51.66)
Ginta : Which means it was Miss Kagome? (0:10:53.56)
Koga : Nah. (0:10:55.39)
Kikyou : One shot and my spiritual energy has dropped significantly. (0:11:00.42)
Kikyou : That Moryomaru demon appears very different from before. (0:11:03.77)
Kikyou : It's as though he's obtained a soul. (0:11:09.34)
Kohaku : If you know where his heart is, tell me! (0:11:15.95)
Kagura : I need your Shikon Jewel shard first! (0:11:19.39)
Kagura : You'll die once I take your shard. (0:11:24.35)
Kagura : I'll try to give you a quick death. (0:11:26.54)
Kagura : There's nowhere to run. (0:11:33.35)
Kagura : Are you prepared to die? (0:11:34.54)
Kohaku : I've been prepared to die for a long time! (0:11:35.95)
Kohaku : But I have no intention of dying here! (0:11:38.33)
Kohaku : If you need a shard, you can take me to present as an offering! (0:11:41.43)
Kohaku : I'll plunge my blade into Naraku's heart! (0:11:45.34)
Kohaku : Even if it costs me my life! (0:11:48.77)
Kohaku : Wasn't that why you gave me this crystal, Kagura?! (0:11:52.24)
Kohaku : Even though I was under Naraku's control, (0:11:56.70)
Kohaku : I was still the one who killed my father and comrades. (0:11:58.93)
Kagome Higurashi : That way! (0:12:03.41)
Kagome Higurashi : It's fine. (0:12:04.37)
Kagome Higurashi : Hakudoshi hasn't gone very far. (0:12:05.15)
Inuyasha : What is it? (0:12:08.42)
Kagome Higurashi : I can sense another Shikon Jewel shard. (0:12:09.33)
Miroku : Another shard? (0:12:11.46)
Shippo : Is it Koga? (0:12:12.49)
Kagome Higurashi : No, it feels different. (0:12:13.35)
Sango : Then, is it Kohaku? (0:12:16.11)
Kohaku : I've committed many sins while following Naraku's orders, (0:12:17.83)
Kohaku : and caused my only sister great injury and grief. (0:12:21.35)
Kohaku : However, I've kept myself alive the entire time... (0:12:26.26)
Kagura : For the sake of revenge, huh? (0:12:28.92)
Kohaku : That is my duty. (0:12:31.22)
Kohaku : I must fulfill it. (0:12:32.76)
Kohaku : Otherwise, I can't apologize to my father and comrades on the other side. (0:12:35.62)
Kagura : It's useless, Kohaku. (0:12:40.93)
Kagura : I wouldn't know anything about how determined you are, (0:12:42.62)
Kagura : but your blade won't be enough to deal with Naraku, the Infant, or Hakudoshi. (0:12:45.87)
Kagura : You're doomed to lose your shard. (0:12:51.36)
Naraku : Exactly. (0:12:56.10)
Kanna : Kagura. (0:12:58.52)
Kagura : And I've merely switched my loyalty from Naraku to the Infant. (0:13:00.09)
Kagura : There's no such thing as true freedom. (0:13:04.48)
Kohaku : Please, Kagura! (0:13:06.64)
Kohaku : Take me to his heart! (0:13:07.92)
Kohaku : Or I'll go by myself! (0:13:09.60)
Kohaku : The crystal of demonic aura! (0:13:14.18)
Kagura : You've lost your means of finding his heart. (0:13:16.66)
Kohaku : Kagura, what the- (0:13:19.46)
Kagura : Shut up and run! (0:13:21.00)
Kagura : It'd be troublesome if you lost your shard! (0:13:22.55)
Hakudoshi : Such an untrustworthy woman. (0:13:25.68)
Hakudoshi : You intend to betray us after betraying Naraku? (0:13:29.16)
Kagura : Run, Kohaku! (0:13:32.66)
Kohaku : But! (0:13:33.61)
Kagura : I said run! (0:13:34.16)
Kagura : Kohaku, take care of yourself when you fall! (0:13:38.38)
Kohaku : Kagura! (0:13:41.76)
Hakudoshi : He won't get away. (0:13:43.48)
Kagura : Dance of the Dragon! (0:13:44.88)
