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Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : If I may, I'd like to pose this question: (0:00:13.80)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : Are human beings truly equal? (0:00:17.63)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : Nowadays, people never shut up
about the need for equality.
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : A great man once said, "Heaven does not
create one person above or below another."
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : But the quote doesn't end there. (0:00:33.81)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : It actually says we're equal
at birth, but then gaps appear.
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : That the differences are the result of
one's academic efforts, or lack thereof.
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : At any rate, humans are capable
of thinking for themselves.
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : "Equality" may be a false concept, (0:00:52.22)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : but our inequality remains
a difficult thing to accept.
Kikyou Kushida : Excuse me... Could you give up your seat? (0:01:01.90)
Kikyou Kushida : That's a priority seat. I think you should
let this elderly lady sit there.
Rokusuke Kouenji : My, my, pretty girl. (0:01:13.08)
Rokusuke Kouenji : While it may be a priority seat, there is
no law requiring me to relinquish it.
Rokusuke Kouenji : You want me to give up my
seat just because I am young?
Rokusuke Kouenji : Nonsense, pure and simple. (0:01:24.81)
Rokusuke Kouenji : Even if I am young, standing consumes
more stamina than sitting.
Rokusuke Kouenji : Why should I do something so detrimental
with no benefit to myself?
Kikyou Kushida : I think you'd be contributing to society. (0:01:36.23)
Kikyou Kushida : And this lady seems to be
having trouble staying upright...
Rokusuke Kouenji : I have no interest in contributing to society. (0:01:43.29)
Rokusuke Kouenji : Besides... (0:01:47.45)
Rokusuke Kouenji : What about those sitting in the other seats? (0:01:49.17)
Rokusuke Kouenji : The difference between priority seats
and others seems rather trivial to me.
EXTRA : Really, I'm fine. (0:01:59.22)
EXTRA : But thank you. (0:02:03.66)
Kikyou Kushida : Excuse me! Would any of you
be willing to give up your seat?
EXTRA : Um, you can have mine. (0:02:19.13)
Kikyou Kushida : Thank you so much! (0:02:21.57)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : So this is my new school? (0:02:46.85)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced
Nurturing High School.
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : A school established by the
Japanese government
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : to nurture the young people who will
support the country in the future.
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : It boasts a 100% employment
and college entry rate,
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : and with thorough, state-directed
teaching methods,
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : it spares no effort in pursuing
the nation's desired future.
Suzune Horikita : Excuse me. (0:03:11.89)
Suzune Horikita : You were looking at me on the bus. Why? (0:03:15.13)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : Oh. Sorry. (0:03:20.78)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : It was because you, like me, didn't
seem interested in giving up your seat.
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : So you don't like to get involved
in stuff like that either, huh?
Suzune Horikita : Don't assume I'm like you. (0:03:32.14)
Suzune Horikita : I held on to my seat as
a matter of conviction.
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : Uh, doesn't that make you even worse? (0:03:37.15)
Suzune Horikita : If you have no business with me, fine. (0:03:40.60)
EXTRA : Now we'll have a few words from
the student council president.
Manabu Horikita : I am the student council
president, Horikita Manabu.
Manabu Horikita : As a representative of the upper classes, (0:03:58.06)
Manabu Horikita : I would like to extend words of
welcome to our newest students.
Manabu Horikita : As I believe you know, our school is
highly accomplished in all aspects,
Manabu Horikita : and boasts a high employment
and college entry rate.
Manabu Horikita : This is the pride of our school,
accomplished through the hard work
Manabu Horikita : of both our graduating students
and those still attending.
Manabu Horikita : We expect the same from the new students. (0:04:24.59)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : We're in the same class? (0:04:27.20)
Manabu Horikita : Everything in this school
is decided by merit...
