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Hermes Costello : You three, don't take another step! (0:00:15.01)
Hermes Costello : Step away from the water! (0:00:18.05)
Hermes Costello : Don't try to pull anything on us. (0:00:20.22)
Hermes Costello : I know one of you did this! (0:00:23.02)
Tanned Prisoner : Did what? (0:00:29.15)
Hermes Costello : The one who killed the guard
and tried to drown us!
Hermes Costello : I know it's one of you! (0:00:33.61)
Hermes Costello : We really need to figure out who snuck in, (0:00:35.20)
Hermes Costello : or we're all toast! (0:00:38.49)
Shaved-Head Prisoner : What are you talking about? (0:00:40.41)
Hermes Costello : I said don't move. (0:00:42.04)
Hermes Costello : Atroe said she didn't recognize you. (0:00:44.41)
Hermes Costello : What about you two? (0:00:50.71)
Hermes Costello : Do you recall seeing her from the start? (0:00:52.80)
Shaved-Head Prisoner : I don't recall your faces either. (0:00:57.55)
Tanned Prisoner : Come on, you know I've been here
right from the start.
Black-Haired Prisoner : I don't remember your face. (0:01:04.43)
Tanned Prisoner : Hey! (0:01:07.02)
Tanned Prisoner : No one remembers you either, bitch. (0:01:07.94)
Black-Haired Prisoner : I'm the one who called help
over the radio just now.
Tanned Prisoner : You could be trying to trick us. (0:01:12.78)
Jolyne Cujoh : Wait a second. (0:01:14.49)
Jolyne Cujoh : You, with the black hair. (0:01:15.61)
Jolyne Cujoh : You've got a nosebleed. (0:01:17.24)
Black-Haired Prisoner : What the… (0:01:22.04)
Jolyne Cujoh : I couldn't see well, but… (0:01:22.95)
Jolyne Cujoh : Ermes, when I punched
the enemy Stand earlier,
Jolyne Cujoh : someone almost collapsed. (0:01:28.67)
Hermes Costello : Step back. (0:01:32.21)
Hermes Costello : Stand away from the water. (0:01:34.59)
Black-Haired Prisoner : Hold on, you've got it all wrong! (0:01:36.26)
Black-Haired Prisoner : This bitch punched my face just now! (0:01:38.22)
Black-Haired Prisoner : Look at her! She's bleeding too. (0:01:41.60)
Tanned Prisoner : What the hell? (0:01:48.02)
Tanned Prisoner : Her tooth scratched my arm! (0:01:49.65)
Tanned Prisoner : I was definitely here
right from the start.
Tanned Prisoner : The culprit is one of these two! (0:01:54.19)
Tanned Prisoner : Listen, I remember what happened
with that crocodile warden!
Tanned Prisoner : You're the one who caused a scene! (0:02:00.78)
Hermes Costello : She did do that. (0:02:04.66)
Black-Haired Prisoner : You guys are just as suspicious… (0:02:05.70)
Hermes Costello : Jolyne! (0:02:11.96)
Hermes Costello : Was it this bitch that attacked us? (0:02:15.34)
Hermes Costello : How did you figure it out? (0:02:18.34)
Jolyne Cujoh : Well, to be honest,
I have no clue who the killer is.
Jolyne Cujoh : So I'll just beat you all up! (0:02:24.81)
Shaved-Head Prisoner : You… (0:02:32.90)
Shaved-Head Prisoner : You bitch! (0:02:34.40)
Hermes Costello : She's… (0:02:36.61)
Tanned Prisoner : I was going to finish you off
one by one in the water.