Hakudoshi : Kagura, how would you like the opportunity to taste your own blades? (0:13:50.25)
Inuyasha : Wind Scar! (0:13:57.45)
Kagura : Inuyasha! (0:14:03.00)
Inuyasha : What's going on, Kagura?! (0:14:04.04)
Inuyasha : Why are you fighting with Hakudoshi?! (0:14:05.69)
Kagura : Shut up! I don't have time to explain! (0:14:07.97)
Miroku : Sango! Go after Kohaku! (0:14:10.19)
Sango : Got it! (0:14:12.17)
Sango : Let's go, Kirara! (0:14:13.28)
Inuyasha : Take this! Adamant Barrage! (0:14:16.17)
Kagome Higurashi : I can still sense the shard and it's not far away. (0:14:18.91)
Kagome Higurashi : He should still be in the vicinity! (0:14:20.91)
Kagura : Should you be leaving your back vulnerable to attack? (0:14:24.23)
Inuyasha : I'll beat the crap out of you if you try anything funny! (0:14:27.33)
Inuyasha : You'd better spill everything you know! (0:14:30.59)
Inuyasha : Hakudoshi doesn't intend to leave until he's finished you off! (0:14:33.34)
Kagura : He probably doesn't want me to reveal the location of Naraku's heart. (0:14:37.77)
Kagura : Here he comes. (0:14:43.91)
Miroku : That's Goryomaru. (0:14:46.24)
Miroku : He's still alive?! (0:14:47.84)
Hakudoshi : Who's responsible for those injuries? (0:14:49.42)
Goryomaru : It doesn't matter. (0:14:51.58)
Goryomaru : Just hand over the Shikon Jewel shard! (0:15:03.23)
Kagome Higurashi : Goryomaru is Moryomaru?! (0:15:05.76)
Hakudoshi : Use them. (0:15:08.26)
Kagome Higurashi : The Shikon Jewel shard! (0:15:09.31)
Hakudoshi : Allow me to handle this. (0:15:12.04)
Hakudoshi : Chase down the other shard. (0:15:13.78)
Inuyasha : You're not going anywhere! (0:15:17.54)
Inuyasha : Hakudoshi! (0:15:25.28)
Inuyasha : A-An illusion?! (0:15:28.13)
Hakudoshi : Traitor. (0:15:29.71)
Hakudoshi : You won't be allowed to escape. (0:15:31.48)
Inuyasha : Hakudoshi! Bastard! (0:15:35.19)
Hakudoshi : What's wrong? (0:15:36.99)
Hakudoshi : Swing your sword again. (0:15:38.26)
Hakudoshi : Destroy Kagura along with me. (0:15:39.51)
Kagura : He won't do it? (0:15:41.47)
Kagura : What a soft fool. (0:15:42.79)
Hakudoshi : I didn't expect to be able to use you as a shield. (0:15:44.96)
Kagura : Fool! (0:15:48.47)
Kagura : Listen up, Inuyasha. (0:15:51.03)
Kagura : Naraku's heart, the Infant, is inside of that Moryomaru guy! (0:15:52.45)
Inuyasha : What?! (0:15:56.47)
Kagura : Hakudoshi and the Infant intend to empower Moryomaru, (0:15:57.11)
Kagura : and have him overthrow Naraku. (0:15:59.87)
Hakudoshi : An impressive deduction, coming from you. (0:16:01.87)
Hakudoshi : It was a mistake for Naraku to release his heart that day. (0:16:05.08)
Hakudoshi : Naraku handed the Fuyoheki to the Infant to keep his heart safe. (0:16:09.34)
Hakudoshi : The Fuyoheki would conceal its demonic aura. (0:16:13.47)
Hakudoshi : That gave the Infant the idea of devising a durable armor. (0:16:16.75)
Hakudoshi : That was Moryomaru after swallowing the dead Goryomaru. (0:16:20.89)
Hakudoshi : That was when we realized... (0:16:24.84)
Hakudoshi : A Naraku with no heart is but an empty shell. (0:16:27.92)
Hakudoshi : We are the original. (0:16:31.13)
Hakudoshi : I shall eventually overthrow Naraku. (0:16:33.19)
Kagura : Naraku has been aware of your plot from the very beginning. (0:16:36.64)
Hakudoshi : No doubt. (0:16:39.85)
Hakudoshi : But shouldn't you worry about yourself first? (0:16:41.14)