Kikyou Kushida : I see! What genre do you like best? (0:04:34.69)
EXTRA : Oh, what genre? Well... I like romance! (0:04:38.46)
EXTRA : Oh, really? (0:04:42.36)
EXTRA : Stuff like shojo manga... (0:04:42.97)
EXTRA : Really? I like mysteries! (0:04:44.32)
EXTRA : Mysteries?! (0:04:47.21)
EXTRA : Surprising, huh? (0:04:48.04)
EXTRA : Yeah! (0:04:48.69)
EXTRA : I get that a lot! (0:04:49.18)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : I'm seated next to her? (0:04:50.46)
Suzune Horikita : An unpleasant coincidence. (0:04:53.09)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : I feel the same way. (0:04:54.92)
Yousuke Hirata : Everyone, may I have a moment? (0:04:56.27)
Yousuke Hirata : I was hoping we could all introduce ourselves (0:04:59.16)
Yousuke Hirata : to get a jump on getting better acquainted. (0:05:01.64)
Yousuke Hirata : The teacher doesn't seem
to be here yet, anyway.
Yousuke Hirata : How about it? (0:05:08.43)
Kikyou Kushida : I'm in! (0:05:09.20)
Kei Karuizawa : Sounds fun. (0:05:10.45)
Maya Sato : Yeah. I don't even know anyone's names. (0:05:11.95)
Yousuke Hirata : Thanks. Okay, I'll go first. (0:05:15.66)
Yousuke Hirata : I'm Hirata Yosuke. (0:05:19.04)
Yousuke Hirata : Just call me Yosuke. No need for formality. (0:05:20.76)
Yousuke Hirata : I play all kinds of sports, and I intend
to join the soccer club at this school.
Yousuke Hirata : Nice to meet you all! (0:05:28.60)
EXTRA : Sounds good! (0:05:30.66)
Kikyou Kushida : I'll go next! (0:05:33.93)
Kikyou Kushida : My name is Kushida Kikyo. (0:05:36.83)
Kikyou Kushida : My goal is to become friends
with each and every one of you!
Kikyou Kushida : I'd like to make lots of good memories,
so don't hesitate to invite me anywhere!
EXTRA : Looking forward to it! (0:05:48.69)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : She'll be popular with both guys and girls. (0:05:50.37)
Kanji Ike : Me next! I'm Ike Kanji! (0:05:51.44)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : She's already got that "I can be
friends with anyone" aura about her.
Kanji Ike : I love girls, and I hate hot guys! (0:05:54.25)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : But I guess this is no time to be critical. (0:05:57.37)
Kanji Ike : I'm always accepting
new girlfriend applications!
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : These introductions will determine
everyone's standing in the class.
Haruki Yamauchi : I'm Yamauchi Haruki. (0:06:02.86)
Haruki Yamauchi : In elementary school, I went
to nationals in ping-pong.
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : Should I try for a joke? (0:06:06.02)
Haruki Yamauchi : In middle school, I was the baseball
club's ace and cleanup hitter.
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : I bet I can get a big laugh
if I'm really energetic.
Haruki Yamauchi : I'm still recovering from an injury
I got during the Inter-high.
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : Or maybe I'd just creep everyone out. (0:06:12.53)
EXTRA : Oh, wow! The Inter-high, in middle school? (0:06:12.94)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : It's not like I have any
hobbies or talents, anyway.
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : I'm just a white bird, flying free. (0:06:19.11)
Yousuke Hirata : Next up... you! (0:06:22.50)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : Huh? Me? (0:06:26.17)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : No getting around it. (0:06:32.13)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : I'd better muster up the energy
to introduce myself.
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : For the sake of my school life. (0:06:37.73)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : Uh... (0:06:40.85)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : Um... (0:06:42.30)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : I'm Ayanokoji Kiyotaka. (0:06:43.83)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : Uh... (0:06:45.99)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : I look forward to studying with you. (0:06:47.57)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : Ah, um... (0:06:50.43)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : I'm not good at anything in particular. (0:06:53.03)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : Uh... (0:06:55.57)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : I'll work hard to get along with everyone. (0:06:57.26)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : I blew it. (0:07:04.44)
Yousuke Hirata : Nice to meet you, Ayanokoji-kun. (0:07:06.94)
Yousuke Hirata : Let's be good friends. (0:07:10.01)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : She laughed at me. (0:07:14.20)
Yousuke Hirata : Okay, next up... (0:07:15.86)
Ken Sudou : Introductions? Please. (0:07:18.73)
Ken Sudou : What are we, little kids? (0:07:20.71)
Ken Sudou : Do that if you want, but leave us out of it. (0:07:22.70)
Sae Chabashira : Everyone... (0:07:24.88)
Sae Chabashira : Take your seats. (0:07:27.56)
Sae Chabashira : I'm Chabashira Sae, and I'm the
homeroom teacher for Class D.