Black-Haired Prisoner : Who would've guessed (0:02:45.58)
Black-Haired Prisoner : she had a thread ability (0:02:48.20)
Black-Haired Prisoner : and would survive the attack? (0:02:50.67)
Hermes Costello : Just what are these people? (0:02:52.92)
Hermes Costello : They all killed him? (0:02:55.42)
Hermes Costello : What's going on? (0:02:57.59)
Hermes Costello : Who's the actual Stand User? (0:02:59.26)
Shaved-Head Prisoner : You're wrong. (0:03:02.30)
Black-Haired Prisoner : One Stand User (0:03:13.94)
Black-Haired Prisoner : for each Stand ability. (0:03:16.40)
Tanned Prisoner : The women who were here from the start (0:03:20.49)
Tanned Prisoner : were the black-haired
and the shaved-head one.
Tanned Prisoner : I finished them off
because they approached the tractor.
Tanned Prisoner : I then took over their body and mind. (0:03:36.29)
Tanned Prisoner : This body, I created it… (0:03:39.76)
Foo Fighters : using the missing inmates' flesh! (0:03:44.43)
Hermes Costello : The black sludge
is gathering from those two.
Foo Fighters : The divided parts of me
have now formed into one.
Foo Fighters : For the ability and the intellect
Pale Snake's discs have enabled me,
Foo Fighters : I will protect myself at any cost. (0:05:41.59)
Foo Fighters : It is my duty (0:05:45.55)
Foo Fighters : to eliminate those
who approach the storage shed.
Hermes Costello : Dammit. (0:05:52.22)
Hermes Costello : Where is the Stand User? (0:05:53.47)
Jolyne Cujoh : You're misunderstanding it, Ermes. (0:05:55.89)
Jolyne Cujoh : He is the Stand User himself. (0:05:57.69)
Hermes Costello : What? (0:06:00.31)
Jolyne Cujoh : He is an organism. (0:06:01.40)
Jolyne Cujoh : He is a living creature (0:06:04.11)
Jolyne Cujoh : who received life and power
through the discs.
Jolyne Cujoh : The guard of the discs wasn't human. (0:06:08.78)
Hermes Costello : A living creature? (0:06:12.24)
Hermes Costello : You mean, that conglomeration
of those tiny things?
Jolyne Cujoh : It must be using the water
in the bodies of its victims
Jolyne Cujoh : to move on land and guard the shed. (0:06:22.75)
Jolyne Cujoh : It stays on land
by dividing and multiplying.
Jolyne Cujoh : However, as a car needs gasoline, (0:06:29.88)
Jolyne Cujoh : it needs water to live. (0:06:33.01)
Jolyne Cujoh : To acquire the discs, (0:06:34.97)
Jolyne Cujoh : we need to keep this creature
out of the water and defeat it!
Hermes Costello : But Jolyne, (0:06:42.06)
Hermes Costello : how can a tiny flea-like thing talk? (0:06:43.44)
Foo Fighters : F.F. (0:06:48.78)
Foo Fighters : Call me by my name! (0:06:50.49)
Foo Fighters : An astronomer named Fred Hoyle once said, (0:06:55.37)
Foo Fighters : "It is probabilistically wrong to assume
that life was born spontaneously on Earth.
Foo Fighters : The power of intellect
already existed in this universe,
Foo Fighters : and it created the origin of life." (0:07:12.09)
Foo Fighters : Meaning intellect existed
long before the Big Bang,
Foo Fighters : and all substances and organisms
already possessed intellect.
Hermes Costello : What is he blabbering on about? (0:07:23.98)
Jolyne Cujoh : He's trying to say that humans
are not the only ones with intellect.
Jolyne Cujoh : Even plankton have memory-- (0:07:32.70)
Foo Fighters : I told you to call me F.F.! (0:07:34.82)
Foo Fighters : I am a being
of superior intellect than you!
Jolyne Cujoh : This is bad. (0:07:41.21)
Jolyne Cujoh : He's trying to hide the discs
before we can get to them.
Jolyne Cujoh : If he buries them underground,
we'll never be able to find them!
Hermes Costello : Jolyne, we're in trouble here.
Look behind you.