Hakudoshi : You have also betrayed Naraku, and he holds your heart. (0:16:44.86)
Hakudoshi : Give up, Kagura. (0:16:50.00)
Hakudoshi : You can never be free. (0:16:51.96)
Kagura : Shut up! (0:16:54.00)
Hakudoshi : Smash my body as many times you please. (0:16:55.84)
Hakudoshi : I will not die. (0:16:57.51)
Hakudoshi : Nobody can kill me. (0:16:58.92)
Hakudoshi : Not even Naraku. (0:17:01.49)
Hakudoshi : What?! (0:17:04.84)
Inuyasha : Now! (0:17:08.35)
Inuyasha : Wind Scar! (0:17:09.28)
Miroku : Okay! (0:17:13.76)
Shippo : You're using the Wind Tunnel?! (0:17:14.60)
Hakudoshi : I won't let you! (0:17:16.11)
Hakudoshi : What is it? (0:17:19.25)
Hakudoshi : Why aren't you protecting me? (0:17:20.11)
Kagura : It looks like you're the one Naraku's given up on. (0:17:21.68)
Hakudoshi : Silence! I won't die! (0:17:26.62)
Shippo : Miasma! (0:17:30.82)
Kagome Higurashi : I'll purify it! (0:17:31.89)
Hakudoshi : I'm different from Kagura! (0:17:34.61)
Hakudoshi : I am not one of Naraku's tools! (0:17:36.35)
Inuyasha : Run, Kagura! (0:17:38.71)
Hakudoshi : I...! (0:17:40.83)
Miroku : Wind Tunnel! (0:17:41.75)
Hakudoshi : I am... (0:17:45.62)
Hakudoshi : the original! (0:17:47.72)
Miroku : This makes me feel sick. (0:17:54.53)
Inuyasha : Huh? (0:17:56.32)
Miroku : It's like I'm being used by Naraku. (0:17:57.38)
Inuyasha : You probably were. (0:17:59.91)
Inuyasha : Naraku let us take care of Hakudoshi for him. (0:18:01.16)
Kagome Higurashi : Kagura, what are you going to do now? (0:18:09.35)
Kagome Higurashi : Say, why don't you come with us? (0:18:11.50)
Kagura : Forget it. (0:18:13.87)
Kagura : How could I join you now? (0:18:14.99)
Kagura : Anyway, you should get going. (0:18:17.56)
Kagura : Moryomaru is after Kohaku's shard. (0:18:19.70)
Shippo : That's right, Kagome! (0:18:22.43)
Miroku : Let us hurry, Lady Kagome! (0:18:23.95)
Kagome Higurashi : Y-Yeah... (0:18:25.65)
Inuyasha : Hey, Kagura! (0:18:27.54)
Inuyasha : We'll take your heart back from Naraku while we're at it. (0:18:28.43)
Inuyasha : So... (0:18:32.94)
Kagura : Why are you saying such optimistic bull? (0:18:34.80)
Inuyasha : You'd better not die before that happens! (0:18:38.94)
Inuyasha : Got it?! (0:18:41.74)
Kagura : I don't need you to tell me to run for my life. (0:18:43.15)
Kagura : I'll go as far as I have to! (0:18:45.84)
Sango : Kohaku! (0:18:48.49)
Kohaku : Sister... (0:18:51.96)
Kohaku : Please just leave. (0:18:53.03)
Goryomaru : I can see what's in your heart. (0:18:59.94)
Goryomaru : Haunted by the sin of killing your father and comrades, (0:19:02.63)
Goryomaru : you intend to seek atonement by giving your own life... (0:19:05.71)
Goryomaru : I admire your dedication. (0:19:08.16)
Goryomaru : You must die for the sake of your sister then! (0:19:10.66)
Goryomaru : That woman will never forget how her brother killed her father! (0:19:13.24)
Sango : Kohaku! (0:19:17.01)
Goryomaru : Both siblings will continue to suffer as long as you live. (0:19:18.53)
Kohaku : S-Sister... (0:19:23.15)
Sango : Hiraikotsu! (0:19:26.52)
Kohaku : S-Stay away, Sister! (0:19:31.59)
Sango : Kohaku! Your memory...! (0:19:33.19)
Goryomaru : Enough of your futile struggles! (0:19:35.08)
Inuyasha : You're the one who's fighting in vain, Moryomaru! (0:19:38.22)
Inuyasha : I mean, Naraku's heart! (0:19:41.04)
Inuyasha : Now that we know your identity, we can't allow you to escape! (0:19:44.07)