Sae Chabashira : There will be no changing
of classes in this school.
Sae Chabashira : I will be responsible for you for the
next three years, until you graduate.
Sae Chabashira : First, I'll hand out the school rule book. (0:07:45.34)
Sae Chabashira : Take one and pass it back. (0:07:48.74)
Sae Chabashira : We have special rules at this school. (0:07:52.24)
Sae Chabashira : First, you will live in dorms
and, while at school,
Sae Chabashira : your ability to leave campus and contact
the outside world will be limited.
Sae Chabashira : But don't worry. (0:08:04.00)
Sae Chabashira : The school offers a variety of facilities. (0:08:06.26)
Sae Chabashira : Everything you need can be found
here, including entertainment.
Sae Chabashira : To buy things, you'll use points stored
in the school's official computer system.
Sae Chabashira : At this school, you can
buy anything using points.
Sae Chabashira : Points are allotted on
the first of each month.
Sae Chabashira : One point is worth one yen. (0:08:28.05)
Sae Chabashira : You have already been allotted
100,000 points for this month.
Haruki Yamauchi : 100,000? (0:08:36.03)
Kanji Ike : Are you serious? (0:08:37.23)
Sae Chabashira : Are you surprised by the
size of your allotment?
Sae Chabashira : This school judges students based on merit. (0:08:43.64)
Sae Chabashira : You are attributed significant value
just for being accepted here.
EXTRA : Thank you very much! (0:08:55.38)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : It really does work like money. (0:08:57.91)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : Twenty-five students per class,
and four classes per grade...
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : That makes 300 students total. (0:09:05.05)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : If each student gets 100,000 yen per month, (0:09:07.53)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : that's 360 million per year. (0:09:10.57)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : Strange, even if it is government-funded... (0:09:13.32)
Suzune Horikita : Another unpleasant coincidence. (0:09:20.57)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : You don't have to be so twitchy. (0:09:22.74)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : Well, since we sit beside each other,
we should at least get along.
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : What's your name? (0:09:31.38)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : You can tell me that much, can't you? (0:09:35.73)
Suzune Horikita : Is it a problem if I refuse to answer? (0:09:38.46)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : No, but it's unsettling not to know the
name of the person sitting beside me.
Suzune Horikita : It's Horikita Suzune. (0:09:49.19)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : Horikita? (0:09:51.97)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : Like the student council president? (0:09:53.74)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : You're buying lots of cheap stuff. (0:09:59.87)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : You have a lot of money, though. (0:10:02.09)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : You could buy more expensive— (0:10:03.37)
Suzune Horikita : I don't need it. (0:10:04.78)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : But— (0:10:06.50)
Suzune Horikita : I don't need it , I told you. (0:10:07.09)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : Right. (0:10:10.20)
Suzune Horikita : You don't seem very good
at interacting with people.
Suzune Horikita : You're a lousy conversationalist. (0:10:15.50)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : That's true, although you
don't seem much better.
Suzune Horikita : True. But I, for one, feel
no need to make friends.
Suzune Horikita : Free? (0:10:27.93)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : I guess it's to help people
who use up their points?
Suzune Horikita : On top of 100,000 yen a month? (0:10:33.65)
Suzune Horikita : This school is quite indulgent. (0:10:36.31)
Ken Sudou : You looking down on me? Huh?! (0:10:37.24)
EXTRA : You're in Class 1-D, aren't you? (0:10:39.53)
Ken Sudou : And what if I am?! (0:10:43.57)
EXTRA : Now, that's no way to talk to your seniors. (0:10:45.04)
Ken Sudou : Shut up! (0:10:50.04)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : Huh? (0:10:50.56)
Ken Sudou : I don't care if you're my seniors! (0:10:51.29)
Ken Sudou : You want to fight or not?! (0:10:53.24)
Suzune Horikita : My integrity would take a dive
if I involved myself in that.