Hermes Costello : That's the creature
that attacked us from the water.
Hermes Costello : He's trying to drag the guard's body. (0:07:57.89)
Hermes Costello : Remember the bracelet? (0:08:00.73)
Hermes Costello : We must stay within 50 meters of it. (0:08:02.14)
Hermes Costello : It's over, Jolyne. (0:08:05.52)
Hermes Costello : Let's give up on the discs. (0:08:06.98)
Hermes Costello : We must get the guard's body! (0:08:08.65)
Hermes Costello : The bracelet will explode. (0:08:12.99)
Jolyne Cujoh : I'll leave the bracelet to you, Ermes. (0:08:16.78)
Hermes Costello : What? (0:08:22.21)
Jolyne Cujoh : While I run 50 meters, (0:08:23.62)
Jolyne Cujoh : you protect the guard's body (0:08:26.08)
Jolyne Cujoh : and drag it within my safety range! (0:08:27.84)
Jolyne Cujoh : That's the only way! (0:08:31.09)
Hermes Costello : Hey, I said wait! (0:08:32.38)
Hermes Costello : What a woman. (0:08:34.05)
Hermes Costello : She's nuts! (0:08:35.72)
Hermes Costello : Why would she leave that to me? (0:08:37.22)
Hermes Costello : But, dammit. (0:08:42.48)
Hermes Costello : If it takes the guard's body, (0:08:45.10)
Hermes Costello : then it's over for Jolyne and me. (0:08:46.85)
Hermes Costello : I need to act now! (0:08:51.48)
Hermes Costello : I did it, dammit. (0:09:05.62)
Hermes Costello : But I'll never use the sticker
like this ever again.
Hermes Costello : I'll never create another arm for myself. (0:09:15.63)
Hermes Costello : This will hurt, dammit. (0:09:21.01)
Hermes Costello : I just have to carry him
within 50 meters of the shed…
Hermes Costello : Water. (0:09:35.40)
Hermes Costello : You little worm! (0:09:41.99)
Hermes Costello : That holler… (0:09:55.63)
Hermes Costello : You think you've won? (0:09:57.55)
Hermes Costello : This is the corpse
your original dried out to the bone.
Hermes Costello : This corpse has zero moisture. (0:10:08.02)
Hermes Costello : My sticker has split it into two. (0:10:10.23)
Hermes Costello : When I remove the sticker… (0:10:13.48)
Hermes Costello : You sure absorb water like a tampon. (0:10:22.66)
Hermes Costello : Or should I say,
a drop of water in a desert?
Hermes Costello : Shut up! You're in the way! (0:10:31.33)
Hermes Costello : Scram! (0:10:34.25)
Hermes Costello : Jolyne. (0:10:41.76)
Hermes Costello : We need to dehydrate it. (0:10:42.85)
Hermes Costello : That's the only way to win
against these tiny bastards.
Foo Fighters : You made it in time. (0:11:09.08)
Foo Fighters : Either way, I will kill you two. (0:11:11.25)
Foo Fighters : I was planning to ask you questions
after hiding these discs.
Foo Fighters : But very well. (0:11:20.09)
Foo Fighters : Let me ask you this. (0:11:21.18)
Foo Fighters : Will you jump into the puddle? (0:11:25.30)
Foo Fighters : Or will you try to run? (0:11:28.02)
Foo Fighters : Which death do you prefer? (0:11:29.98)
Jolyne Cujoh : I have questions as well. (0:11:35.11)
Jolyne Cujoh : The one who knows what you are. (0:11:37.53)
Jolyne Cujoh : Is it Pale Snake? (0:11:40.74)
Jolyne Cujoh : Also, (0:11:42.57)
Jolyne Cujoh : what is his aim and reason
for collecting the discs?
Foo Fighters : How interesting. (0:11:47.79)
Foo Fighters : I understand the logic
behind an offensive defense.