Inuyasha : Prepare yourself! (0:19:47.72)
Inuyasha : Adamant Barrage! (0:19:48.93)
Inuyasha : You're gonna run away?! (0:19:52.40)
Goryomaru : Inuyasha! (0:19:54.76)
Goryomaru : I vow to absorb the demonic power in your blade! (0:19:55.44)
Inuyasha : Wh-Where is he?! (0:20:01.73)
Kagome Higurashi : I can't sense the shard anymore. (0:20:03.18)
Kagome Higurashi : Looks like he got away. (0:20:04.95)
Shippo : So close! (0:20:06.55)
Sango : Kohaku, you recognize me, don't you? (0:20:08.22)
Sango : You've remembered, right? (0:20:10.73)
Kohaku : I remember... everything... (0:20:13.73)
Kohaku : What happened on that day, too... (0:20:20.65)
Kohaku : That's why I can't stay with you, sister. (0:20:24.15)
Miroku : Kohaku. (0:20:27.04)
Shippo : Why not?! You're finally together! (0:20:28.52)
Sango : Kohaku! (0:20:30.75)
Sango : What can you possibly accomplish by yourself?! (0:20:31.72)
Sango : You're just going off to die! (0:20:33.34)
Kohaku : But...! (0:20:34.89)
Kagome Higurashi : Does it hurt to be together? (0:20:36.18)
Kohaku : Kagome. (0:20:39.30)
Kagome Higurashi : You can't be with Sango? (0:20:40.87)
Kagome Higurashi : No one could ever take your place. (0:20:46.01)
Kohaku : Sister. (0:20:52.55)
Sango : Kohaku. (0:20:55.37)
Shippo : Which means that Miroku wouldn't be able to fill the void. (0:20:58.07)
Miroku : I would like to say that nobody could ever take my place. (0:21:02.27)
EXTRA : Lady Kikyo. (0:21:09.73)
EXTRA : Are you in pain? (0:21:10.81)
Kikyou : Fear not. (0:21:12.17)
Kikyou : 'Tis but a scratch. (0:21:13.41)
EXTRA : M-Master! (0:21:16.93)
EXTRA : A-An apparition?! (0:21:18.32)
EXTRA : Sh-She's looking our way! (0:21:19.69)
Kikyou : You can see me? (0:21:21.44)
EXTRA : Stay back! (0:21:24.44)
EXTRA : Demon be gone! (0:21:25.74)
EXTRA : Hot, hot, hot! (0:21:28.08)
Kikyou : Unfortunately, your demon-repelling charms have no effect on me. (0:21:28.58)
EXTRA : S-So sorry! (0:21:31.82)
EXTRA : They breached Lady Kikyo's barrier. (0:21:33.92)
EXTRA : How did they get through? (0:21:36.53)
EXTRA : Lady Kikyo? (0:21:40.03)
Kikyou : At this rate, I won't be able to defeat Naraku before I... (0:21:41.88)
Kanna : As I pass through... (0:21:46.16)
Kanna : the lengthy struggle of life in this fleeting world, (0:21:47.79)
Kanna : I cannot help but long for the midnight moon I once saw. (0:21:50.56)
Kagome Higurashi : Kikyo attempts to channel Midoriko's soul. (0:23:31.83)
Kagome Higurashi : Koga attempts to obtain the Lightning Claws from his ancestors. (0:23:34.32)
Kagome Higurashi : As Naraku's pursuers prepare for battle, Hakudoshi is eliminated. (0:23:37.80)
Kagome Higurashi : Kagura will also be in danger if Naraku learns of her betrayal! (0:23:43.02)
Inuyasha : I can smell Kagura's blood! (0:23:44.89)
Inuyasha : Naraku holds her heart! (0:23:46.53)
Inuyasha : Next time on Inuyasha the Final Act: (0:23:49.32)
Inuyasha : Kagura's Wind! (0:23:51.73)
Kagura : I am the wind. (0:23:53.76)
Kagura : The free wind... (0:23:55.54)

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Shotaro Kaneda

I will do anything for you babygirl you can order whatever you want at mcdonalds - 1melco


Not only have they not forgotten,
but we ended up being the side story.
- Tomura Shigaraki

Hey, wait a sec... - Tomura Shigaraki

Not this palm... - Tomura Shigaraki

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