Ken Sudou : I'll take all three of you! (0:10:55.09)
Ken Sudou : Bring it on! (0:10:57.07)
EXTRA : We'll let you off easy today. (0:10:59.43)
EXTRA : You guys are already defective losers. (0:11:01.30)
EXTRA : If we knocked you any lower,
you'd just be pathetic.
Ken Sudou : Are you running away?! (0:11:05.69)
EXTRA : Scream all you want. (0:11:07.25)
EXTRA : The real hell is yet to come
for you people, anyway.
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : Hell? (0:11:12.52)
Ken Sudou : Damn it! (0:11:14.66)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : It wasn't long before groups
began to form within the class.
EXTRA : Kikyo-chan, let's get lunch together! (0:11:42.72)
Kikyou Kushida : Sorry, I've got some things to do. (0:11:46.03)
EXTRA : 'Twas a mere 80,000! We're to receive
100,000 every month, after all!
Kanji Ike : I bought tons of mobile games! (0:11:53.60)
EXTRA : I saw this accessory I really liked. (0:11:56.55)
Kei Karuizawa : Want to stop by after class? (0:11:58.70)
Kei Karuizawa : I wanna buy clothes, too. (0:11:59.99)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : I failed at making friends. (0:12:02.24)
Suzune Horikita : You're pitiful. (0:12:05.55)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : You're alone, too. (0:12:08.94)
Suzune Horikita : Yes, because I like to be alone. (0:12:10.70)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : Maybe I'll hit up the cafeteria... (0:12:18.47)
Kikyou Kushida : Um... Ayanokoji-kun, right? (0:12:22.36)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : Yeah. Um... (0:12:25.47)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : Kushida? (0:12:28.92)
Kikyou Kushida : Thanks! (0:12:29.90)
Kikyou Kushida : I'm so glad you remembered my name! (0:12:31.28)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : Yeah... I guess. (0:12:33.48)
Kikyou Kushida : Um... Can we talk? (0:12:35.98)
Kikyou Kushida : Ayanokoji-kun, you seem very
close to Horikita-san.
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : No, I wouldn't say that... (0:12:51.08)
Kikyou Kushida : But you're the only one she ever talks to. (0:12:53.75)
Kikyou Kushida : I want to be friends with everyone in school. (0:12:58.50)
Kikyou Kushida : So I asked Horikita-san for
her contact information,
Kikyou Kushida : but she turned me down... (0:13:06.95)
Kikyou Kushida : She said she doesn't want
to be friends with anyone.
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : Yeah, I think that's just how she is. (0:13:12.19)
Kikyou Kushida : But I want to be friends
with Horikita-san, too!
Kikyou Kushida : Won't you help me? (0:13:17.98)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : Help you? I don't... (0:13:20.08)
Kikyou Kushida : You... won't? (0:13:22.59)
Sae Chabashira : The head of the Yamato government
was known as the "o-kimi."
Sae Chabashira : He controlled the powerful families of
each region using the uji-kabane system.
Sae Chabashira : "Uji" referred to groups that
shared the same bloodline,
Sae Chabashira : while "kabane" referred to post and status. (0:13:39.79)
Sae Chabashira : In other words, it was a system where
bloodline determined one's post and status.
Sae Chabashira : That's all for today. (0:13:48.20)
Sae Chabashira : Please review the material thoroughly. (0:13:49.86)
Suzune Horikita : This school really is indulgent. (0:14:02.47)
Suzune Horikita : Students play around and nap in class,
but the teacher never calls them out.
Suzune Horikita : Is this really an advanced
school run by the government?
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : Maybe they want to encourage
student autonomy.
Suzune Horikita : Perhaps... (0:14:18.10)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : Hey. If you're on your way out,
would you come with me?
Suzune Horikita : What are you after? (0:14:26.51)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : Does an invitation from me
suggest an ulterior motive?
Suzune Horikita : If you'll tell me specifically what you
want, I'd be willing to hear you out.
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : You know that café in the mall, right? (0:14:36.17)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : The one where lots of girls hang out. (0:14:38.77)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : Would you go there with me? (0:14:40.89)
Suzune Horikita : Why me? (0:14:43.61)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : I'm not brave enough to go by myself. (0:14:45.94)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : It feels sort of "no boys allowed." (0:14:48.69)
Suzune Horikita : And there's no one else you can ask?