Foo Fighters : And fighting to protect your friends, (0:11:53.21)
Foo Fighters : I can't relate,
but it's also within reason.
Foo Fighters : However, I don't understand
why you'd come here to die.
Foo Fighters : Well, Pale Snake, was it? (0:12:05.64)
Foo Fighters : Who knows? I've never seen him. (0:12:08.68)
Foo Fighters : You thought I was distracted, you fool? (0:12:16.65)
Foo Fighters : These puddles are already a part of me! (0:12:21.74)
Foo Fighters : Did you plan to break this bag of flour (0:12:31.45)
Foo Fighters : and absorb water? (0:12:34.21)
Foo Fighters : Either way, (0:12:36.42)
Foo Fighters : I fully understand my ability (0:12:37.92)
Foo Fighters : and have created
the optimal environment for myself.
Foo Fighters : It may not be so bad (0:12:44.72)
Foo Fighters : to use your body as a host for a while. (0:12:47.05)
Jolyne Cujoh : No. (0:12:49.97)
Jolyne Cujoh : You've already lost. (0:12:51.10)
Jolyne Cujoh : This environment you've created
by spilling water everywhere…
Jolyne Cujoh : It will lead to your defeat. (0:12:59.98)
Jolyne Cujoh : You didn't even hear me
start the tractor using my threads.
Jolyne Cujoh : The sound was drowned by the water. (0:13:14.87)
Jolyne Cujoh : You got distracted with killing me. (0:13:17.00)
Jolyne Cujoh : And now, you've failed to guard the discs. (0:13:19.84)
Foo Fighters : You… Damn you! (0:13:24.42)
Foo Fighters : I cannot allow you to have them! (0:13:33.14)
Foo Fighters : Those discs are my… (0:13:34.85)
Hermes Costello : The dirt in the field
is much softer than that of the wetlands.
Hermes Costello : Water is getting absorbed from its body. (0:13:49.82)
Hermes Costello : And there won't be water at the end point! (0:13:52.66)
Foo Fighters : I won't let you lay
a single finger on those discs--
Hermes Costello : Jolyne won this battle of wits. (0:14:04.96)
Hermes Costello : The discs don't belong to you anymore. (0:14:07.47)
Hermes Costello : You're finished! (0:14:13.14)
Hermes Costello : Dry up and become feed for the crops! (0:14:15.06)
Hermes Costello : Jolyne. (0:14:23.07)
Hermes Costello : Jolyne, what the hell are you doing? (0:14:37.62)
Jolyne Cujoh : I'll give it water. (0:14:40.00)
Jolyne Cujoh : Let's just say, (0:14:41.42)
Jolyne Cujoh : I'm saving it. (0:14:42.92)
Hermes Costello : What? (0:14:44.42)
Jolyne Cujoh : F.F. (0:14:45.42)
Jolyne Cujoh : He wasn't guarding the discs
out of loyalty to Pale Snake.
Jolyne Cujoh : I know that now. (0:14:51.97)
Jolyne Cujoh : Though it knows its body will wither away, (0:14:53.93)
Jolyne Cujoh : it chased after the discs. (0:14:57.77)
Jolyne Cujoh : It was guarding the discs
to protect its own existence.
Jolyne Cujoh : The discs gave it ability and intellect. (0:15:04.57)
Jolyne Cujoh : It risked his life for the gratitude
it has, to be able to exist.
Jolyne Cujoh : It could care less about Pale Snake. (0:15:14.49)
Hermes Costello : Hey, you want to save it? (0:15:18.70)
Hermes Costello : It killed five people! (0:15:20.66)
Hermes Costello : And it's literally not human! (0:15:23.38)
Jolyne Cujoh : If it's not human, (0:15:26.46)
Jolyne Cujoh : then it doesn't understand evil. (0:15:28.80)
Jolyne Cujoh : Pale Snake is the evil one. (0:15:31.55)
Jolyne Cujoh : Pale Snake only gave it the information
that would allow him to take advantage.
Hermes Costello : What? (0:15:38.72)
Jolyne Cujoh : And I have another reason
for saving its life.
Jolyne Cujoh : I made a deal with you. (0:15:44.52)
Jolyne Cujoh : These discs, I want you to keep them safe. (0:15:46.44)
Jolyne Cujoh : But do it for us. (0:15:50.86)
Jolyne Cujoh : Keep them out of Pale Snake's hands. (0:15:53.86)
Jolyne Cujoh : My intention is not to take
those discs from you.
Jolyne Cujoh : I only want my father's discs back. (0:16:02.58)
Jolyne Cujoh : And I want to know
what Pale Snake is scheming to do.
Jolyne Cujoh : Well? Will you help us? (0:16:09.71)
Jolyne Cujoh : But no more killing humans. (0:16:12.55)
Hermes Costello : Dammit. (0:16:16.97)
Hermes Costello : You really are something. (0:16:17.97)
Foo Fighters : I don't quite understand your feelings, (0:16:20.47)
Foo Fighters : but I no longer feel like fighting. (0:16:24.48)
Foo Fighters : And, I have lost… completely. (0:16:26.77)
Jolyne Cujoh : So the discs really
were stored in the tire!
Jolyne Cujoh : We finally found them! (0:16:57.51)
Jolyne Cujoh : This is Star Platinum! (0:16:59.68)
Hermes Costello : Jolyne! (0:17:03.52)
Hermes Costello : Are you okay? Hey! (0:17:06.10)
Jolyne Cujoh : I have no doubt about it. (0:17:09.19)
Jolyne Cujoh : This is Star Platinum's disc. (0:17:10.77)
Jolyne Cujoh : My father, Jotaro Kujo,
can be resuscitated with it.
Jolyne Cujoh : It's finally in my hand! (0:17:17.16)
Hermes Costello : But I don't see his memory disc. (0:17:18.70)
Hermes Costello : Where could it be? (0:17:24.62)
Foo Fighters : Hey. (0:17:26.83)
Foo Fighters : If I jump out of that window,
do you think I'll die?
Foo Fighters : Come on, it's just me. (0:17:35.72)
Foo Fighters : It's me! (0:17:38.18)
Foo Fighters : F.F., just call me that. (0:17:40.30)
Foo Fighters : I recovered whatever remained of her. (0:17:47.06)
Foo Fighters : I wore another inmate's bracelet. (0:17:50.65)
Foo Fighters : I want to use this body
as a host for a while.
Foo Fighters : This hand is useless, though. (0:17:57.20)
Jolyne Cujoh : Take over her life? (0:18:01.24)
Jolyne Cujoh : You mean, (0:18:03.33)
Jolyne Cujoh : you'll live in her cell as a prisoner? (0:18:05.25)
Foo Fighters : Jolyne, (0:18:08.54)
Foo Fighters : I want to protect you. (0:18:09.88)
Foo Fighters : According to the memory in this body,
her name is Atroe.
Foo Fighters : Inmate number FE39423. (0:18:17.72)
Foo Fighters : Her childhood dream was to get kidnapped. (0:18:21.22)
Foo Fighters : But when she grew up,
she ended up kidnapping a child.
Foo Fighters : She wasn't after the ransom. (0:18:29.81)
Foo Fighters : She doesn't know why she did it. (0:18:32.23)
Foo Fighters : What the… (0:18:34.07)
Foo Fighters : Your arms are bleeding. (0:18:35.07)
Foo Fighters : Do they hurt? (0:18:40.24)
Foo Fighters : But I can't heal them. (0:18:41.74)
Hermes Costello : -What the hell?
Jolyne Cujoh : -What the hell?
Foo Fighters : Water! (0:18:51.96)
Hermes Costello : You might want to wait
on going inside the prison.
Hermes Costello : How about practicing
drinking from a cup first?