No, I suppose not...
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : It pains me to say it, but you're right. (0:14:55.97)
Suzune Horikita : It's quite crowded. (0:15:12.21)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : Is this your first time coming here, too? (0:15:13.90)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : Ah, right. You're a loner. (0:15:15.96)
Suzune Horikita : Was that a dig? You child. (0:15:18.15)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : That table's free. (0:15:21.77)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : You know, I wonder if we look
like a couple to the oth—
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : Yeah, probably not. (0:15:33.66)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : Thinking of what's about to happen
is making my stomach hurt.
EXTRA : Ready to go? (0:15:38.90)
EXTRA : Yeah. (0:15:39.88)
Kikyou Kushida : Horikita-san! (0:15:42.17)
Kikyou Kushida : What a coincidence! (0:15:44.09)
Kikyou Kushida : You, too, Ayanokoji-kun! (0:15:45.39)
Kikyou Kushida : Do you two come here often? (0:15:47.33)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : Today's our first time. (0:15:49.51)
Kikyou Kushida : I see. (0:15:51.51)
Kikyou Kushida : I'm here alone— (0:15:52.70)
Suzune Horikita : I'm leaving. (0:15:53.86)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : Hey, we only just got here. (0:15:55.39)
Suzune Horikita : If Kushida-san is here,
you don't need me, do you?
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : Well... Kushida and I are just classmates. (0:16:01.78)
Suzune Horikita : That's all you and I are, too. (0:16:06.11)
Suzune Horikita : Besides... (0:16:08.85)
Suzune Horikita : I don't like this. What are you after? (0:16:10.67)
Kikyou Kushida : C-Come on, it was just a coincidence... (0:16:13.78)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : Kushida, you should have said,
"What's that supposed to mean?"
Suzune Horikita : The girls who were sitting here,
and the two at the next table over,
Suzune Horikita : were all students from Class D. (0:16:25.96)
Suzune Horikita : Coincidence? (0:16:28.61)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : I'm impressed you recognized them. (0:16:29.55)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : I didn't even notice. (0:16:31.55)
Suzune Horikita : We came here right after class ended, (0:16:33.97)
Suzune Horikita : which means they could only have
been in this café for a few minutes.
Suzune Horikita : Too soon for them to be leaving. (0:16:41.81)
Kikyou Kushida : Um... (0:16:45.19)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : I'm sorry. We set you up. (0:16:49.31)
Suzune Horikita : I thought as much. (0:16:52.46)
Kikyou Kushida : Horikita-san! Please be my friend! (0:16:53.99)
Suzune Horikita : I want you to leave me alone. (0:16:58.21)
Suzune Horikita : I won't trouble the class. (0:17:00.93)
Kikyou Kushida : But you'll be lonely all by yourself... (0:17:04.61)
Suzune Horikita : I have never once felt lonely by myself. (0:17:08.33)
Suzune Horikita : You're wasting your time. (0:17:12.60)
Suzune Horikita : Every word that comes out
of your mouth disgusts me.
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : Hey, are you sure about this? (0:17:16.72)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : If you won't be friends with anyone,
you'll be alone for the next three years.
Suzune Horikita : I've been alone for the last
nine years, so I don't mind.
Suzune Horikita : Longer, if you include kindergarten. (0:17:28.12)
Kikyou Kushida : Sorry. I might have made
Horikita-san hate you...
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : Nah, don't worry about it. (0:17:38.81)
Kikyou Kushida : Maybe I can never be her friend... (0:17:42.36)
Kikyou Kushida : If I can't even make friends
with my own classmates,
Kikyou Kushida : I guess my goal is still far away. (0:17:52.38)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : I think Horikita's an exception, personally... (0:17:54.63)
EXTRA : Your hair is always so silky! (0:17:56.75)
Kikyou Kushida : Oh, it's Ichinose-san! (0:17:58.18)
Honami Ichinose : You think so? (0:17:58.77)
Kikyou Kushida : Ichinose Honami-san from Class B. (0:18:00.14)
Kikyou Kushida : We became friends yesterday. (0:18:02.58)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : You're even friends with
students in other classes?
Kikyou Kushida : Yeah! There are a lot of
nice people in Class B.