Foo Fighters : A cup? (0:19:04.10)
Foo Fighters : That's a piece of cake! (0:19:05.47)
Foo Fighters : Drinking from a cup is nothing. (0:19:08.10)
Hermes Costello : Gross. (0:19:10.52)
Jolyne Cujoh : Hey, I wanted to ask you about Pale Snake. (0:19:11.90)
Jolyne Cujoh : Does he come to this shed often? (0:19:16.53)
Foo Fighters : No, he barely swings by. (0:19:19.65)
Foo Fighters : I've never seen his user either. (0:19:22.61)
Foo Fighters : The discs stored here
are the ones he doesn't use.
Foo Fighters : No matter how strong the Stand, (0:19:28.70)
Foo Fighters : the body rejects the disc
if you're incompatible.
Foo Fighters : So all the discs are
the ones he cannot use.
Foo Fighters : He must have another hiding place
for the important ones.
Foo Fighters : And that's why (0:19:43.05)
Foo Fighters : the memory disc you're seeking
isn't in this pile.
Foo Fighters : What he really wanted from your father (0:19:48.06)
Foo Fighters : wasn't an invincible Stand ability (0:19:51.89)
Foo Fighters : but his memory. (0:19:54.52)
Foo Fighters : It must be one hell of a secret. (0:19:56.36)
Jolyne Cujoh : Secret… (0:19:59.03)
Foo Fighters : The guards are here. (0:20:04.45)
Hermes Costello : What are you going to do, Jolyne? (0:20:07.58)
Hermes Costello : You have the Star Platinum disc. (0:20:09.33)
Jolyne Cujoh : My next step (0:20:12.12)
Jolyne Cujoh : is to deliver this to the foundation (0:20:14.46)
Jolyne Cujoh : treating my father. (0:20:17.59)
Jolyne Cujoh : If I don't resuscitate him soon, (0:20:20.92)
Jolyne Cujoh : his body will begin to rot. (0:20:22.76)
Jolyne Cujoh : And I'll find his memory disc (0:20:25.59)
Jolyne Cujoh : no matter what it takes. (0:20:27.89)
Hermes Costello : Deliver it outside of this prison. (0:20:30.06)
Hermes Costello : It's harder to get things
out of here than in.
Hermes Costello : And the guards will soon
conduct a body check.
Foo Fighters : Let me see that disc for a sec. (0:20:39.48)
Foo Fighters : I'll just make my boobs a bit bigger. (0:20:44.32)
Foo Fighters : Ta-da. (0:20:50.66)
Jolyne Cujoh : F.F., raise your hands or you'll get shot. (0:20:55.00)
Jolyne Cujoh : Ermes, you too. (0:20:58.13)
Jolyne Cujoh : The guard was attacked by a crocodile. (0:21:01.42)
Jolyne Cujoh : We saved him. (0:21:03.97)
Jolyne Cujoh : We don't know what happened
to the other inmates.
Jolyne Cujoh : That's the story we're sticking to, okay? (0:21:09.18)
Whitesnake : She was just bait. (0:21:28.24)
Whitesnake : Jolyne was just bait to attract Jotaro. (0:21:30.49)
Whitesnake : I believed she would be harmless. (0:21:34.45)
Whitesnake : Jolyne Cujoh. (0:21:37.75)
Whitesnake : Did she defeat the guard
by herself and take the discs?
Whitesnake : Could it be that the surviving inmates (0:21:44.26)
Whitesnake : aided Jolyne? (0:21:47.68)
EXTRA : Hey, it's already sundown. (0:21:51.10)
EXTRA : You must return to the prison soon. (0:21:54.18)
EXTRA : Are you that worried
about the missing inmates,
EXTRA : Father Pucchi? (0:22:06.15)
Enrico Pucci : A moment, please. (0:22:08.28)
Enrico Pucci : I will be staying here
until I give the sacrament on Sunday.

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