Kikyou Kushida : But this school is pretty amazing, huh? (0:18:14.10)
Kikyou Kushida : There are so many stores, and we
get 100,000 yen each month...
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : That amount seems a bit
excessive to me, though.
Kikyou Kushida : Yeah... You think so, too? (0:18:25.66)
Kikyou Kushida : And calling them points makes me
spend them without thinking.
Kikyou Kushida : It really messes with my sense of money. (0:18:31.75)
Kikyou Kushida : I want to be really careful
not to over-spend.
Kikyou Kushida : I'll buy the things I have to, of course. (0:18:41.38)
Kikyou Kushida : Daily necessities like soap and detergent... (0:18:44.10)
Kikyou Kushida : Underwear, and stuff... (0:18:47.51)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : Yeah, Horikita was doing the same thing. (0:18:51.24)
Kikyou Kushida : Oh? (0:18:54.15)
Kikyou Kushida : So you know how Horikita-san
spends her money?
Kikyou Kushida : You really are close, aren't you? (0:18:59.28)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : I just happened to see it. (0:19:01.73)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : Um, she's really close... (0:19:03.99)
Kikyou Kushida : Well, we'll just leave it at that. (0:19:11.01)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : It really is true, though... (0:19:13.67)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : 100,000 per month, huh? (0:19:29.43)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : Most students decided to make
the most of their school lives,
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : without thinking too deeply about anything. (0:19:37.63)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : Day after day, they blew through their monthly
allowance of 100,000 like it was nothing.
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : The teacher was very lenient, (0:19:46.86)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : so in-class conversations, napping, tardiness,
and absences became a daily occurrence.
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : Extravagance, debauchery,
and indolence were rampant.
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji : And then, May 1st arrived. (0:19:59.91)
EXTRA : Huh? What's going on? (0:20:03.97)
Kanji Ike : Really? You, too? (0:20:06.22)
Kei Karuizawa : How come? (0:20:07.97)
Sae Chabashira : Take your seats. (0:20:13.29)
Sae Chabashira : Morning homeroom will now begin. (0:20:15.00)
Haruki Yamauchi : Hey, teacher, we didn't get our points! (0:20:19.27)
Haruki Yamauchi : We're supposed to get them on the
first day of the month, right?
Sae Chabashira : No, this month's points have
already been allotted.
Haruki Yamauchi : But... (0:20:32.59)
Sae Chabashira : The points have been allotted. (0:20:34.12)
Sae Chabashira : I can say that for certain. (0:20:36.77)
Sae Chabashira : There is no chance that this class
has been overlooked, either.
Kanji Ike : But we didn't get any points! (0:20:42.63)
EXTRA : Yeah! (0:20:45.89)
Sae Chabashira : What a bunch of idiots you are. (0:20:50.21)
Sae Chabashira : A combined total of 98 tardies and absences. (0:20:55.52)
Sae Chabashira : 391 instances of talking
and cell phone usage in class.
Sae Chabashira : Quite a month's work. (0:21:05.02)
Sae Chabashira : At this school, your grades
and performance evaluations
Sae Chabashira : are reflected in the monthly
points you're given.
Sae Chabashira : My assessment of you (0:21:15.29)
Sae Chabashira : has resulted in the loss of all
100,000 points you were to be given.
Sae Chabashira : The points you're receiving for this month... (0:21:22.05)
Sae Chabashira : are zero. (0:21:25.55)
Kanji Ike : You mean I have to live
on no money this month?
Haruki Yamauchi : Wh-What the heck? (0:21:30.58)
Haruki Yamauchi : No one told us that... (0:21:33.77)
Sae Chabashira : Did you really think that
mere high school students
Sae Chabashira : were going to be given 100,000 yen a
month to spend without a single catch?
Sae Chabashira : That's absurd. (0:21:45.82)
Sae Chabashira : Use your common sense. (0:21:47.61)
Sae Chabashira : If you had doubts, why did
you do nothing about them?
Sae Chabashira : I told you on the first day, didn't I? (0:21:56.15)
Sae Chabashira : This school judges students based on merit. (0:21:59.00)
Sae Chabashira : Which means you're all worth nothing. (0:22:04.66)
Sae Chabashira : You're garbage. (0:22:09.22)

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